Friday 20 June 2014

Book 'Em, Danno

I have just sent an email to the author of a book titled 'Stand for the Family,' which is primarily about one woman's battle against those forces that are trying to break down the family unit in the world - 'By Any Means Necessary,' in the words of Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals' - in order to install a world regime (yes, that New World Order) wherein the State is/takes over the role of the Family.   

It is self-explanatory.


June 20, 2014

Dear [       ],

My name is Duane Stanfield.  I am the paternal uncle of [a mutual family member].  I was recently visiting 'family' in Utah, and when staying at [said family member's] house for a night before returning back to my home in So. California, she, knowing my interests in things political (esp. from a conservative pov), gave me a copy of your book to browse through during the evening.  When I expressed considerable interest in it, she gave me the copy, saying that she had another one.

I have been reading it here back home; and am very impressed with the work that you have been doing, and how you articulated it in the book.  However, I was disappointed that your understanding of the homosexual (and thus anti-family) 'thing' appeared to be limited; and wanted to let you know how to approach the matter, rather from a potentially off-putting (and thus unsuccessful) way, via reference to immorality and the biblical 'take' on the matter, to a scientific take on it.

My understanding of that angle comes primarily (but not exclusively) from a book entitled BrainSex, by a Ph.D. in genetics, Dr. Anne Moir, and her co-author, a journalist named David Jessel.  The research that they cite points to a window of time during the fetal development (somewhere between the 8th & 10th weeks, as I recall) when the brain, regardless of the biological sex of the fetus, is being sexed by the maternal hormones - and can be thrown out of kilter for a number of reasons, resulting in male brains being 'wired' into female bodies and vice versa and every abnormal stage along the LGBT spectrum in between.

Those reasons - those 'perverted' hormonal levels - include:

* abnormalities in the adrenal glands of either the mother or the developing fetus or both;

* endocrine disrupters/estrogen mimics in the environment (from plastics and pesticides); 

* stress (it has been proven, e.g., that there are more homosexuals born in the wake of wars than the 'normal' background figure would allow for), which can be due to a number of causes - a car accident, financial worries, poor diet, illness; etc. etc.;

* but perhaps most 'worrying' of all: the effects of drugs like barbiturates on the developing fetus; not being sufficiently allowed for in Western allopathic-oriented medicine.  

All in all: We have been experiencing an epidemic of skewed sexuality in our children, caused by environmental factors - which can be straightened out.  It is an appalling state of affairs.

Some people try to argue that 'it' - skewed sexuality - is normal.  It is not.  It is intensely NOT 'normal' for a child to be so stressed out by the fact that its brain tells it that it is incarcerated in a body of the opposite sex that it seeks gender-change surgery.  Or lashes out in inchoate rage and anger at the world.  Or commits suicide.  Or buys into the argument of some in the (supposedly knowing) adult world that it is quite 'normal', when deep down inside it knows damn well that it is not.  

Not to belabor the point.  Just to point out, that this is not [simply] a matter of 'immorality' (unless the LGBT person engages in immoral/promiscuous conduct), and/or biblical injunction.  It is a matter of our society not paying attention to the canaries in the coal mine amongst us - 

and thus the [true] 'immorality' in the matter can very well be placed squarely on the shoulders of us 'straights'.

I encourage you to invest some time in researching this angle.  The situation is worse - far worse - that you have imagined.

Yours sincerely,



What a mess (also as acutely observed in the May issue of Whistleblower magazine).  There is plenty of blame to go around in this whole matter.  But primarily, blame falls on the shoulders of those devious persons with a political agenda - socialists/Marxists/magalomaniacs - who would use the plight of the sexually brain-skewed as a political battering ram to pursue their ends; to create a political 'class' (along with some others, like welfareites in general and single moms in particular) to help bring about 'fundamental transformation' of society, for the purpose of using the power of the state to force people to be the way that they want them to be - or else.  

Meaning: cattle.

Which is all 'we' are to some misguided souls, stuck on their paths back Home, for wanting - having been seduced into wanting - Power Over Others.

Rather than With Us All.

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