Thursday 2 November 2017

On Things Coming To A Head: III

On Ripe Fruit Falling

Let's put a few pieces together.

* The NWO crowd has been laying the groundwork for the takeover of this nation for a long time,  as evidenced by a number of books (and then Internet articles) on the subject over many years.  This material points to, not just Marxists involved,1 but their supposed mortal enemy, the cream of the owner class in a capitalist society.  But both forms of collectivism are being run by the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power on the planet: a group of people - call them the Cabal; call them the Illuminati; call them TPTB; call them whatever strikes your fancy - who are running both sides of the pincer movement, with the aid of some very nasty off-planet entities, who have become infatuated with power in the material realm, to the detriment of their own potential spiritual evolution.  All of us being facets, fractals, aspects, points of view of The All That Is; and thus, they are more to be pitied than hated.
     As our own shadow side is more to be embraced, and consequently transmuted, than shunned.

* That takeover is being augmented by such advanced technology as HAARP - i.e., Weather Warfare - and the sort of DEW weaponry that was used to take out the homes (and some collateral loss of lives) in northern California recently, in advancement of the UN's Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 scenarios.  All of it about People Control, in the ultimate goal of TPTB: total control over the planet's peoples.  Being lorded over by their 'rightful' masters.
     It's a bloodline thing, you see.

* There are purportedly 25,000 Chinese military personnel pre-positioned in the U.S., waiting for their signal.  The FBI is reported to know about this.  Why isn't the FBI doing anything about it?  One answer would appear to be because President Trump has failed to 'drain the swamp' fully - including all of the Obama appointee holdovers in the FBI.  (Why he has failed to do this is another story.)2
     And not to put all the blame of what is going on just on the Usurper, Obama.  For example:

* George W. Bush Sr. - whose true family name is Scherf.  And before that, purportedly, Pearce; apparently a modification of Pecce, a Roman aristocratic family name; and thus, his bloodline connection with our erstwhile masters - closed over a hundred military bases, which are now being used to store UN military vehicles, and possibly UN troops underground at those sites.  And more bases were closed by both George W. Bush Jr. and Obama.  With reports of UN planes landing clandestinely at U.S. Air Force bases with who knows what all as cargo, including UN troops.  All, having been pre-positioned, for

Der Tag.

When would that be scheduled for??

Don't know. But what I do know, is that President Trump being out of the country starting the end of this week - and after all the softening-up of the American public against him, by the lap-dog yappers of the MSM - would give this dastardly crowd a prime opportunity to make their move.

And I can only hope that this nation's White Hats in the military are as aware of all of this as I am, and other American patriots are.

I can only trust that Right will prevail.  For I personally can't do anything about it, but notice it, and report on it,

Any more effect on the matter than that is not part of my Mission Statement.

More's the pity.  Because this is MY country.  And I will not tolerate it being treated like this.

But -

Orders are orders.                

So, get on with the job, those of you who have been assigned active parts in The Play running out to its conclusion.

Many of us are waiting on the sidelines.  For you to

rise to the occasion.

Which would appear - from all angles - to be about to come into being.

And perhaps even as we speak about it, all.

Or at least, about some of it.

There is, admittedly, more to the Conclusion than this.

Like, a new monetary system.

But that's all for after

first things first.



1 with the Communist Manifesto telltale signs of the intended destruction of:
   private property (see the environmental movement, and the intended elimination of humans from huge swathes of the nation, and crowding them into planned mega cities in a pack & stack move);
   the family unit, the people rather dependent on the state, not a breadwinner;
   individuality (as 'antithetical to egalitarianism,' with 'the idea of individual 'freedom' simply a 'bourgeois social construction');
   any sense of 'eternal truths' ('There are no truths beyond the class struggle...Communism abolishes all religions and all morality...');
   nations ('The working man has no country...');
   the past ('In bourgeois society, the past dominates the present.  In Communist society, the present dominates the past').

2 And it isn't just Red Chinese troops in this country.  (And positioned as well adjacent to many of our military bases, via their solar company front, Cinta.)  As disgraced former FBI Director James Comey has been candid enough to let the U.S. public know, there are ISIS cells in all 50 states.
   And ISIS and MS-13 have joined forces, in this multi-pronged attempt to take over this country.
   Aided considerably by the acts of both commission and omission of the Usurper, Obama, in seeing that this country was flooded with subversives forces - a veritable Fifth Column in the country.  Ready to do untold damage.
   (And some of you American citizens think that the difference between a simple citizen and a 'natural born' citizen in that commanding position of power is not really all that important??????????????
   Perhaps you deserve the consequences of your actions.  And inactions.
   But America doesn't.
   She has been terribly let down by you lot.
   I expect to see a lot of you 'lot' rise to the occasion, before this scenario is played out.  To its conclusion.
   In a better world.
   With your help.
   Still to manifest.)

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