Thursday 9 November 2017

Further On The Medical & 'Mental Health' Front

from ‘GOP lawmaker says Mueller investigation amounts to a coup’ - Sam Rolley - November 9
(“Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who introduced a resolution last week to take special counsel Robert Mueller off the Russia collusion investigation, says Americans are currently witnessing the beginning of a coup d’état against the Trump administration…”
The comments quickly centered on what else happened on Hillary’s watch as SoS, and when Mueller was Director of the FBI under Obama.  Susan Lindauer is a former Whistleblower from the George W. Bush criminal days, and was jailed for a time for her pains.  She may be a ‘peacenik’; but she is nobody's fool: is no supporter of either communism or fascism.  She is an opponent of corruption, full stop.  An admirable gal.)

         Susan Lindauer whataworld37 4 hours ago (November 9)
  • You refer to Benghazi when ISIS radicals sodomized Ambassador Stevens' security with a broom stick AND electrocuted them w/ cattle prods?? Of course Hillary went to bed early that night BUT not before President Obama FIRED General Carter Ham for refusing to back off demands to send in Navy Seals.

  • I know that for a fact, because MY OLD LIBYAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCES from Gadhaffi's time had infiltrated the US Compound. They captured it all on cell phone pictures & communicated with AFRICOM, standing by to guide Navy Seals in for the rescue. They listened in disbelief while Obama ordered General Ham to hand over his side arm and relieved him of duty. It was MY LIBYAN FRIENDS who drove survivors to the airport after Obama REFUSED to send in Navy Seals.

  • Your comment proves Democrats are sociopaths & narcissists who don't give a damn what happens to this country or the U.S military so long as they're controlling profits from "pay to play" corruption scams. You're all FURIOUS that voters stopped you.
  • P.S I got the pictures of the sodomy from Libya 24 hours after the attack, so don't bother denying it.

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    • kibitzer3 Susan Lindauer a few seconds ago (November 9)

    • Thanks for pitching in here, Susan. Helpful to have some inside info on this sort of subject. Please keep in contact with We, the People, passing on such info, to help us take back our country from the NWO mob.

…And, especially having just come off watching a 7-part series on the immense value of cannabis in dealing with a huge numb of disease conditions, I was particularly irritated, even angered, by the following story:

from ‘The Republican establishment is a total disgrace for blocking cannabis medicine for wounded veterans - Health Ranger’- Mike Adams - November 9 
(“(Natural News) The Republican establishment recently blocked veterans’ access to medical marijuana, making sure our veterans remain addicted to dangerous, deadly opioids. The Veterans Equal Access amendment was blocked by the Republican-led U.S. House, ensuring that Big Pharma continues to cash in on the biological destruction of returning veterans.

“The very political party that claims to be pro-military, in other words, has just thrown veterans to the pharma dogs. This, coupled with the routine prescribing of mind-altering psychiatric drugs to veterans after near-instant “PTSD” diagnoses means that our brave men and women in uniform have in many cases been turned into pharmaceutical receptables for the profit interests of the drug industry.

“It is an absolute disgrace that our veterans are being denied access to medical marijuana / cannabis medicine. In making this decision, the GOP establishment has become a shameful embarrassment to this nation, routinely putting the profit interests of their big corporate donors over the humanitarian protection of America’s soldiers and veterans…”)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (November 9)

(Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Natural News.)

Thank you, Mike, for telling it like it is, and so forcefully. There is always the possibility that a lot of our Representatives have been misled about what 'medical marijuana' entails, and are genuinely concerned about addiction. But not, apparently, at all the addiction with the opioids legally on the market. The answer, in the end, must come down to the fact that Big Pharma has deep pockets, and cannabis growers don't - and that cannabis is not patentable. A tragedy going on here. 

Please keep on this story. It needs to grow legs.


So: Two Fighters for Truth, in Susan and Mike, in their respective fields.  

May more members of the Legions of the Light step up, and come forward, in these trying times.  Before - and to help bring about -  

The Change.

Call it the Singularity.  Call it the The Golden Age.  Call it the Kingdom of Heaven.  By whatever name,

it will smell as sweet.

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