Thursday 26 May 2016

The Last Word

from ‘The “Night Stalker” In The White House Lies About Obama’s Legacy’ - Renaldo Keys  May 26
(“With all the advisers the president brought with him to the White House, only one remains a vital and influential voice in his life. Valerie Jarrett, who has been affectionately called the “Night Stalker” went on the record with 60 Minutes and lied to America…”)


Come on, Valerie, give the Republicans a break. They gave the Usurper just what he needed: the cover to remain illegally in that powerful position all this time.

For those who haven't done their homework on the matter: a 'natural born' citizen is a person born in the country to parents who are its citizens. That was clearly the definition that the constitutional Framers were going by when they codified it in their contract for that particular office (and that particular office ONLY; signifying its special character to them). It comes from E. de Vattel's definitive tome of the day on such subjects, 'The Law of Nations, Or Principles of Natural Law,' and was taught as such in the universities of the day. It is the basis for American Common law, or Natural Law; which is what they were clearly going by - NOT English Common law, which some of Obama's apologists have tried to claim that the Framers were going by, but which talks about natural born SUBJECTS. Those men were clearly no longer 'subjects' - they were freemen (after a long and bloody War of Independence), and damn proud of it; having left the old ways behind, and charting new territory for humankind.

No, the historical record is very clear on this matter. And so, the Democrat Party is the primary guilty party in this attempt at the overthrow of the federal constitutional Republic of the united States of America. But the Republican Party has guilt in the matter as well. And both of them need to be taken to (a legitimate, Common law) court on RICO-statute charges, for being the collusive criminal enterprises that they are. And found obviously guilty. And fined and dissolved. With the Usurper as well taken down - arrested, and held for trial, on a whole host of charges by now; including fraud, perjury, and treason.

And we start afresh, in this terribly corrupted nation. And let it be a message to everyone, everywhere: that the Truth, ultimately, will out; no matter how worldly powerful the miscreants.


from ’Trump Does It! Passes Magic Number of 1,237 Delegates’ - Jeff Dunetz - May 26 (orig. posted at


Go Trump 2016. Crush Killary the criminal.

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Can't wait for Nov
Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Daniel Schlachtenhaufen: It's not over 'til the votes are counted. From voter reg rolls filled with the names of non-citizens, dead voters, and duplicate voters, and from non-identified voters at the polls, and from hacked electronic voting machines.

There's still time to CLEAN OUR ELECTIONS. But not much time.

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