Sunday 24 June 2012

The Tyranny of Cliches

I have just read the document that came out of the recent UN Sustainability Summit in Rio.  It all sounds very nice.  Very uplifting; very conscientious.  Humanity paying attention to itself, and its relationship to itself and to the planet.  But what does 'sustainability' really mean??

Here's a cliche for you: There's many a slip/between the cup and the lip...

This question, of the actual meaning - in some people's minds - of words and phrases, put me in mind of a valuable 'thought for the day' of a couple of months ago, in the pages of the National Review bi-weekly magazine.  This was a short article, entitled 'The Tyranny of Cliches: What does 'Social Justice' Mean?' by Jonah Goldberg (in the May 14 issue).  Quote:

"The only way for 'social justice' to make sense is if you operate from the assumption that the invisible hand of the market should be amputated and replaced with the very visible hand of the state.  In other words, each explicit demand for social justice carries with it the implicit but necessary requirement that the state do the fixing.  And a society dedicated to the pursuit of perfect social justice must gradually move more and more decisions under the command of the state until it is the sole moral agent..."

and so forth in that vein.  Now, obviously, such thoughts emanating from the pages of the NR are 'tainted' with their political slant on things.  But the point is still fair, and relevant.   Relevant, to where we are at, in today's world, of a major clash between ideologies.  On the one hand: the side of the paramount importance of the individual, in the socio-economic - and religious (i.e., in its essence: recognizing that we are creatures with souls, not just a species of mammal) - polity; and on the other: the side of the paramount importance of the collective (the 'tribe'; and its hierarchy) in the social polity, with the replacing of any 'religious' attitude, about the meaning of life & so forth, with the sole agency of materialism.

And so, here we are: at the summit of a major historical dialectic; now taken to the global - and to say as well, the Synthesis - level.

The ultimate transformational level.  Where the highest outcome for humankind can be looked at as containing elements of both aspects of the unfolding process.

I use the expression of the 'historical dialectic' because I happen to feel that Hegel had his finger right on the pulse of the evolutionary process, in particular as it had to do with the unfolding of, in a word, 'politics'.  I don't want to go, here, into further comment on that process, and observation.  I just want to summarize the salient point: that humanity has been engaged in a process of unfolding socio-econo-political forms, where now we stand on a summit, and can see both sides of the key players in the process coming to a single head.  Briefly described: the value of the collective approach to social life - i.e., that we are all in this together - in association with 'science'; and the value of the individualistic approach to social life - i.e., the honoring of the individual, and his/her contribution to the polity - in association with 'religion'; with, now, the 'scientific' and the 'religious' pieces of the picture combining into the single virtue of a spiritual understanding of life: honoring that we are, first and foremost, individual souls - not just economic integers - on a path of self-discovery, with life having meaning beyond just in and for itself, as the atheists/materialists believe is the be-all and end-all of the process.      

In summary.  Phrases like 'sustainability' and 'social justice' in one current socio-econo-political camp's vocabulary mean statist intervention in the life of the polity, to the point, now, of absolute control over; wielding a big stick.  Wherein Agenda 21, e.g., is not just a nice, touchy-feely idea.  It is an agenda for absolute control over the populace.  Herding people into urban centers, e.g.; not just for 're-wilding' the countryside, but for easier control; with the likes of smart meters, doling out their 'allowed' portion of gruel - excuse me; energy - and such; and keeping individuals from being able to live off the grid, by having access to the land for themselves.  The latter to be, in that scenario for the future, a no no: not to be allowed, in the Brave New World Order of the Left, OR the Right.*  So there is that scenario for humanity; unfolding as we speak.  And, there is another scenario for the future.  It is to recognize the values of both sides of the dialectic 'equation', and synthesize the best of both.  Into a Golden Age.  Of enough for all; and with the application of such as free energy devices, and other aspects of technology, freeing humanity from much of the drudgery that has characterized its life up to this point.  And thus, those facets of life, now, no longer to be the terrible paradox that they are in a capitalist system of social life, where making a profit determines everything, all aspects of life.

The money system - specifically, the interest-bearing money system - to be replaced, now, with another motivating factor for human life, and development.  The highest there is, and could ever possibly be: that people - as individuals - share goods and services with one another (and give of their best in the process) out of gratitude to their Creator for life with meaning.  

Out of the understanding that there is a Plan in and Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only.  And out of the additional understanding that, through the spiritual mechanism of what we call reincarnation (and its attendant law of karma), We Are One Another.  Just changing, and exchanging, roles, in the ongoing drama that we have created; in order to learn lessons, and grow from the experiences.  Grow spiritually.  As the purpose of the whole exercise.  And so, now to live by the understanding that As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself.  For, not only are we One Another.  But take that to its next step of awareness, and see, that We Are One.

And take that step of awareness to another level, and see that, ultimately:

All IS One.

Not just One Planet. One Humanity.  One Destiny.  But:

One Being.

Experiencing Itself, in our individuated - i.e., soul's - unfolding of, and to, our potential.  As gods in the making.

It's time to live up to that - our - potential.

And so, let's leave the various tyrannies - over our minds, and bodies - behind.  And start living - and being -  the real deal.

It's our destiny, anyway.  Might as well inherit it, now.

Why put it off any longer?  In playing out any further the drama that we have a been involved in?

This is the end of the Third Act.  Time to take a bow.  For getting here.


* both camps - from both the nominal Left and the Right of current politics - want to cull the populace into submission to their rule.  A concentration camp - or extermination camp - is one by any other name; or collection of wannabe Masters.

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