Saturday 23 June 2018

To The Naughty Corner With You, Then

In reading an article in the current issue of The New American1 titled ‘Colleges Igniting Promiscuity’ (sub-headed ‘Today’s colleges are actually hosting orgiastic events and pushing perversity on students, all the while helping numb the young into ignorance, iniquity, and atheism’) - on the ‘hook-up’ culture that has been going on in many of our ‘modern’ colleges and universities for some time now - I have had some thoughts.  On this subject, and in general.  To summarize:

If the communists didn’t have as one of the planks of their Manifesto the destruction of the family unit - in order to get the state to be the ‘parent’ of the children - we wouldn’t have all this encouragement to ‘free sex’ going on in our universities.2  That phenomenon is not just about libertinism.  It is about political orthodoxy.  The orthodoxy of those who want to - ultimately - control people, and to within an inch of their lives.  And in order to do that, get to that point of power - called by some Power Over Others; or as I call it, ‘POO for short’ - you have to break down the old order, the Established Order.  I believe it’s called ‘deconstructing the old,’ in Marxist terminology.  The same as there is a Marxist phrase describing their takeover of such as our universities, and lower education as well, and the media, and entertainment: It’s called by them ‘the long march through the institutions’.  

And how good they have been at their wrecking-ball activity in this country…3       

And so, Congratulations to those who have succeeded in avoiding - tuning out - the siren songs of the Marxists amongst us, inviting us to crash on their rocks, and thus turn this nation over to them, to do with as they would choose to.  Which would be to make of it merely a part of a region of the totalitarian New World Order long-planned for humanity, within which for us to be treated as sheep to be sheared, cattle to be culled; controlled - as I say - to within an inch of our lives, by those, our erstwhile masters, and to be done away with on their whim and will, as ‘useless eaters,’ and regime disturbers, and such.  

Our erstwhile masters having fallen under the spell of creatures infesting the Dark side, who have gotten lost in matter, for having decided to attempt to become gods in their own right, not according to The Plan of Life, by which we are all - all us facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source - gods in the making.  Being chips off the old block, as it were.  Currently experiencing life in a 3D theater of Duality and Separation, in order to learn basic lessons therein and therefrom.  A classroom, then; for learning that things operate by laws - and ultimately by Law.

The Law of One.

The Law  


The All That Is.    



1 June 18; which I have referred to in these pages just recently, on the occasion of their printing a letter of mine in it on the subject of, roughly speaking, ‘BrainSex’.  Which is, roughly speaking, relevant to this posting as well.  

2 That other collectivists want this same outcome is another subject.  Well; another part of this same subject.
   (But a hint: Did you know that the Rockefellers were behind the feminist/Women’s Lib movement??
    No?  Boy, do you have some catching up to engage in.  As with that other hot-button issue, and so to speak, of Global Warming, quietly changed to Climate Change,  A hint there, if you need one: check out the Trilateral Commission.  And then Technocracy Inc.  And you will be on your way.  Down the rabbit hole Of Our Times.)

3 Especially since the Vietnam War, when the corporate collectivists - aka fascists - made their job, of subversion, easier by creating a No-Win War of attrition, that the Marxists could take advantage of, in revolutionizing the otherwise laid-back American youth.  
   But but - the communists and the fascists are poles apart??
   Ah.  Well.  Another story.  But you would really do well to, please, keep up.
   It’s your world.

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