Wednesday 1 November 2017

Actions, Having Consequences

I have had a sense of being in a prison here in what is called Life from the very beginning.  My first memory is of being in a crib in the corner of a large room, looking out through the slats at the old couple who had been 'assigned' to take care of me and my older brother, until someone called our 'mother' came into my/our life, and took us away, for the next stage of my journey here.  Something about the whole thing at that earliest stage obviously didn't feel right to me, because, as I was told later, I used to rock myself to sleep violently, banging my head against those bars - slats.

And then Life kicked in in earnest, and I got along with the experience fairly well; although, as I remember telling a gal friend many years later, "I feel as though I am in an envelope".  I could well relate to the idea of being a stranger in a strange land.

For example.  Now, towards the end of my dash,  I find myself back in my old hometown, to see out my final days here in the sun, near the beach.  Sounds bucolic.  But it is really somewhat like a David Lynch movie.  Example.  I soon found - on the local, 'Nextdoor' email site - that my neighbors were having their bikes stolen.  Constantly.  And drug deals are going on, especially in the local park and beach toilets.  Constantly.  And then just today one of our neighbors reported on the site that he was walking home last night - in the next block along from me - when a young black kid with a red hoodie suddenly hit him on the mouth (needing five stitches to repair it) and tried to rob him.  And there are homeless people sleeping everywhere - not just in the alleys, but right out on the sidewalks as we are walking by, minding our own business.

Let me clarify.  This is what I guess could well be called 'the inner city'.  And apparently this sort of thing goes on in many if not all inner cities all throughout the nation.  And I understand that.  But it is part of a climate of total disregard for law and order.              

To say: why not.  Especially ever since the Right allowed the Left to get away with seating an ineligible president in the Oval Office - there at the very top in the country; setting a tone, as it were, for the nation.  Like a fish rotting from its head - in the form of the Usurper, Barack Hussein Obama, they have been pressing their advantage, as a sign that they can get away with arbitrary law ruling in the nation, here at the end - to them - of the federal constitutional Republic of the U.S.A. (amidst as well the tearing down of 'relics' of the previous entity, via statue and monument demolishing; including G. Washington's church now taking down a plaque in his honor, would you believe) and the establishing of their socialistic, and utterly totalitarian, New World Order.1  So that now, with Trump (an Outsider) in that seat of power - which they apparently didn't think about possibly happening, in the outworking of their best-laid plans - they are doing everything they can to block him from accomplishing anything.  Obama allowed thousands upon thousands of poorly vetted 'refugees' from terrorist-infested countries into this country, and that, to these nation wreckers, was 'good'.  Trump is attempting to staunch that flow, and set up better vetting of such potential Fifth Columnists into this country, and that is 'bad', with federal judges (which the Usurper appointed) blocking him every where and way they can.  Obama allowed and encouraged transgenders into the military branches of this country - regardless of serious questions regarding troop cohesion and morale and such - and that was 'good'.  Trump is attempting to bring back a semblance of troop fitness and morale into the picture - as Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces, responsible for our national security - and that is 'bad,' and is being blocked by one of said federal judge as we speak.

So: a climate of total breakdown of any concept of living by rules, in a meaningful society, celebrating Life, as part of a larger Whole.

And that climate is in every aspect of our lives.  Between yesterday's and today's mail, I have received a number of heart-wrenching mailings, from worthy causes, looking for financial support for their causes; which I am exhausted from helping out, by now, on my meager Social Security pickings.  Here's one from a lady who rescues badly-treated horses from kill buyers.   Here's one from a female vet who operated, over and over, trying to save the life of a dog who was taken out by its owner to a woods and tied to a tree and doused with kerosene and set afire, and left to die.  Which it did, too soon after its rescue.  But at least, before it passed on out of this vale of tears - for animals, too - it had its belly scratched a bit.  Where it hadn't received third-degree burns, over most of the rest of its body...

And as if that wasn't bad enough, and especially for one sitting, here's one - with a terribly graphic picture on its envelope (there's that 'envelope' motif again, you will notice...) - about an outfit down in the south of Florida that rescues dogs from practitioners of black magic, "which involves the repeated TORTURE, KILLING, and, as you can see below [referring to a copy of said photo on the outside of the envelope], even CRUCIFIXTION [sic, and sick] of innocent dogs."2

Not to mention the regular requests from the Long Beach Rescue Mission.  (I'm talking about humans again, now.)  And the Union Rescue Mission, up in L.A.  And another outfit called the Los Angeles Mission.  And another such outfit called Union Station.  And another excellent such outfit called St. Vincent Meals on Wheels (meals delivered by volunteers to the housebound).  And the United Way of Greater Los Angeles.  And.  And.  And.......

And I put it all aside - all, of it.  And sit for a while.  Recovering.  And wonder about it all.

How did it all get this terrible, and terribly un-united, Way???...

I accept the experience of free will.  It would appear, from all the evidence - all of it - to have a greater Purpose to it.  But how did we get so - un-united??  So susceptible to the Dark side of the equation???...

...And the only thing that I can think of, to get out of my deep dark funk - about it all - is to rely on music.  I don't know about you, but I have found music to be a great pacifier, in a word.  And right now I felt the need to dig out one of my CDs that I haven't listened to for quite a while.  Needed one of the best pieces of music to help me out of my terrible state of disillusionment with humanity.  It is the 18th Variation of 'Variations on a Theme of Paganini' by Rachmaninoff.  Better known, at least to my earlier generation, now passing on from view, as the theme song to the (touching) film Story of Three Loves.

May you find what you need to help you out whilst experiencing the solace of a world gone mad.

And quite beneath our potential.

In the other direction.

P.S. There are a lot of serious questions about the Bible, both New Testament and Old Testament thereof.  But it does have some nuggets of gold in it.  One such:
     'Without a vision, the people perish.'
     Tell us.



1 And not to overlook the very possible criminality of George W. Bush, first in stealing the 2000 election from Al Gore (via electronic voting machine computer theft/transfer of votes), and then in being involved in the 9/11 false flag op.  The latter charge is not only murder.  But treason.
   Plenty of corruption to be wrung out of the system.  Once we move Up.  And leave this dark dungeon behind.

2 You want all the details?  Can you handle the truth??  Read on: - or not:
   "The dog pictured opposite has had all four limbs broken and then tied to the cross.  A sharp wooden stake has been forced into its mouth to stop him from defending himself.
     "This pup will be left like this...left in agony for FIVE days (that's how long this sick, demented 'ceremony' lasts) and the suffering ends only when the dog's head is cut away..."

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