Wednesday 15 November 2017

The Visit

‘Welcome back, Sir!  Nice to see you again!’

‘I wouldn’t bet on that.’

‘ - Sir?’

‘This is just a social call.  I’ve been hearing from your Guardian Angels some distressing things about what all is going on down here, and thought I’d check it out. 

‘First: I bequeathed to you in this country a government ‘of, by, and for the people,’ as one of your more, shall we say, illustrious presidents put it.  Isn’t that correct?’   

‘Why, yes, Sir!  And we certainly - ‘

‘And yet you have let an Elite run things.’


‘I understand, from my unhappy sources, that you, in this realm of duality - this classroom for aspiring gods - have gone so far astray from your Mission that you have let a private consortium of what you call ‘bankers’ not only set ‘your’ country’s interest rates - for boom and bust, I have been informed; for them gleefully to make money going up and coming down - but have their private access to the printing plates of your currency, without even the safeguard of requiring an audit, as flimsy a safety factor as that is on its own.  Is that correct?’

‘…Well… - you see, Sir, - ’

‘I’ll take that as a yes.  And then to top terrible things off, I understand that you have recently let an ineligible person run for, and occupy, the office of your nation’s presidency.  Is that correct.’

 ‘…I’m not sure, precisely, - ‘



‘And so we have come back around, in this little fact-finding mission of mine, to this business of your supposing to be a nation of, by and for ‘the people,’ under your rule of law, to say, your Constitution.  Which has thereby, from these various actions of yours - and more, I am given to understand, by your anguishing Guardian Angels - become “just a damn piece of paper,” as one of your more, shall we say, less illustrious presidents has put it.  With you lot acting as though you are already of the angelic natures that you are on your way back to inheriting.  Good luck with that notion.’

‘Wait! - but Sir!  Where are you going?’

‘I’m getting out of here, before the shit hits the fan, as you say.’


‘You were to sort these things out.  That was your Purpose, you know.’

‘…To - what, precisely?’

‘To align with your higher selves.  Not your lower selves.  In order to inherit your true Kingdom.  Or you will just have to go through the whole Process all over again.

‘See you when the proper Time, for your graduation, comes.  In the meantime, best wishes for climbing out of this hellhole that you have created for yourselves to climb back out of.

‘Quite a challenge you put to yourselves.


‘Your choice.

‘As I say.’

As Elder Brother to this quarrelsome lot of siblings.  Arguing amongst themselves; while their structures burn down around them.  

And they forget what the whole thing is all about.  

What the whole Process is all about.

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