Monday 23 December 2013

Getting To Truth - An Example

These are the times that try men's souls…and allow them to prove their worth.  Or not.

A brief take on 9/11.  With more to come; at some point.

And 7/7.  And…….

from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'PressTV: 9/11 truth vs. Takfiri terror' - Dr. Kevin Barrett - Dec. 23

kibitzer3 says:
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December 24, 2013 at 2:37 am  (ET: still - just - Dec. 23 PT)

(caption to an iconic photo of the WTC Towers under attack)
“A view of the Twin Towers in New York right after being hit by airliners on September 11, 2001.”
No, we don’t know that. We have been led to BELIEVE that they were hit by airliners. But we don’t actually know that as a fact. What we DO know is that some very suspicious activity had taken place in the near past on those floors that were ostensibly hit by the airliners, of an explosive nature – literally.
This was an extremely devious operation, complete with such inconvenient truths as the planes ostensibly used in the operation having phantom roots; ‘Israeli art students’ curiously in the buildings ahead of time (on those precise floors where explosions then took place); and a known airplane pacing, from ab. a half-mile away, what was apparently a hologram projection-image of the second ‘plane’ flying towards and ostensibly slamming into the second tower. With a captured video image of the event like a ‘Wile E. Coyote’ cartoon splatting into the building, not, with its soft aluminum nose, hitting against it and some of the plane falling to the ground outside, as would seem rather more likely. And what was it with that TV-news shot of the (intact) nose coming out of the other side of the building, before the shot was hurriedly sent to Black? (As in the Black Arts.)
And Larry Silverstein, doing his sayanim thing – and trying to get a twofer for his money… (A shame about that video catch on your ‘pull it’ comment regarding WTC7, Larry. It’s going to catch up with you. Sooner or later. The NeoCons and Israeli-state Zionists have power over communications in the U.S. But not total control.) All in all, a despicable act. And it WILL come out.
Is beginning to. As we speak.
Stay on the job, Kevin. And James (Fetzer). And Kevin Ryan. And all you other commendable 9/11 truthers.
Getting there…

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