Sunday 8 May 2016

Evidence Of Harm

Among a number of articles that I got to reading in my latest issue of NEXUS magazine today in the sun in my nearby park was one about ‘Unravelling The Mystery Of Autism As A Male Disorder’.  It was written by a researcher who had found a gender difference in a region of the brain, called the corpus callosum, that he felt ”may explain why males are more susceptible to autism”.  

Well; yes.  But there is at least one other reason why that difference, that I vaguely recalled from years back, when I had gotten deeply into the vaccine relation with such brain-damage conditions as autism/the autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  I couldn’t recall exactly how that went, so I decided to look it up when I went back home; also, because of the recent, and current, hullabaloo about a documentary out, called ‘Vaxxed,’ that is bringing this whole subject up for another look by the public.  Timely, considering how TPTB are making a concerted effort now to force parents to vax their children, make them compulsory, without the former categories of exemption of such as religious and philosophical objections.

In going onto the web, I came across a fitting article to include in my blog on this subject.   Some background: I first became aware of ‘the issue’ when I was living, in the ’90s, in Australia.  One fine day I accompanied my partner to her appointment with her chiropractor, and, in the waiting room, happened to see a book there, 'just' published in 1990, with the intriguing title ‘Vaccination, Social Violence And Criminality,' subtitled: 'The Medical Assault On The American Mind’.  That opened up for me a years-long study on the subject, of the downsides of vaccines.

The article I came across on the Internet upon returning home from my day’s outing was:   

from ‘Vaccination, Social Violence, And Criminality’ - Harris l. Coulter, Ph.D.  An excerpt:

The mere recognition that autism and [the] minimally brain-damage[d] are consequences of encephalitis should be convincing evidence that the childhood vaccination program is responsible. Vaccination, after all, is known to cause encephalitis, and no other candidate is in sight. If there is pervasive sub-clinical encephalitis in the US population, it must come from the vaccination program. Subliminal awareness that discussing autism and minimal brain-damage in terms of encephalitis leads to questioning the rationale of childhood vaccination has probably kept physicians and other researchers away from this explosive issue.

“Children are the building blocks of the family and later to society. If these are defective from infancy, the development of both family and society will be distorted and denatured. When ten or twenty percent of children are minimally brain-damaged, how can family life be normal? When ten or twenty percent of high-school graduates have never learned to read, how can they not watch television during most of their waking hours? When over a million children every day are legally receiving amphetamines and other drugs in school to suppress hyperactivity, how can there not be a drug culture? The family and society are both victims – of vaccination programs forced on them by state legislatures which are entirely too responsive to medical opinion and medical organizations. Committee chairmen who unhesitatingly criticize economists, ecologists, city-planners, and manufacturers become uncharacteristically meek when confronting a medical expert. These programs have spawned the profusion of twisted and distorted individuals who have created the American society we know today…”

Ah, yes:  the American society we know today…further ‘browsing,’ and I came across another old friend from my research days into this subject:

Barbara Loe Fisher, who co-authored with HLC the groundbreaking book ‘DPT: A Shot In The Dark’ (1985) that started the surge of interest by laymen and -women in the side of vaccines that they weren’t being told about by their medical authorities, has written a fine tribute to the man, who died in 2009.  I commend it to your attention: ‘Harris Coulter Was a Brave Visionary’ (3/29/2010).  

But on to the specifics of my search.  There was this:

“I think that the biological case against Thimerosal is so dramatically overwhelming anymore that only a very foolish or a very dishonest person with the credentials to understand this research would say that Thimerosal wasn’t most likely the cause of autism.---Interview of Dr. Boyd E. Haley by Teri Small:
Boyd Haley, Ph.D.,  Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Kentucky, and one of the world’s leading authorities on mercury toxicity.  Leading to another comment of his:

“Studies on the toxicity of mercury to mammalian neurons in culture demonstrate that low nanomolar levels can have lethal effects. Experiments using this system have also demonstrated, in agreement with published literature, that many antibiotics, other heavy metals and chemicals increase the toxicity of mercury and thimerosal (ethyl mercury). Additionally, in this same system the female hormone estrogen decreases thimerosal's toxic effects. In contrast, the male hormone testosterone greatly increases the toxicity. This may explain the 4 to 1 ratio of boys to girls that become autistic and the observation that boys represent the vast majority of the severe cases of autism. "---Boyd Haley, Ph.D. (Testimony Before the House Government Reform Committee)

Mercury, in the form of a vaccine additive (a preservative) called thimerosal (thiomersal in the UK), was taken out of the DPT shot in 2004, after years of agitation by parents on the subject of the side-effect damage being done to their children by vaccines - BUT - was added to the vaccine schedule, in flu vaccines, the very same year; thus confounding any signal that said parents were looking for with the deletion of it from the DPT shot.  

Utter wickedness.

I could go further into this issue.  But I will leave it here.  

For the time being.

Just wanted to make this report.

On this particular specific of it.  And its overall status.  As a huge scandal of our times.

Among some others.

All, to be cleared up.

As we clear the decks.  For


Out of this sorry mess of a 3D bad-dream story.

That we wrote.  And starred in.

With a little help from our friends.  In the 'professions'. 

Particularly the military-industrial-government complex.

And the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.

Both of them: to go the way of the dinosaur.

Along with the MSM.  And elements of the entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry.

That’s a laugh.

So to speak.

But not of, right at this time.

But all of them: 

to be gotten to.  

And called.  For their crimes against humanity.

Some unintended.

Some very intended, indeed.

In the attempt to take over the world.  By a bunch of vile gangsters.

The ‘New World Order.’

The dark side of 

the Real Thing.


To a theatre of operations near you.

Quite.  Near.

And in Time.

And just in time, it would appear.  On many fronts.

Of the war that is raging on planet Earth.

Between the Bad Guys.  And those who will take us to

the Promised Land.

With just a little Evidence of Harm to show for it, after a while, of the Earth healing Herself.

And Humanity doing the same. 

Keeping some evidence of the Dark Days.  As a reminder.

And lesson.

Of what can happen.  In a realm of free will.  When The People lose sight of

the larger reality.  Of which they are a part.

And need to clean up their 'act.' to be a better example of.

Gods in the making as we are.

Demonstrating evidences of our passage


The Way.

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