Friday 23 March 2018

On The Tip Of The Turning Point

from YouTube: ‘Played Or Paid?’ - Roy Potter - March 23
(Potter on a well-deserved rant against Trump signing the Omnibus Bill, and thus caving in to TPTB, for he’s right. And when he says/said:
“You don’t win when you play a game with the Devil.  You play the Devil’s game, and you lose.”
Some say that Trump is outsmarting the opposition.  (Because what he signed was an Omnibus (Spending) Bill, not a Budget per se, and supposedly he can spend the monies however he wants, a la Obama; but it’s still money that we don’t have, and have no right to pretend that we do, are simply going deeper into debt to the moneychangers - and being seen as doing so; so that it appears to be Business As Usual.)  I don’t see that, any more than Potter does.  All we see from Trump is caving.  The NWO crowd is moving inexorably on their path (including info that Potter mentioned as links to regarding inside stuff on both the Austin bombing thing and the Las Vegas thing).  It’s time to call them on their agenda.  As Potter continued, in his worry over continued death and destruction:
“The truth needs to come out.  And it has to come out massively.”) 

1 second ago (March 23)

Thank you for your deep and passionate allegiance to this nation, and for your integrity in general, Roy.  Hang in there.  Stay the course.  We need you to do so.


Dear Pres. Trump:

You can’t spend your way out of debt.  I don’t care how you played your real estate game, with its built-in aspect of/dependence on debt:  This is a different ball game, with a country, that has people in its government who will not stop spending, because that’s how they stay in their cushy positions, with their special healthcare and retirement benefits and re-election support and such.  It is a creature with its own life, not subject to being controlled, like you could with your personal business affairs.  Not a good move, for the country, already massively in debt.  

One would think that you are assuming that the whole Game is about to end, anyway, so what the hell.  If that is, indeed, the case, I have one further comment:

So let’s see that End.

If you have the U.S. military on your side, and the White Hats are about to step in:

Play that card.

Enough is enough.


A Patriot


...and a couple of late entries, at the tail end of this evening, on this same them, of in effect things coming to a head (or tip, as it were):

from ‘The Middle and Upper Middle Classes Cannot Leave California fast Enough - Dave Hodges - March 23
(In the report, Hodges quoted a CalExit proponent saying on the Tucker Carlson show, to the suggestion that the Middle Class is leaving the state, “Good.  Most of them are white.”)

Stan S. March 24, 2018 at 12:30 am
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.)

As one of those ‘whites.’ a) I’m going nowhere. This is my longtime home state, and California is a state in and of the United States; and b) I can’t wait for the federal government to come into this state and clean house.

It has plenty of legal provocation. 1) Declared sanctuary state, and sanctuary cities. 2) Voting is a crime in this state. More clearly: Is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime. The voter registration rolls are inundated with the names (or aliases) of illegal aliens; because a) the rolls are never cleaned (in itself a federal crime), and b) The Motor Voter Lw in the state has allowed them to be registered automatically, and c) this state’s authorities have even signaled to them a further step in the scam, by making it legal for illegal aliens to obtain a driver’s license in this state. The big sign is clear: ‘Get Out And Vote – We Won’t Check On You!’

Disgusting stuff. But for ‘whites’ to leave is not the answer. That just plays into the hands of the New World Order mob. Instead, the state authorities need to be arrested, and brought to trial, on a whole host of charges.

As i say: I can’t wait.

Could it all be more obvious?  In another article posted at the same time as the above, Dave Hodges points out that:

“With what is happening to social media and Hollywood in general, you [would] think the liberals, if they wanted to make any money, would get a clue and change their ways and stop the blatant censorship and extreme propaganda. But no, even the Justice League has gone rogue. That is right, the Justice League used to pledge allegiance to America and now the new movie curses America. The “terrorist” in the movie wears a MAGA shirt. I am not joking, the trapppings [sic] associated with President Trump are attacked in the new Justice League movie. And the trusted authority figures are all from the United Nations and not the United States.

“There is no difference in the extreme propaganda being put forth by the social media and Hollywood. They all serve the same Deep State…”

That situation also served by the fact that one of these social media platforms (I forget which) has announced that it will use the SPLC as a ’source’ of info to be used to go by to censor ‘extreme’’’hateful’/‘offensive’ material.  Come again?  Ah - the Southern Poverty Law Center.  Now what have I heard about them before??  Ah yes.  They consider that ‘potential domestic terrorists’ are the likes of patriots, constitutionalists, conservatives, Second Amendment supporters, Ron Paul supporters, Christians…you know: the usual……

Kind of gives the game away, doesn’t it?  I mean, now who would think such a thing??

People trying to take over, including overthrow if necessary, this country.

As the ‘Justice League’ implies, in their latest outing……

Good one, Hollywood.  Spell it out for us, why don’t you.

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