Sunday 18 March 2018

What's With This 'Social Justice' Business??

What’s with this ‘social justice’ business?  I/we hear a lot of that these days, either by itself or in the term ‘Social Justice Warrior,’ which has become so commonplace that its initialed identity - SJW - is recognized in itself, and understood for what it means.  But what, exactly, does it mean?

As near as I can understand, it means - to the untrained ear - like, a free higher education for all (in exchange for some undefined service to the state).  If that’s the sort of thing that you believe it means, and believe in, a question:

You do understand that what the state can give, it can also take away, don’t you?  As is going on in Red China at this very day??

And perhaps it shouldn’t be referred to as ‘Red China’ anymore; as it appears to have evolved into something that also has a name increasingly more recognized.  That of Technocracy.

What is Technocracy?  Simply put: Government by technocrats.  More specifically put: Government by Overlords.  And the way that it is manifesting in, er, Mainland China these days is a horror, indeed.  And a stark warning.

Roughy put:

Everybody has a certain amount of social credit.  And if you, say, visit an ’unofficial’ web site, you have a ‘strike’ against you.1  And if you, say, go to a lecture by an ‘unofficial’ person, or have ‘unofficial’ friends, you get another strike against you.  And ‘three strikes and you’re out,’ to put it in an American-parlance context.2

Which we are rapidly coming to. As evinced, so in-your-face now, by how our mainstream ’social media’ platforms - Google/YouTube and Facebook and Twitter - are acting up, in censoring ‘unofficial’ sites.  As determined by the likes of the SPLC.  A far-left organization, notorious for censuring even simply conservative sites.  Or sites that could easily qualify, in the minds of impartial umpires, as simply ‘unofficial’, i.e., off the beaten Mainstream Media path.  Like sites questioning aspects of so many of the, ahem, false flag ops that have been going on.  Or sites that bring into question both the efficacy and the safety of vaccines, say.  And so forth. 

So, the Unites States of America not being so far from such a dystopian future - dystopian, in relation to any decent concept of human freedom - as is going on in Technocratic China at this time, in its own makeup.  Which ‘country’ - barely, these days3 - is slowly slowly being turned into the same sort of tyrannical operation.

The bottom line: 

If you are going for totalitarianism, you had better make sure that it is a ‘totalitarianism’ that you can trust.  Like, say, the kingdom of heaven.

No others need apply.

P.S. See Techocracy.News, the site of Patrick Wood, for an excellent rundown on all this stuff.

P.P.S. I have recently in these pages characterized such miscreants as "arrogant assholes and scurrilous shitheads".  I debated whether to use such foul language.  But I have decided to think that the Godhead secretly understands why I would use such gross 3D language to describe these Dark-side creatures, who would think to turn down their inheritance, as 'chips off the old block' - gods in the making - so totally, in rebelling fundamentally against The Plan, and The Law, as to need to be rejected, and sent into the fire of transmutation.  Rather than just playing a part, in The Drama.  Designed to 'catch our consciences'.  As said apprentice gods.  Not these fools who would think to rule by Force.  Rather than by Love.      
     Mark the difference well, Friend.  For it makes all the difference.


1 Ve haf vays of telling these things, these days, vit our quantum computers, doncha know.

2 And so, also, is your liver, or retinas, or whatever of your organs that The State would like to acquire in the transaction…

3 A ‘country’ would be defined by its borders.  No borders, no country.  To speak of.  Just a shell of its former self.
    On its way to becoming simply a part of a region of the despotic New World Order planned for this planet at this time.  Not by Marxists per se; as so many of our youth have been brainwashed into believing.  But by totalitarians of quite another stripe.  Using them as ‘useful idiots,’ to accomplish their malevolent end.      

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