Thursday 7 June 2012

Next Steps for the Planet

I have taken Next Steps in my personal life, back to my old home town (in Southern California), after some 36 years as an expatriate, mostly in Scotland, some Down Under in Australia. I have come back because it's time to get back to work in my home country, in helping it fulfill its highest, spiritual potential - NOT its potential as just another failed Republic, in the mould of what became the Roman Empire. Over-extended, it collapsed. I don't want to see that happen to 'the last, best hope on Earth'. But the U.S. has some hard decisions to make, to avoid the path that it is on at present, leading into that very same historical dark hole. I have given this all some thought, and want to summarize my 'take' on it all here.

I have written a couple of essays (more, actually; but two in particular) leading up to this summation of my thoughts on the subject of Next Steps for the Planet. I entitled them 'The State of the Nation - Parts 1 and 2'. In them I go into the current state of affairs in my home country. I may post them here at some point; but I feel the need, here and now, to 'cut to the chase', and share my perspectives on this particular subject. As follow-on to those essays, I begin it thusly:

So, given the state of the nation AND the world at this time, of great Crisis, what do I see happening.

 I see great Opportunity happening, with our minds wonderfully concentrated as they are now. And given that there is all manner of contact possible with the unseen realms,1 Man can be given leads to future outcomes from all manner of sources. The 'trick' will be to separate the wheat from the chaff; for not all of such information is of the highest order.

Consider your sources.

I would trust, e.g., David Spangler, and his sources. (And speaking of: I wonder whatever happened to Limitless Love and Truth??...)2  However, we don't have to resort to either 'sensitives' or ouija boards and the like. (Dangerous stuff; especially the latter.) We can resort to a good dose of common sense. And speaking of; the bottom line in all this 'life' stuff:

Either there is a 'God' - and all that that 'concept' implies, about life and the universe - or there is not. If there is not, then nothing really matters anyway, and one might as well live one's life exclusively for oneself, independent of the effect on others of that pursuit, as not; for the end of the closed system of life can, then, as easily be seen as that as anything else, a presumed evolutionary advantage in some sort of cooperation with others, or whatever. if there is, however, then certain things follow; and one of the most important of those is that we should be living our lives as if were true, and not as if it were not, as we - largely - are doing at present, in a too-easy 'win' for materialists.3

 It follows, for another thing, that there is Plan in and Purpose - i.e., meaning - to life. And it would behoove us to find out what that is. Otherwise, we are 'flying blind,' as it were. And that, really, makes no sense.

It's time to make more sense of life. Before we make a right mess of it. Along the lines that we already have, and are doing at present.

As to 'making more sense of life': It's all really very simple, in its essence.

A dedicated seeker of Truth4 will soon find that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence for the fact of reincarnation; that therefore we are one another, simply playing parts, and exchanging parts, in a drama of our making. I won't go into all that evidence - or any of it, for that matter - here; I start my short take on Things Relevant To Life from that premise. Which premise will see us through to a New Age - a Golden Age - coming to a theater (of operations) near you; in fact, to the very stage that you and I are on as we speak.

What's different, incidentally, between now and all these years that a number of cultures on the planet have already believed in the concept of reincarnation?

Because it's time, historically and cosmically, for an upgrade of life on Earth. A New Era; one of Synthesis, of all that has gone before.5

But for now, back to the 'argument'. Although there is no argument, really. It's fact. And the fact is, that this phenomenon is what gives us the essential key to our Golden Age future on this lovely planet.


 f we are just playing - and exchanging - parts (now a prince, now a pauper; now a male now a female; now of one race or religion or nationality, now another,6 then, truly, We Are (simply) One Another. Some part of Us is experiencing Us in individuation - we humans call it a soul. But obviously, beneath that 'surface' - and the surface on which we are just exchanging parts, in the drama, the illusion, of life - We Are, in actual essence, One.

One Being. Experiencing Itself.

So now let's look at a ramification of that reality, on this level of existence (one of its 'implications' that I mentioned at the beginning of this little treatise on Life). I call it an update, and upgrade, of The Golden Rule, for our time and place, and level of consciousness. Instead of the idea/concept, to Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (not a bad idea/concept, in its own right; but not 'complete' enough for our time and place, now), let's update it to our time and place, and level of consciousness - of awareness - to:

As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself.

For We Are All One.

And All IS One.

And so we have in this concept - this awareness - the makings of a new social order - strike that; bad word, for its associations; a new social construct to live our - seemingly - separate lives within, and attitude to live our - seemingly - separate - lives by. All of it based on the concept of cooperation (with parts of ourselves); not competition any longer.

That worked for its day and age, in a time of scarcity and low technology and limited consciousness. But it was based on training wheels, for the real thing, the real ride, the real vehicle to operate our society by now: the training wheels of interest-bearing money on the one hand, and fractional-reserve banking on the other.

 A way to do things. But not the way. And not the highest, most spiritually conscious way. It's time, and in this age of globalization (an aspect of the now-to-be-acknowledged fact that We Are All One), to let the training wheels go, and operate our social vehicle by another motive power. Not the one of 'profit'; which has had some success, to give it its due, but which has generated such a high degrees of 'internal contradictions' (to use a Marxist term) that it is about to collapse in on itself anyway. Rather, to do things - share goods and services with one another; and give of our best in the process - out of a higher motive. Out of the highest motive possible: out of gratitude to our Creator (of which we individually and collectively are a Part) for life with meaning.

Out of, in a word: Love.

And for its being a gift to Ourselves as well (by definition, if nothing else).

'Its', being the giving of our best in the process of our unfolding out human, and spiritual, potentials, individually, and collectively.

Like unto becoming Gods in our own right.

Once we get the hang of the process.

And so - (essentially moneyless) Golden Age: here we come. Not for its own sake. But for the lessons we have learned along the Way.7

And with still more to come.

You may be thinking at this point: Is there no end to this business of learning?? 

The answer lies within.

To be drawn forth from. By you; by others, in mutual support for growth along the Path. And by your spirit guides and helpers.

But that's another subject.8

And NOTE: The concept of a moneyless society and system should not be as outlandish an idea as it may seem at first blush. Both Jacque Fresco and Peter Joseph - at and respectively - have given it considerable thought, and worked out many of the details. They just haven't taken the idea into its spiritual dimensions; particularly as to the motivating factor for people's support for the idea and process. That's the missing key, to open the door consciously to this New Era, awaiting humanity, when they set their minds - and hearts, and souls - to it.

And a main corollary for this move out of the Old into the New is the removal of the moneychangers from the power to run, and rule, the world. The Temple of Life deserves to be in better hands, and hearts, now, than with those who are 'in it' just for themselves as their primary motivating factor. 'Me first, and the devil take the hindmost' is no longer to be the motto in the land of this new kingdom. That, rather, is to be something more like: 'It's a pleasure to serve you. Which, of course, is allowing me to serve me as well' - said, and felt, and done, with a smile.



 1 See, e.g., Colin Wilson's comprehensive tome 'Supernatural: Your guide through the unexplained, the unearthly and the unknown'.

 2 the source of his book 'Revelation: The Birth of a New Age'. From the '70s, and still a major work in this oeuvre (if that's the correct word).

 3 As to materialists, and the concept of 'evolutionary advantages': I am aware that Richard Dawkins ('The God Delusion' et al) has addressed this idea with some cogent commentary. All valid stuff. So how do I feel about the likes of Prof. Dawkins and his take on the life thing? Answer: He's a scientist; and, apparently, a 'good' one, i.e., one with an open, searching mind; not bound by dogma (hopefully). He'll come around to the larger picture of things, once he becomes exposed to the facts.

 4 and I consider myself as such, and qualifying as such, having engaged in some 57 years of a concentrated dose of the stuff

 5 I see a lot of truth in the Hegelian concept of a dialectical process in the unfolding of history; i.e., of a 'thesis' generating an 'antithesis', out of which dynamic grows a 'synthesis', which then becomes a 'thesis' in its own right, for another turn up the spiral. Until a plateau in the process is reached. With the polarities of 'religion' vs 'science', and individual nations vs globalization into something more akin to Oneness (economically, if nothing else), now having reached a crescendo point, it is time for breakthrough into a higher level of understanding of where we are at historically. Which 'just so happens' to coincide with a major cosmic Turning Point in the Earth's history as well. We are both - Earth and Human - on the verge of something that could be called (and is, by some students of the subject) Ascension. To a higher level of consciousness. Of, in essence, our Being.

 6 with the attendant Law of Karma playing a role of its own (so to speak :-) ) in all of this. This business of the Wheel of Rebirth. Giving us glorified hamsters some exercise...oops. I give away my essential loyalties...
      I jest, a bit. The whole play is for a purpose: for us, individually and collectively, to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually from the experience. But let's not get stuck in the process - get caught up in the lower grades. It's time for graduate school. For more on which, read on.
      But just quickly, before doing so; as to the 'issue', of "now a male, now a female," 'and what about homosexuality etc' (LGBT& whatever other category may yet be added to the Rainbow Coalition): there are both karmic and environmental factors implicated in this 'issue', which is too big an issue to go into here. Suffice it to say, at this point, that much of this 'gender disorientation' going on these days especially will be cleared up when we have 'cleaned up our act' environmentally, and will stop creating the loam for such anomalies.

 7 As to the "essentially moneyless" bit: All you - we - need is a system of credits and debits, like a glorified LETS system, to keep track of people's records.
      I know that many who are following political things closely these days, and are - justly - concerned about how TPTB (The Powers That Were, according to David Wilcock.  Let's hope so) are trying to entrap us into their fascist-like New World Order (and would like nothing more than to put us all into a state of dependency on them, and their ability to cut off our access to money independent of their control), may be disturbed by this idea; but (1) read on; and (2) there's nothing wrong with the idea per se. Only in how it might be used, by people with inferior consciousness. But that's not where we're going. We're going through that stage of human development, up to a higher register. That's the whole point, of moving up, now, into a Golden Age.

 8 A good place to start on that one: 'The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death' by Michael Reccia (& group)

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