Saturday 23 June 2018

Life In These Times

A friend emailed me about a number of subjects, including apparently an anticipated Rapture by some Christians at the Summer Solstice just gone by, the benefits of boron, and included a fascinating dance routine by two French couples.  My response:

"I hadn't known that the Christians had been 'alerted' to this particular Solstice 'event' - I had only come across a lot of talk about this one on my Golden Age of Gaia-type sites.  Glad it was just that - talk.  I wasn't prepared to skedaddle, just yet.  (And just when did the Christians begin to believe in the likes of astrology???)

"Borax/boron: I was aware that it is good to drink (a bit of) baking soda, in terms of the acid/alkaline balance thingy (and anti-cancer as well).  But I haven't even availed myself of that info.  As a man of a certain age, I still have good joints with my mainly fruit and veggies diet.  Well, a little weakness in the right hip, these days.  Guess I'll have to take it a little more easy with the skateboard.  (Just kidding.)  Anyway - thanks for the tip about boron.  I'd like to stick around for a bit longer.  I do feel that there is, indeed, something big up, and I'd like to be part of it.  In for a penny, and all that.  Even if the higher realms do have their desirable traits, and this 3D one sucks, quite a bit, this is where the action is.

"As for that last, French video: Remarkable.  Now if the French, as with the Germans, would just tell their NWO erstwhile masters to take a hike, they would have something positive going for them.  As for this country: It would be laughable if it weren't so serious how over-the-top the MSM is in spinning everything possible, including the kitchen sink, against Trump.  It's like a real-life Saturday Night Live skit.  ('Quick - how can we turn this against Donnie.')  Even when they are caught out, as they are often, they still attempt to brazen it out; and with their total control of the MSM (except for some of the voices on Fox News), they are doing a bang-up job with the Edward Bernays 'Public Relations' shtick.  Fortunately, more and more the U.S. public seems to be catching on, and is aware of looking behind the curtain.  But in the meantime, it's a very disgusting scene.  

"What did we ever do to end up here at this time??

"Oh - right.

"Got it.

"But boy, is this assignment worth a lot of credits on the old karmic scorecard."


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