Friday 27 May 2016

On Having Had Quite Enough

1) from ‘Rubio Makes Surprise Announcement About Republican Convention, Trump’ - Fred Maxwell - May 26; posted May 27
(Will support Trump after all; doesn’t figure he is the best candidate to run w/ Trump.)


No indeed, you wouldn't be the "right choice" as a running mate with Trump, Marco. Not just because of political policy differences. But because you simply are not eligible for that job either. In this case, due to the 12th Amendment to the law of the land - still, if only by a slim thread: the Constitution. 

A 'natural born' citizen, Marco - at least as recognized by the constitutional Framers, who put that particular category of citizen in their contract as an eligibility requirement for the office of POTUS - is one born in the country of parents who are its citizens. And just as soon as the American public wakes up to that fact, and the fact that they have been hoodwinked by TPTB in regards to the illegality of The Great Pretender in the Oval Office as we speak, we will get back TO the law of the land. And not try to make two wrongs make a right, as the Republican Party has criminally attempted to do, by allowing both you and Cruz to run as candidates for the office of POTUS. 

And once enough of the American public wakes up to the attempted hijack of their nation that has been going on, we can - will - set this nation back to rights. And admitting to that issue would be the biggest service that you could render to this nation, Marco. Please consider it.

2) from ‘Congress Must Censure President Obama Over Hiroshima Speech’ - Joel B. Pollak - May 27 
(“President Barack Obama told the world on Friday in Hiroshima that the American decision to drop nuclear bombs on Japan in 1945 arose from humanity’s worst instincts, including “nationalist fervor or religious zeal.”…”)
(The Great Pretender with his Great Apologist hat on; trying to be statesmanlike, with a tin ear.)

kibitzer3 - May 27

“It is the inescapable duty of the Congress of the United States to censure President Barack Obama for casting doubt on the sacrifices and motivations of the Americans who fought the Second World War - on the eve of Memorial Day,noels.”

Indeed, Joel.  Indeed.

That there are questions about FDR’s setting up the attack on PearlHarbor is another matter.  The American people rose to the occasion, of a terribly brutal imperial Japan.  For this guy - a Usurper in the office at that - to undercut their sacrifice, and at this particular time, is a total, unmitigated disgrace.  Get him OUT of there.


He described the moral dilemmas of nuclear warfare as if no president, and no American, had considered them before. But he left out the moral case for ending the war, and the hundreds of thousands of deaths avoided because of Hiroshima.

“The contrast to President Harry S. Truman could not have been clearer.

“Reflecting on the decision to bomb Japan years later, Truman declared: 'That bomb caused the Japanese to surrender, and it stopped the war. I don’t care what the crybabies say now, because they didn’t have to make the decision.'"  Indeed, Harry.

Once you’re in it, you need to be in it to win it, and get it over with.  And hope that you never have to go to war again.

Because you would be going to war with part of yourselves.  Because





But in the meantime...

3) from Video: CNN Highlights Obama Birth Certificate Scandal In Hit Piece on Birther Donald Trump’ - May 26; posted at CDR Kirchner (Ret)’s Blog May 27
(CNN spokesman Tom Foreman interviewed on all the 'conspiracy theories' that Trump has been propounding, including the mysterious death of Vincent Foster, questions regarding 9/11, and Obama's birth certificate.  All, designed to make him look kooky, and undeserving of holding the office of POTUS.*)

·kibitzer3 3 hours ago (May 27)

Dear Tom Foreman, 

Are you paid to shill, or are you just a freelancer?? 

Anybody who puts down others as 'conspiracy theorists' without checking out the evidence for the particular subject is either a) a paid part of the disinfo team, b) a robot for TPTB, or c) just plain ignorant. 

As for CNN, I don't understand how they are still in business after they were caught faking a story on the first Gulf War when their war correspondent pretended to be under Scud missile attack on the roof of a hotel in Tel Aviv when he was actually in a studio in either Florida or Georgia. And then when Anderson Cooper was caught in front of a Green Screen when pretending to be broadcasting live from Sandy Hook. What does it take to disgrace these people out of business for fraud???


* Incidentally, while on the subject: I watched a video last night that dealt with a book out that proves that JFK's autopsy a) involved surgical alterations to his head, to destroy evidence of a shot or shots from the front, and b) was reported criminally incorrectly into the archives; most notably with a different brain being reported on than his.  Eyewitnesses had reported that JFK's brain was 30-50% missing (from the huge exit-wound hole in the back of his head); but the brain that was dissected and entered into the record, a few days later, was intact.
     More skullduggery.  Literally.


4) from ’6 Ways To Detox Fluoride - A Known Neurotoxin - From Your Body’ - Amanda Froelich - May 21; posted at Prepare For Change May 27
(“Sodium fluoride is classified as a neurotoxin - in the same category as arsenic, lead, and mercury, but it’s still prevalent in the United States’ water supply. Here are six ways to detox the substance from your body…”)


Thank you for this article, Amanda and true activist. Very helpful, and important. Also because Fl clogs up the pineal gland, and thereby cuts us off from our connection with the larger reality, and thereby tends to make us slaves to the state. Also because of its pacifying properties (acting like Prozac). 

And it's not just sodium fluoride that is added to our water supplies. It is forms of it that are toxic waste byproducts of the aluminum and artificial fertilizer industries in particular. That way, they not only avoid having to pay to clean up their act from polluting the environment, but get paid for it to boot. Sweet.

And there is more today.  A letter from the American Minutemen Project informs its followers that Obama and his Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson - 

“have issued ‘updated Guidelines’ that instruct the U.S. Border Patrol not to fire on moving vehicles and to retreat from people throwing projectiles.

“In fact, it is now a disciplinary matter for a Border Patrol Agent to discharge his firearm at a drug runner barreling down the road at them, or to confront illegal aliens who are hurling rocks at her head.

“…instead they have to ‘retreat or take cover’.

“…even if there isn’t any place to go!

It’s insane!”   

Indeed.  And a clear signal to the drug- and people-runners to engage in pushy behavior... 

So - Congress:

Where the hell are you.

I’ll tell you where you are.  You are on the verge of being considered by The People irrelevant and immaterial.  For not doing your damn job, of reining in a rogue executive.

Basically, what is happening is this:

The New World Order crowd are trying to break down our borders so that the U.S. can be inundated with illegal aliens and other cheap labor, for more people here to be beholden to the Democrats and go on welfare benefits, in order to attempt to a) bankrupt the country and b) stir up animosity leading to civil unrest and a consequent declaration of martial law, in order to merge the former U.S.A. into being a mere part of a region - call it the North American Union - of their NWO.  An Order that means to take away individual freedoms and replace them with collectivist ’rights’ doled out by an all-powerful state, that can terminate an individual or group at will.  Because it is The Law.  

I’ve really had enough of these miscreants, attacking us, and trying to control us, on so many levels.

I want this rot to stop.


And if those souls just playing Dark side parts - to further The (larger) Cause, in The Drama going on, in which to 'catch our consciences' - don't release their roles, and come over to The Light side, they will go down with those souls who have consciously chosen the Dark side.  

And have to endure some more seasoning in the 3D school, of hard knocks to the head.  As it were.

While the rest of us move On and Up.

As is our natural wont.

What 'it' - the experience of duality and (seeming) separation - has been all about:

to grow from.

Not to get stuck in. 

Like some souls we know.

And increasingly.

Who have stuck themselves to the tar baby of 3D life.

A poor replica of

the real thing.

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