Wednesday 11 May 2016

What If

…Obama scheduled, in the near future - either before or after or during the Republican Nominating Convention.  With its contrived bouts of violence; courtesy of George Soros’s money in particular (though not exclusively) - a special press conference and announcement on both radio and TV and said the following:

‘My fellow Americans:

‘I cannot run the risk of letting Donald Trump destroy my legacy.  Too many forward-looking people have worked too long and hard to have the United States become a good and responsible member of the world’s community of nations, under the leadership of the United Nations, to have all that overthrown by a xenophobic, shortsighted throwback to an earlier, colonial era, who is causing violence to become widespread in our country.

And so I am herewith declaring a state of national emergency, and consequently making a declaration of martial law.  My Executive Order No. 13603, which the Congress approved, shall now come into effect.

‘Its details will follow.  But for now, this is to announce, and clarify, that it contains as well my authority to start rounding up, quote, “potential terrorists”…’

- which list is made up of ‘right-wing extremists,’ as defined by the (far Left) Southern Poverty Law Center.  Citizens like: Constitutionalists; Second Amendment advocates; ‘preppers’; veterans; pro-lifers; those opposed to 'undocumented workers' (read: an
open borders' society) and the settling of ‘refugees’ in this country; Christians; anti-Semitics; and anti-government ‘conspiracy theorists’.   Now proven right in their estimation of what is and has been going down in the country.  For long enough.    

The list of ‘potential terrorists’ is also from a list of ‘right-wing extremists’ prepared by Janet Napolitano when she was heading the Department of Homeland Security.  Another document of note here, designed to be activated with the advent of Obama’s E.O. 13603, is an Army Regulation entitled Civilian Inmate Labor Program, ‘authorizing’ unpaid use of FEMA-camp inmates for government work projects.  Precisely as happened in the takeover of China by the Communist regime, still in place in that country since that event in 1949.  With the help of Communists in this country.  Now meeting their comrades, in a coming-together of the collectivists’ version of a New World Order.

And speaking of Red China: Isn’t it interesting that the Obama administration invited both Red China and Russia to ‘observe’ this country’s Civil Emergency Procedures exercise. 

Nothing like giving them an inside view of how to handle a takeover, is there…

Oh - and just to mention in passing the DHS document that enlists the ‘Clergy to Quell Public Unrest’.  To quote ‘scripture’ in their admonishing of their flock to behave, and obey their rulers, excuse me, their masters - excuse me: their ‘lawful authorities’…

I could go on - and list the dictatorial powers that the Usurper’s Executive Order 13603 gives him, in  a - self-declared - state of national emergency.  But you get the idea.

The idea, of how far the takeover has proceeded.  While America Slept. At the switch.  From a federal constitutional republic.  

To a tyrannical regime.  

In a fake two-party system of government.

With the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power.

For, this is not a takeover from either the so-called Left OR Right.

It is a takeover from the extraterrestrial top.

In a realm controlled by Dark forces.

Long enough.

Now, to give way, to 

the forces of the Light.

And just in time, it would appear.

Such forces being the proper ‘rulers’ of this realm.

As all others.  In a creation ‘ruled’ by Love and Light. 

The Creators having allowed an experience of the Dark, in this false reality, this Matrix.  

To teach lessons.

To aspiring gods, in their



Now, to wake up

to their ‘right’-ful destiny.

What If.



The bottom line:

I'm not interested in what people do when they are forced to.

I am only interested in what people do when they choose to.

And so should you be.

It's what you're here for.

In this school.  For growing people.

P.S. Oh - and if the Usurper should ever try such a monstrous move on the American people?
     I trust that the U.S. military will honor their oaths.  And do the right thing.
     That is all.

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