Friday 8 June 2012

The Lotus from the Mud

Part 1 - The Issue of Usurpation

I'm not sure why so many U.S. citizens seem to think that this business of serious questions and matters regarding the background of Barack Hussein Obama (as he calls himself at this time in his life) isn't an issue.  Falsifying documents; hiding documents; lying...this is an issue, and it won't go away until it is dealt with.

By impeachment proceedings?  No.  That would be to buy into the deception, give it some semblance of legitimacy.  BHO is not legally the president; thus, he shouldn't be given the veneer, the appearance of being the president.  He is a usurper; and needs to be dealt with as what he is: a usurper.*

Which is to say: as a criminal.  To be charged for such crimes as falsifying documents - or at least for being complicit in those crimes; for attaining a considerable amount from the commission of those crimes; for being a liar and a con man, obtaining (with murky help; to be investigated as well) ID documents fraudulently...the charge list goes on.

I have heard it argued that 'George W' - the recent George W - 'won reelection with a fraudulent vote count, so what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander'.  First of all, if that charge of illegality is true, why wasn't it followed up on.  Is it because both sides of the political aisle are guilty of voter fraud, and an investigation into such matters might expose that, as 'the way the game is played'?  And secondly: Two wrongs don't make a right.

Corruption itself needs to go.  Before the New can fully take hold.  And that's across the board.  The dismissal of BHO from the office of the presidency is only the beginning of a clean sweep of the federal government (to include the removal of the current Congress from office, for being accessories to and after the fact of the crime of usurpation; with new elections to be called for 'within a time certain').  And I would encourage the citizenry to apply a similar broom to their state and local governments as well.  A clean sweep from power of the 'business as usual' crowd, and mentality.

It's time for a change, alright.  Real change.  Lasting change.  To herald humanity's entry into a New Era.  An era of living in more harmony with, and alignment with, our Creator's wish for us.  Not just to live in peace, and prosperity.  But to live in accordance with divine Law.  Which in its essence is to treat one another as we would treat ourselves.

For we are one another.

And We Are All One.

And All IS One.

And corruption has no place in the purity - the pure essence - of that Oneness, when we start living on that higher level of consciousness.  Like a beautiful lotus flower, growing out of the compost of the past.

* I won't go here into the details of that debate.  The bottom line of it is the intention of the Founding Fathers, in requiring a higher standard of citizenship for the office of the presidency - which person is also the Commander in Chief of the military forces of the nation, and so needs to be someone with no risk of dual loyalties or allegiances (and ESPECIALLY not to Britain, with whom the fledgling  Republic had just fought a hard-earned war of independence, and wasn't about to slip under its thumb once again), which requires him or her to have been born of U.S. citizen parents - plural.
   The man the world knows now as Barack Hussein Obama may, in fact, BE a 'natural born citizen', for all we know of his true birth circumstances.  But the long train of crimes committed in covering up his true 'credentials' still puts him as ineligible for the office.
     As to the issue of changing the Constitution over the years: Yes, that is indeed possible.  And there is a clear amending process for that to happen - though not easily, to guard against light and transient reasons.  (The American Republic was designed carefully, to last.)  And both current political parties indeed tried to go down that path recently, with eight different attempts made by both parties's congressional representatives between 2003 and 2008 to start an amending process on this very issue going through Congress; i.e., to amend the Constitution to allow less than a 'natural born citizen' to hold the highest office in the land.  All eight attempts failed even to get out of committee.
     So what did they do?
     They tried an end-around run on the American people.
     And almost - almost - got away with it.
     'Darn those patriots.  They just don't get it.  They don't run this country.'
     Erm.  Excuse me.  Take another look.
     'They' are finally rising to the occasion, in such numbers as to call your bluff.  'You': The Powers That Were.


Part 2 - The Issue of Collusion

I have a great deal of sympathy for and empathy with those Americans who are feeling frustrated, angry, and disenfranchised because the Republican Party, as the current presidential opposition party in the American system of government, has failed to take seriously the substantive concerns regarding the issue of BHO's ineligibility to occupy the presidential office - the highest, and what should be the most honorable, office in the land.

And issue it is, and will continue to be, until justice is served in the matter.

The whole thing - the questions about his birth; the questions about his two birth certificate forms - or at least, the two forms purporting to be his birth certificate forms (which give many indications of being forgeries);  the questions about his social security number(s), and his Selective Service form (which shows evidence as well of having been forged); the questions about his school records, particularly as to how he portrayed his citizenship at those times in his life, but also as regards his curious history during the time he was purportedly studying at Columbia University; his going to work for a CIA front company upon his leaving Columbia; questions regarding name changes involving him and his identity record - the list goes on.

And the Republican Party feels that none of this serious mystery needs looking at??

What in addition needs seriously looking at is the continuation of the Republican Party as a legitimate entity in American politics.  It has failed its primary mission in this matter - to be the serious opposition party to the Democrat Party in the 2008 presidential election, and since - miserably.

I repeat: Miserably.  And I add: abominably.

It has served, in its history, to see one form of slavery out, and another form instituted.  The latter, to a cabal of powerful people - politically and economically - who are bent on harnessing the American Republic to their geopolitical cause, of a fascist New World Order - their phrase - desiring to institute total surveillance and control over the country's - and, in cahoots with their fellow Cabal members elsewhere, the world's - populace, in a remake of the Roman Empire, only writ larger this time.

Not satisfied with the North American Union, or the European Union, or an Asiatic-region union, they want it all.  Under their considerable thumb.

Who are 'they'?

It's not the intent of this piece to go into all that.  But I will echo David Wilcock in his take on 'them': They are, now, The Powers That Were (aka TPTW).

For their day in the sun is over.  And we now move into the dawning of a new day for all humankind.  One not controlled by materialistic forces, but rather serving to bring humanity closer in contact with out highest selves; and our highest Self: the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.

And, 'our' dark side has helped get us here, to this jumping-off point into the New.  So we have things to learn about the roles we play in life; where things are not fully either black or white...

And the Republican Party has something to learn about the role it has played in life.  Not really 'failed' to play.  But played; in the manner of how God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform...for us to learn lessons from.

So, ultimately, the Republican Party, and its elected members, can't be faulted unreservedly for playing its part so well in the unfolding of the historical process that has brought us to this point, of verging now on the New.  But in terms of the likes of justice being served, it is to be faulted, for not allowing that to happen on its watch.  So it does need to pay the (karmic) price for irresponsibles behavior; and give way to new forms, now, of human political involvement.

Along, of course, with the Democrat Party; which does not deserve to be known as the party of Jefferson and Jackson.  Those two esteemed members of the basically honorable pantheon of American presidents would be turning over in their graves at what has been done in their names, if they knew.  And would be shocked and angered, if they were alive today.

Which - in the way of how these things go - they may well be.

And the likes of Madison.  And Adams.  And even Washington himself.

The original George Dubya.

But I start digressing.  The bottom line: We have work to do, to bring about a better world.

Let's be about it.  And which means to make sure that it is founded on justice.  Or it will just become the compost of a process needing to go yet a little further, to completion.

Let the historical process end here, with us - this generation.  And the real living begin; on a planet that joins us in our Ascension, to a higher level of being than ever known heretofore, on this level of reality.


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