Saturday 18 November 2017

A Wrap

Having been kept under wraps - and to myself as well, fully - long enough, I am coming out now to say, and give the following message to humanity:

As The Day of Reckoning approaches, it would behoove everybody to prepare, especially to live in the full, glaring Light of Truth.  Or not.  Your choice.

And for Americans, that includes some major facts about your rule of law - your Constitution.  Perhaps the first of those major facts, that you will have to face full on in that completely illuminative Light, is the ‘little’ matter of the ineligibility of the man who took in his adult life to calling himself Barack Hussein Obama for the office of the presidency of the nation.

I have said before in these pages - of a record of my ‘passages about Earth’ - and I will say it again, and again, until I am Archangel Michael blue in the face -

and this is not a matter either of rocket science or some arcane legalistic mumbo jumbo, but a simple matter of reading and comprehending plain English:

The Constitutional contract creating the United States of America requires the President to have a greater degree of citizenship than either a Senator of a Representative to the Congress.  They only need to be, as regards that specific factor, a “citizen”.  The Constitution requires the presidential office to be occupied only by a “natural born” citizen.  What did that mean to these nascent nation builders?  Well, that should be easy to find out - and it is.  The term means a person ”born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof.  The definition comes from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’.  The whole POINT of the exercise being to make sure that the occupant of that particular office - who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces; a particular concern of the Framers (as the historical record shows) - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States.*         

Prepare to meet an aspect of your Maker.  Come to set things to rights.  In this country.  And on this planet.

An aspect:

The same as you, Friend.

The same as you.

And so, prepare to meet

yourself.  To say:

Your Higher Self.

Or more precisely; Your Highest


And engage in your own

Judgment.  On

The Day.


P.S. I referred to “major facts” about this country, and its rule of law.  Another: how the administration under George W. Bush abused the law by, if not primarily orchestrating, at least going along with, the 9/11 attack on this nation, in order on the one hand to give it the ‘New Pearl Harbor’ excuse the Cabal needed to engage in their attempts to take over the Middle East, and make the world safe for their Military-Industrial Complex (MIC); and on the other, to fasten on the country an unconstitutional degree of surveillance and ‘containment’.  With that Bush Jr. administration apparently having been illegal anyway, for apparently (the true facts to come out in this New Dispensation) having stolen the 2000 elections.  And so, all of the legislation that Obama signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and thus, all of the decisions that those judges figured into crucially) are not the only things to go into the trash bin, along with their progenitor.  But Bush Jr.’s administration is to be (apparently, at this point) stricken from the record, too.
     The record, of the attempted takeover of the United States of America, by satanic fiends.
     Which also extends to machinations that went on in the late 1800s to undermine this country, and put it under the power of both the English royal house and the international ring of thugs, wishing to take over this world for the Dark side.
     Even if they think they are involved in Illumination.
     Think again, boyos.  And consider some words of wisdom:
     ‘The play’s the thing (by which) to catch the conscience of the king.’           
     (And speaking: Don't get me started on king and queen Bill and Hill...)

P.P.S. And along this line of thought, regarding the NWO elite:
      Senator Dianne Feinstein has every good reason to believe that these multi-round weapons (of basically self-defense) that are ‘out and about’ in the country are ugly things - almost ‘utterly without redeeming social importance’ - and so she is correct to that extent in wanting to eliminate them.  She just needs to understand that they are necessary, in the hands of the citizenry as well, given the current state of things, and consciousness. 
     Once we eliminate the threat of the Dark side’s totalitarian New World Order, and replace it with the Real Thing, the necessity of these sorts of weapons - for self-defense, against people thinking to overthrow this country - will disappear.  With that threat, to
     the Truth.  The whole Truth.  And nothing but
     the Truth.

P.P.P.S. In my just-previous blog I talked briefly about a screenplay that I had come up with many years ago, about a somewhat Mystery Figure of a white male who wanted “to be in the building of” a City of Light.  The scene set in the south of Mexico; explained, in the truncated description of the story in my blog, as in the southern part of the North American continent.  My thinking on the subject was about the merging of white European-settled North America proper with the more indigenous peoples of Central and South America.  With the black race (ingeniously) brought into that historical ‘picture’ originally as slaves.  And the Oriental race brought into the picture, of a budding Wholeness, along the way as well: involved in a crucial stage of the knitting of the new nation together, as workers in building the national railroads of the budding United States of America.  Built - and literally, with that help - on the principle of honoring the (rights of the) Individual, as opposed to the (power of the) Collective (and its elite ruling class, either by kingship or communist) of so many of the Eastern and other countries on the planet.
     Or, rather, not ‘opposed to’ so much as in concert with.  In the symphony going on on this planet.  Playing its way out to
     its Conclusion.  With the clashing of cymbals - read: Symbols - and so forth.  East and West coming together; etc.
     All of this, to complete the ‘picture’ of a nascent

     One World.
     And lo:

     Here we are. 

     Ready - readied - for our

     Next Step. 

     In that alignment.

     With the larger reality of which this whole ‘story’ has been a part of.

     The Story

     of Man

     becoming his True Self

     once again.

     And seeing himself as that

     as though for the First Time.

     In this Wrap


* As evidence that the constitutional Framers were fully aware of this ‘take’ on the matter, there is the ‘little’ matter of Benjamin Franklin, their elder and well-respected mentor, and who just so happened to be sitting right there amongst them, as a delegate to those proceedings, is known to have had three copies of this (finely detailed) tome in his possession - and who thought so highly of de Vattel’s take on such matters that he gave one of his copies to the Continental Congress, well before the constitutional proceedings.
   Check.  And to cap off this ’game’: Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate himself to those self-same proceedings, made a proposal there that the president need only be, quote, “a born Citizen” - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, of needing to have been born on the soil (or its equivalent; like a diplomatic mission) of citizen parents.
   That’s parents.
   And that eligibility requirement for that particular office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary, for such a fundamental aspect of the constitutional contract.
   Checkmate.  To those who have attempted to get around, or through, the wall of the Constitution either by a) trying to argue that there are only two categories of citizens, naturalized or natural born, or by b) pointing to the Naturalization Act of 1790, enacted by the Congress.   Which, in the event, was repealed, by the Naturalization Act of 1795, ON THIS VERY GROUND - that the earlier Act was misleading in its use of the term.  And which Repeal was signed off on by no less a pair of constitutional authorities than J. ‘the Father of the Constitution’ Madison, then a member of Congress, and G. Washington, then as President (beyond his earlier role as Chair of the Constitutional Convention proceedings). 
   As I say:
    And get thee behind me, you satanists who are trying to argue to the contrary.  Slippery scheming evils that you are.
   Your ‘number’ is up.

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