Friday 9 March 2018

George Who? Thomas Who?

(This is, in a way, a follow-on to my blog of late last night/early this morning, with my thoughts roaming around a  bit today on a general subject.  The subject of Where We Are, And Where We Are Going, And How We Are Going To Get There.)

I can only imagine that so many Americans seem to have lost contact with, and appreciation for, their legacy as have done so - in ’the land of the free’ - because of the deliberately enervated condition of the public school ‘industry’ in this country.  For, as it turns out, that has been part of - and an extremely vital part of - the ’communist conspiracy,’ to take over this country, and to leap from there into totalitarian control over the entire planet.  And so - and particularly because communism is antithetical to the real Truth -  the larger Truth - in the form of the understanding that life is but part of a larger whole, not the be-all and end-all of existence, in and for itself only - that outcome must not, and should not, be allowed to occur.  However, and given all that atrocious undermining - and under the further corrupt belief system (growing out of the concept of everything being relative, that there are no absolutes) that the end justifies the means; any and all, including lying, cheating, stealing, and even killing - that is not to say that an economic system designed to deal with just that - ‘economy’ - should be, or need best be, a, the, system of sharing to deal with abundance, in a, or the, Age thereof.  


* We are on the verge of major technological breakthroughs in virtually every aspect of social life; breakthroughs that render previous forms of social life anachronistic.

* Cancer.  There are treatments (and cures) for cancer that get to the root of the problem, not the superficial application of band-aids to the problem.  And at the expense of the general health and wellbeing of people, in that approach to such a matter.  So the cancer industry has to go.1 

* And a significant part of the drug industry in general.  Whose adherents would, e.g., prefer to make money - and lots of it; for the ‘balance sheet’ - off of antidepressant sales than be a part of the end of that gross public-health problem (with its ancillary effects in such as school shootings).  So, the drug industry has to go, largely, too.  

Because it is all holding up progress.  Not political ‘progress,’ as in liberal ‘progressives,’ shading over into socialism and, further left, outright communism.  But as in human progress in general.

And the same for

* Big Oil.  We have all heard stories (and some seen videos) about, e.g., inventors who have figured out how to miniaturize the electrolysis process in order to produce hydrogen to run a car engine, with the safe by-product of oxygen for the environment; for the stories simply to disappear from view, seemingly mysteriously.  But that ‘disappearing act’ is about to go the way of the dodo bird, because there are too many clever people out there, and other ways to produce energy for such as automobiles have been uncovered as well; such as NanoCrystal Electricity and thermal resonators.2

And with the demise of Big Oil goes Big Pharma as well.  With most if not all drugs having been and being born as petroleum products.  (Its not being an accident that David Rockefeller Sr. poured a major investment of money into the country’s medical schools at the turn of last century; and thereby got them so concentrated on drug treatment for dis-ease as they have become.)  

And thus, the end of the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.  Symbolizing the end of an Era.

So you can see that we are headed for a major Turning Point in our species’s evolutionary history.

And just in time, it would appear, more and more.  With such incentives as these - these ‘money-making’ incentives - leading us into dangerous pastures.   Which we need to avoid.

Just as soon as possible.  For, terrible poisons lurk there.

To the unwary.  That is to say,

to those who have not studied their history sufficiently to recognize such plants.

Like nightshades.  

Shades of the night.  Giving way, now, to

the bright light of a New Day.      


1 And before any more ‘holistic’ medical people are killed, for bringing such treatments and cures to the attention of the public.  A terrible, terrible outcome of  the Old Order attempting to extend itself into a future that has no room for it any longer, if it ever did.

2 With Big Oil apparently having seen such ‘competition’ coming down the pike towards them anyway, and having started to ‘improvise’ out into algae, as in ‘farms’ in the Gulf of Mexico after the terrible oil spill there.  
   (Which still needs to be investigated thoroughly.  An ‘accident’ that has allowed Big Oil to branch out into another aspect of energy production, and in a wholesale way, by taking over control of much of the offshore area there for their algae farms, by having eliminated the fishing industry there  All in the name of 'profit'…)

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