Saturday 14 June 2014


(A sample Announcement to the nation)

My Fellow Americans

Today, constitutionally loyal elements of the United States Military, Oathkeepers, and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association have arrested the Usurper of the presidential office, who these days calls himself Barack Hussein Obama, and are holding him for trial for crimes committed against the rule of law in this country, which is the Constitution.  

Along with his arrest has been the arrest of many of his key advisors and governmental appointees in his unlawful administration, and members of the Democrat Parry who either clearly colluded with him or are suspected of colluding with him in his unlawful candidacy for that office for which he was, and is, known - because of certain circumstances - by various parties to the fraud to be not eligible.  These co-conspirators include the Vice President, Joe Biden; the opposition Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi; and the suspected collusion in the matter of the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, along with certain officials of the Democrat Party.  Also arrested and awaiting trial as well have been certain officials of the Republican Party who are suspected of having been involved in the conspiracy to defraud the American people and to trash the rule of law in this country, which as I say is embodied in its Constitution. 

A word about that document, for the edification of some members of the public, who perhaps were the victims of propaganda and indoctrination regarding it in their school daze:

The Constitution is a contract, between the States - of which, contrary to the belief of this fraudulent president, there are now and have been for rather a long time, fifty - and the federal government, wherein and whereby those States surrendered some of their powers to the federal government.  It is not either a wet noodle or a, quote "living document," subject to the interpretive whim of succeeding generations. That contract has an amending process, which is the only legal way that it can be changed from its original intent.  

The current occupant of the Oval Office has attempted to go around and ignore the Constitution and its limitations on both the federal government in general and the presidential/executive office in particular - to keep the person occupying that office from becoming as unto a Caesar of old - by the pretense of the nation being in a state of war, and thus giving the executive wartime powers.  When the real war going on today is, and has been, the war of the executive against the people of the United States, existing relatively peacefully in their federal constitutional republic.  That war, and the elimination of the American federal constitutional republic, has been the intent of criminals in and out of government, and on both sides of the political aisle, for a very long time.

That war is now at an end; or at least, is approaching its end, as patriots of the federal constitutional republic of America now take command of the process. 

By taking command, I mean the arrest and holding for trial of various suspects in the longstanding conspiracy, and the establishment of at the least an interim government, during this legitimate state of national emergency; to hold the space, while a thorough cleansing of the federal government takes place, and to engage in a mopping-up operation.  Which includes cleaning out the Mainstream Media of parties to the attempted takeover of the nation (including its infiltration by the CIA, running an illegal op stateside).  All of this, in order to get the nation back on track, to the constitutional rule of law, and to its founding principles, including of a free people governing themselves - with a magnificent life-force within each of us, as facets, aspects of our mutual Source - subject neither to Royal nor Pope nor Oligarchy nor Dictator.  Subject only to the spiritual purpose of the exercise - in testing whether this nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure; and of the entire enterprise, of life on this planet, for a purpose.  The purpose, of aligning our individual wills to the Will of the Creator who made us all.  NOT to the little wills of Men.  And in that aligning exercise, to experience an Ascension, to a higher degree of consciousness than we have ever attained before.

I, and we, will be speaking further to all this, as the return to these principles, and the rest of the constitutional principles aligned with them, proceeds, and unfolds, towards that higher purpose; and the Golden Age associated with it, of angelic beings returning to their true identity.

Bear with us, as we do our best to unfold this process in the highest, most honest and transparent way possible.  And know, that only the best will come about, from this midcourse correction that has been and is being initiated at this crucial time - in the history of this exceptional, singled-out nation, and of Humankind as a whole, on this blessed planet.      

As for who I am in all this:

I AM.  And I am trying to live up to that state of being - to, that is to say, my highest expression; the highest part of me.   

As it is yours. 

In the meantime: this is MY country.  And nobody is going to hijack it; from its true destiny, of being a launching pad for Humanity to take the greatest leap that it has ever known.  A leap into the higher realms; not just within its own physical limitations, and known universe.  As we join the larger reality of multiverses, and multi dimensions.

You think you've seen it all??

You ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Watch - and take part in - this space.  The space of a people honoring their inheritance.  Our forefathers didn't break out from under the yoke of an oppressor just for us to fall under the yoke of another despot in our time.  This is a battle that these our erstwhile Masters could never have won; not knowing the true spirit of America, grounded in Spirit.  Not simply in the petty political shenanigans of a certain time and place.  They should have been told:

'We Are Americans.  Deal with it.'

Unfortunately, they got a foot in the door, and opened it wider, surreptitiously, while Americans, for the most part, slept.  But once aroused - as we were at the time of Pearl Harbor - we are invincible.

As we are this day.

And on that wrapping-up note:



2) from 'Border Patrol Agents Threatened with Criminal Charges for Speaking to Reporters' - June 13 (posted June 14)
("(Breitbart) – A surge of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has left federal resources and facilities overwhelmed. Most of the new migrants are children from Central America. In the aftermath of Breitbart Texas releasing photos showing minors warehoused in crowded U.S. cells, Border Patrol agents in Texas have been instructed not to speak to media outlets…")

  • Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University
  • This is transparent intimidation, and political oneupmanship. Using children to forward their political agenda - it's disgusting. 
  • If ever there were en act that demonstrates the depth of corruption and totalitarian tendency that pervades this 'administration'- this is it. 
  • There is no Democrat Party anymore. It has been taken over by despots. Come out of that corral, true Democrats, and join in the cleaning-out of this mob from the halls of legitimate government. Or get out of the way. We're coming through, to do the job.
    Reply · Like · Unfollow Post · 3 seconds ago (June 14)

  • --

Why isn't Obama removed from office.... because it is proven that he is not a native American birth.... and this does not allow him to hold office as our president of the USA.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 32 minutes ago

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University

John: The correct term is "natural born" citizen. A "native American" is just someone born here - legally - regardless of the citizenship of both of his or her parents. A 'natural born' citizen means one born on the soil of (in this case) U.S. citizen parents - plural. 

The whole point of the constitutional Framers for putting that eligibility requirement in the Constitution for the office of the presidency - and that particular office ONLY (since extended to the office as well of the VP) - was so that a candidate for that office - who if elected would become as well the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - did not have DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. And like a dual citizen.

Like Obama. And so, the Republican Party is implicated in this crime as well, for not blowing the whistle in 2008 on the potential usurpation going on. Which - as we know, to our sorrow - in fact happened. And not just once. But twice.

The Democrats are not the only ones who betrayed us. So a major clean out of politics in America is required, for the nation to get back to the rule of law.

Patriots: We have our work cut out for us. Are YOU up to the job?
Reply · Like · 2 seconds ago  (June 14)


Disgusting.  Simply disgusting stuff going on, by Obama and his comrades.  And the 'cute' business of the DHS shipping illegal-alien kids from Texas to Arizona; obviously to cock a snook at Arizona for daring to challenge the Feds on their immigration 'policy'…

These people can't be gotten out of their seats of (misused) power soon enough.

Come, the Revolution.

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