Sunday 24 June 2018

On Codes To Live By

I recently mused on the phenomenon of how strange it was that the Democrat Party had taken so strongly to the seeming idea that this country was, or at least should be, a one-party state, with them ‘entitled’ to rule, and therefore had delivered such a scorched-earth policy to Trump (instead of the former ‘loyal opposition’ two-party mode), in cahoots with the (monopolistic) MSM - until I got it:

They are simply acting out their parts* in The Drama now reaching its crescendo; the unfolding historical Process leading to what could be called the kingdom of heaven on Earth.


The Action that The Process had to have in order to deliver a completing Reaction to, and thus for that Reaction to be manifested, brought into being, had to be global in scale, to deliver a global Response, with the U.S. as a key link in the matter being treacherously roped into a Dark-side New World Order, of Deceit and Corruption - of, in a word: Untruth.  And thus the Synthesis-completing establishment of a global realm of Truth.  And Good.

As to these factors.

The unfinished bit of business as regards the subject of Truth and Good was how the world has developed (in this educational Process that we have been involved in, for centuries) no moral code, except the ’code’ that a) the end justifies the means; and b) ‘there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so’ (ergo: relativism; an atheistic concept), and so the ’person’ with the biggest stick wins.  ‘You will do what I say, because I say so.  For I am the State, and I am your God now.’  Rather than, ‘What’s the best thing to do in this situation, given that life has meaning beyond just in and of and for itself only?  What can benefit us humans the most, on our mutual spiritual paths?’

For, we are on such paths.  And they have all led to this moment in time - and Time - on this planet.  To fulfill our educational requirements.  For this level.  In order to progress.

Or not.

Your individual choice.

It would be a shame if you were left behind.

But.  As i say.

* And of course there is no telling - except by their auras, and karmic records - who of these ‘anti-Trumpers’ are full of truthful animosity towards the man and his policies, and who among them are just ‘in it’ for the money, paid for from behind the ‘seen’/scene by TPTB.  
   The same shadowy figures who have paid off so many of our government, er, ‘representatives’ for a long, long time.
   All to the same end, in actuality:
   to learn lessons therefrom.


P.S.  From the IM source  The Common Sense Show, article titled ‘Who Do Dictators Murder First?’ by Dave Hodges (June 23-4):

The people that are killed first by dictators are the purveyors of the free flow of information. This is why we should all be concerned about the antics of social media. Just this morning, Youtube banned my video in which I described the fact that Paris Hilton was selling her father’s mansion, valued at $38 million, and Hilton was only going to accept bitcoin. This is a direct threat to the globalist organization we call the Federal Reserve and Google owned Youtube has pledged their allegiance to the banker’s plan to take over the world. Hence, the ban over this innocuous story…”

The free flow of information - the basic ingredient to, and for, a free society.

We have been warned.

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