Sunday 15 May 2016

On Things Disappearing

from ’Schools Reject Obama Transgender Decree: ’Straight Into the Paper Shredder’ - May 14 
(Objections from various sources to Obama's/his administration's peremptory ukase on this matter.  From both state authorities, and the Comments posters.)


Once Obama was allowed to ascend his throne illegally - for not being a 'natural born' citizen; which the historical record defines as a person born in the country to parents who are its citizens ('The Law of Nations,' Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212) - he had every right to assume that the Constitution was no longer the law of the land - was just "a damn piece of paper," in the purported words of his predecessor, who paved his way - and he could do whatever he wanted to do. What's the problem?


It is time for our schools to turn down all federal funding. Once that is done, the federal government has no say in what they do. It is time for all of us to tell the federal government to get out of lives and leave us alone. We do not want the nanny state any more.
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That's why we need a patriot like Ted Cruz to save us from the garbage that Obama has put forth Cruz's has the plan but people was so Starstruck on filthy pig Trump they couldn't see past their nose he is a true constitutionalist and would do what he says he's already proved that in the Senate from Texas. I still stand on the rock Ted Cruz
Like · Reply · 3 hrs


Walter Burke: Cruz, "a true constitutionalist"?? He is the same thing that the Usurper in the Oval Office as we speak is: ineligible for that office, and for the same reason: Neither of them is a 'natural born' citizen. 

That's how we got into this mess in the first place. Don't buy into the error. You would attempt, in effect if not in fact, to try to make two wrongs make a right. It doesn't. It just compounds the 'wrong'. Of which we have had [quite] enough, thank you all the same.

(For some reason, the following post didn’t get posted.  I tried twice (the second time, as near as I could recall from the first one).  It just disappeared.  Curious.  Posted - or not -  May 15:)

We are reaping in this matter what we sowed years ago, and failed to take proper notice of.  That is that there are environmental reasons for skewed gender identity, that can be controlled for.  And a properly mature society would have acted on those signals long before the whole thing became a nightmare.

Skewed gender identity is due to a hormonal imbalance in the pregnant female's uterine bath at a particular, early stage of fetal development, when its brain is being 'wired' (as I recall from my research into this matter, it is the 8-10 week's period), and a male-patterned brain can be wired into a genetically female body and vice versa and every stop along that abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.  The causes for the imbalance are varied.  An abnormal adrenal gland of the developing fetus or the mother or both.  Endocrine disruptors/estrogen mimics in the environment/drinking water, from plastics, pesticides, and/or the Pill.  Stress, of all kinds (it is known that more homosexual babies are born in the wake of wars than the 'normal' background 'noise' could account for, e.g.).  But perhaps most alarmingly, is the effects of drugs like barbiturates prescribed to pregnant females without sufficient regard for their effects on the developing fetus.  We have, in short, been engaged in a gigantic human experiment, that has gone horribly wrong.

Yes, we need to deal with the effects now.  But most of all, we need to deal with the matter at its preventive roots.  And time's a'wasting in that regard.


(In the recreation of my comment I failed to include a comment I made in the original to the effect that “the real ‘morality’ issue here is the one of our not doing enough to wake up to the damage being inflicted on innocent children, in skewing their sense of themselves by our lack of proper awareness as to what was going on in our midst.  The issue is not their confused gender identity so much as our lack of a sufficient expression of consciousness.")  

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