Wednesday 15 November 2017

On Accusations

My last blog started with the (ancient) sexual-assault accusations thrown at Judge Roy Moore, and included my comment that in reality it was all about the war being waged against "patriots/nationalists" by "totalitarian globalists".  In that war, for example, Judge Roy Moore is not only a big-game trophy target for the 'liberals' because he is a staunch conservative, but because he is a staunch Christian.1  Both categories of persons are in the big-game trophy sights of the NWO mob.  Who are not just totalitarian globalists, but - mostly - secularists/atheists to boot;2 and are only tolerating the Muslims in their midst because the latter have helped them, in their Marxian 'class warfare' against the Established Order, in their quest for Power Over others.  And will be dealt with in their own 'good' time too.  The Revolution turning on, and feeding on, its own.

Christians also needing to be done away with in large part because they do harp on so about 'the mark of the Beast,' thus keeping the public attuned to the dangers of microchipping.  Got to eliminate them if only for that reason alone.  It has been such a successful operation so far.  First, the public's dogs and cats, to soften the public up to the idea.  Then, its touted value in keeping track of senile oldsters.  Then, employers utilizing the technology with their employees, for the anodyne use of the photocopier and purchasing snacks, and the like.  And then - the children, after a spate of child-abduction movies and then real-life mimics soften the public up for that innovation.  Being good 'progressive' parents, and all.  And then - poof: Everybody.  In order to gain access even to their own bank accounts.  And in a by-then cashless society.

And thus, susceptible to being 'Hal'-ed at any moment.  And the trap thus closed.


from ‘The Microchipping Agenda is Running Exactly in Line With the Eradication of Cash’ - Al Lentes; posted by Edward Morgan  - November 14
(Pointing out the dangers of this technology, in this imperfect world.)

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Nicely put, Al. Thanks for the excellent summary.


This has been a plot a long time coming.

And planned for.  

Our Creator Source being no dummy.  



1 This is the guy who when he was Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court was railroaded out of his position because he backed the keeping of a copy of the Ten Commandments in the entrance to the state courthouse.

2 Including what are called the Khazarian Mafia - Jews not by bloodline but by conversion of their country, Khazaria, back during the first millennium of the Current Era.  And have 'traded' on their 'Jewishness' ever since - the idea of being a Chosen People - to go for power in country after country the world over.  They are better described - and as well, over being just secularists/atheists - as Satanists.   Or Luciferians.
   Another subject in itself.

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