Friday 15 June 2018

Yes, They WOULD Do That

(FWIW: I have just watched a video of ‘The Big Short’.
     And I understand that we are entering - actually, well into - the same sort of situation, in this day.  Not, apparently, having learned anything from that debacle.  Or, say, the Enron one.  Or, say, the S&L scandal of the '80s. Or, say, The Depression.
     You people are just playing games here.
     It needs to stop.)

When I was still a student, approaching my adulthood, I found myself saying, a number of times, ‘Oh, they wouldn’t do that’.  A friend told me one day that he had heard of a man who had developed a cure for cancer, and that he and it were being suppressed.  ‘Oh, they wouldn’t do that.’  And another time, when I had heard from somewhere that fluoride was actually a poison, and was also in all foodstuffs processed with water treated with fluoride.  ‘Oh, they wouldn’t do that.’  And vaccines.  Even vaccines, having far, far more in the way of ‘adverse side effects’ than TPTB were admitting to, in their incessant insistence that they were ‘safe and effective’.  ‘Oh, they wouldn’t - ‘

Yes.  They would.  And do.  And are continuing to ‘do’ to this day. 

Why?  Two reasons.

The first is venality.  There is a lot of money to be made in treating cancer (say).  And in its ‘maintenance’.  No money to be made in its cure, or prevention.  The same with the likes of diabetes, and heart disease, and Alzheimer’s…you get the picture.  

And the same with vaccines.  A huge business, that one.  Children from the day of birth on up, and even on into adulthood now, with the hugely profitable business of flu vaccines (and yearly!).

With their load of mercury.  Which poisons us.  But hey, we’ve got just the pill for you for that, too…

You can see my cynicism.  But it is as nothing compared to my reaction to the other reason why ‘they would do that’:

Because we are being deliberately ‘dumbed down,’ both intellectually and physically, by people who want to control us.  All, of humanity.  Want to be our superiors.  Our gods.

See, what I had yet to learn in life was that I wouldn’t do that.  But others would.  And did.  And do, all the damn time.

And the second reason is from both the ‘communist’ end of the political spectrum and the ‘fascist’ end.  Both actually meeting, in a curve, rather than a straight line, because they are both involving what is called collectivism, or statism.  As opposed to individualism.  Which is ‘championed’ by capitalism.

By the concept of ‘profit’.  Which needs to go, in the New World aborning.  Because it is a false god.  But first, a word about the collectivist camps.

The communists have the right idea, in principle.  Living with, and by, a sense of community.  That we are all in this together, and should be living in a state, not of competition with one another.  But of cooperation with one another.  Each giving our bit of service to the Whole, and receiving thereby in return, for we are part of the Whole.  But they have the wrong means.  The totalitarian state, running people’s lives to within an inch of their lives.  Controlling them, like slaves to the system.  And it is that means - that way of thinking; and that goes for the other extreme collectivist state as well, of fascism - which will keep them from ever accomplishing their goal.  Because we are not slaves.  Sheep to be sheared, cattle to be culled.  We are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  Chips off the old block.  That block being our Creator Source.  Not ‘the State’.  Not being controlled by an arrogant Elite, who think of themselves as gods.

Well yes.  As are we all.

Gods in the making, that is.

Apprentice gods.  For being chips off the old block.  And thus, that innate sense being in us all.  As part of our very nature.  Beyond the incarnate business - the veil - of inhabiting a higher-primate body suit.

But that ideological way, of Power Over Others, is to stay stuck in The Process.  Thinking one can be a god without paying one’s dues: the development - the ‘landing’ - of higher consciousness, and higher, and higher.  Up the spiral stairway to the highest ‘heaven’: Home.  Unity.  Perennially denied to those sparks of divinity who have turned against their Creator Source, in their arrogance.  Like outright Satanists.  Those souls who have sold themselves to the High Power of Involution.  Who calls himself - thinks himself - a god.  Identifying with that part of his nature.  But forgetting the rest of The Deal.  And seducing likeminded souls to go his way.  Which is to stay stuck, over and over in incarnation, in matter.  The illusion  The matrix.  The classroom, for aspiring gods.

Mission accomplished, upon graduation.

And so we have, in this realm of corruption, those infatuated with venality on the one hand.  And atheistic ideology on the other.  Or theistic, in the sense of thinking of Satan as their god.  To whom they give homage - for all the material wealth and power that he offers them - in the form of such as the killing, and blood-drinking, and flesh-eating, of babies.  And the practice of pedophilia.  Because of their belief system, of

Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  If it serves the purpose, of helping you achieve your end.  Which is, in a word: Power.

Power Over Others.  Rather than seeing them - us - all as brothers and sisters on The Path.

The end justifies the means.  That way.  Into perdition.  Down.  Down.  Down.  Instead of

Up.  And Up some more.  And Up some more.  Unto ultimately Unity.

Which goal, ultimate accomplishment, is not served by such training-wheel devices as the idea of ‘profit’.  Doing things out of a desire to ‘make a profit’.  Rather than out of a desire to help The Process.  

So, interest-bearing money, and its training-wheel partner,* fractional-reserve banking (and all the other gimmicks that these manufacturers of money out of thin air get up to, like ‘credit default swaps’ and ‘collateral debt obligations,’ and the bundling of subprime mortgages that caused the Recession of 2008, and allowed the outrageous bailout of the thus-tarnished Masters of the Universe; more of whom should have ended up in jail, along with individuals at the credit rating agencies and the SEC), need

to go.


there are no banks in heaven.

Or any subset thereof.

And we are about to enter just such a place.

With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.

For, this world - this 3D-level realm; this classroom - is going Up.

Down no longer.

And an inside tip:

You can bet on it.


* i.e., 'training' in what humans can accomplish, when they put their minds to it.  For good.  Or evil.
   And if not for good, for what they can learn from the experience.  In learning that actions have consequences.  And that there is perfect Justice in the universe.  Monitored by the Law of Karma.  So, you don't ever really 'get away with' anything.  Because Love runs this process.  And so you might as welt stop going around and around and around on the apparently highly perceived merry-go-round of incarnation after incarnation after incarnation, because you are never going to go anywhere that way.  Will just be consumed - i.e., your negative emotions (it's called loosh) - by your matrix masters, every time you come up for air in this fetid atmosphere.  And call it 'reality'.  Having sold your birthright for a mess of pottage.  To these creatures who are snickering at you, all the way to their bank. 

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