Friday 16 March 2018

Variations On A Theme

Censorship takes different forms.

1) from ‘Independent Journalist Exposes How Social Media Companies Are Systematically Silencing Conservative Voices’ - Michael Snyder - March 15
(Besides listing his own dastardly experience, Snyder quotes from Ben Swann’s excellent video under his Reality Check site, on this most troubling business, of the big social media outlets going wild in censoring conservative sites.  Shades of Stalinist mentality.
Snyder is running for Congress; a vote taking place soon, for the primaries.)  

BlueToast - March 15

Thank you, Michael. An important post.

And all best wishes in the elections!  Let's hope that northern Idaho has been spared much of the ideological warfare that has been going on in the rest of the country, and that you can get in there and help clean things up.  Idaho needs you.  America needs you.

2) This item I can hardly believe.  But I can believe it.  

A bit of personal background first.

Back in the very early ‘70s I started doing extensive reading into the whole health and nutrition area.  (This was pre-Internet, mind you, so I had to do some intensive digging for my information.)  One of the things that I chose to do was to set up a graph with adverse health conditions down the left side - cancer, heart disease/strokes, blood sugar/pressure, arthritis, diabetes, depression, etc. etc. - and to their right I posted at the top across the page a list of nutrients that would figure into their consideration and alleviation, and slowly went through, checking off the nutritional items that figured in each health case.  Lo and behold, I found that vitamin B6 (aka pyridoxamine/pyridoxin) figured into a huge number of health processes and adverse health conditions.  One major one was diabetes.  Another was depression/mood.*  So, I have been aware of the importance of vitamin B6 in particular, and the B complex in general, for quite some time.

Fast-forward to yesterday, now, when I read about a particular feature regarding life in our day.  It turns out that if a drug company files what is called an IND application (for Investigational New Drug) on a particular nutrient, thereby establishing an interest in making it into a drug, the company can ask the FDA to have the supplement - excuse me; the ’supplement version’ of the nutrient, to be more precise about all this - removed from the market.  What?!  Well; to protect their investment, you understand.  Don’t you???…

Case in point: Vitamin B6 was withdrawn from the market in 2009 because a drug company filed an IND on it.  And then never developed a drug version.  But it stayed off the market because of that application.  And then a new company - whose director had been the Chief Science Officer for the first drug company, a little sleuthing uncovered - then filed a petition to allow pyridoxine to be sold.  A drug version of which they had come up with.  And not so incidentally, whose sole product was a ‘drug’ version of vitamin B6. 

And who thereby had blown the competition out of the market.  Setting themselves up as a monopoly for a B6 supplement.  This very important part of the vitamin B complex…

That’s the sort of thing that we have been up against.  

For long enough.     

Folks, it really is time to get out of our Third-Dimensional mentality.  We have a great work to be about.  Let’s get to it.   

* When too little vitamin B6 is obtained from the diet, an essential amino acid called tryptophan is not used properly, instead is changed into a substance (called xanthurenic acid) that damages the pancreas, which adversely effects the production of insulin, which causes diabetes.  Also, tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter; trouble with tryptophan levels causes trouble with emotions/moods.  Think depression.  Think huge profits for Big Pharma in antidepressants…
   And think mood swings and drugs that trigger the mentally imbalanced to do such as mass shooting events.

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