Thursday 28 June 2018

Of Times And Seasons

Over forty-five years ago now I happened to come across ‘the Laetrile story’ - a report about a cancer-treating agent that had major implications for both that specific subject area and ‘modern medicine’ - i.e., drug-based medicine - in general.  And then ‘fate’ intervened, and I took off on another tangent in life from the generally-observant one that I had been on, this one taking me ultimately to live in a spiritual community in the north of Scotland for some thirty years.  And then, half a dozen years ago now I came back to ‘see out my days’ in my old home town, in Southern California.  And follow my ‘catholic’ interests, particularly of a geopolitical nature.1  But the two basic subject areas are intertwined.

To explain.  And I will take my experiences to get into that explanation.

So here I was, in my retirement years, looking forward to passing my days doing a lot of reading, as is my wont.  And a funny thing happened to me on the way to that forum.  I went to vote.  (This was the 2012 elections.)  And they didn’t ask me for my photo ID.2  Why not?  ‘We don’t need that.  Just sign your name beside your name on the voter reg rolls.  Next.’  Next - after refusing to vote on that unsecure basis - I finally ended up calling the L.A. County Voter Registrar’s Office on the whole matter, of voter ID and allied factors, and was told that they don’t clean the reg rolls in this state, because - quote: “People sign up on penalty of perjury.”  And that was it.  No checking to see if anybody has signed up who is not eligible to be on the rolls.  Why not?

Because the fix is in.  And especially in a state where a) there are millions - millions - of illegal aliens, and other non-U.S. citizens; b) they have a Motor Voter Law, whereby people are automatically signed up to register for voting when they either apply to get a driver’s license or renew the one they already have (unless they choose to opt out; but shhh, we won’t go there), on top of which c) this state now openly allows, by law, illegal aliens to get a driver’s license.

If that doesn’t get them to sign the hell up - and, of course vote Democrat - what will??  Signs on freeway overpasses saying ‘Hey - Undocumented Workers: Have YOU signed up to vote yet?  Hurry up - We Need You!,’ signed: the Democrat National Committee.

As to that esteemed body: I see that in other states, where they have tried to have voter photo ID laws passed, both the DNC and the ACLU (and the SPLC, for all I know; it's all right down their alley) oppose it in court, on the basis that it is discriminatory.

Say what??

Not against people of low income, mind you; which argument would never hold up in court.  (It is not illegal to have different levels of income in this country.  Yet.)  But because ‘minorities’ taken as a group demonstrably have lower incomes than the white majority, and so - hey presto - that cost is being discriminatory against ‘people of color’.

You can’t make this stuff up.  

And when some state or other tried to ‘get around’ that argument - and support their common-sense Electoral Integrity requirement for a voter to damn well have to identify themselves as being who they are presenting themselves as being, to help stop ENDEMIC VOTER FRAUD IN THIS COUNTRY - by even waiving the cost of obtaining such an ID card for those in a poverty category,3 the DNC and ACLU still insisted on taking the state and issue to court.  (And with Obama-appointed judges still sitting on the so-called justice benches of this country, ruling on the basis of their ‘relativistic’ personal socio-political proclivities, they may still be getting away with their sleight-of-hand maneuvers.)  So that ‘rationale’ is what it is on its face: bogus.                     

And I could go on, about the insufferable, and suffocating, corruption going on in this country.  But to move on.

And of course it is not just the adults.  They - the leftists amongst them - have inveigled ‘the youth’ into their trap, by first making the cost of higher education onerous, and then promising the youth ‘free higher education’.  To build on the free education that they had received leading up to the higher levels.  Things, of course, being ‘free’ - in a socialist utopia.  Oh, it may entail ‘soaking the rich’ (let’s call it what it is: stealing); but they can afford it, eh?  And so, what’s fair is fair; eh??  They’ll never miss it.  Oh, but wait - what’s this going on at the same time:

Jobs are disappearing into the Third World.   And the few jobs of any note left, especially in the IT industry, seem to be going to East Indians and Chinese.  And with construction work and such going to the flood of illegal aliens into the country - excuse me; ‘undocumented workers’ - that doesn’t leave much left for American youth.  Except ‘service jobs’.  As in your local Starbucks…so, are our youth just being short-sighted, or what, as they agitate via the likes of Antifa (which was the name of the Communist activist arm in Germany, whose disruptive antics led to the rise of Hitler)???…         

So: Our enemy is not just on the far Left.  For, it is not just Marxists attempting their takeover of the country.  But monopolistic capitalists.  The corporate-government complex. Aka fascists.  The country being see-sawed between the two extremes.  With the far Right destined to win out in the end.


Because they control

the money.    

Ah yes:

the money.

That which is behind my other pet peeve.  Of, in a phrase:

Big Pharma.

More accurately to be referred to as the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.  

Consider, for specific example:  We have been denied cancer treatments and preventive approaches to the matter FOR YEARS, because of one thing, and one thing only:

Money.  And the fraud that precedes it in its application, and trails in its wake.

And the same is true of a whole host of human illness conditions.  The subject summarized in a nutshell (and we are being nuts to continue to go along with this scam):

The sicker the people are, the healthier the economy is.

And how the two areas - of the geopolitical scene and my spiritual interests -  are intertwined??


we are about to enter a New World Order, alright.

Just not the one planned for us by the big movers and shakers on the planet.  

The Money People.

They have, in fact, a short-range perspective on things.

Of a simple, third-dimensional kingdom, that they would think to run.  And control the people therein to within an inch of their lives.  And not so much ‘people’ any longer.  But ciphers.

Robots, more like.

Servile to the state.  And part machine as well, coming up.  Transhumanism, it is called.  The whole operation, overseen by our erstwhile masters.

And their masters, further behind them.  In the unseen realms.

At the lower levels.  Of that larger reality than just this 3D one.

That has two directions in it.


Or Down.

And we are currently on the Down escalator.

That ‘reality’

about to change.


you can hardly get any lower than we have sunk.

Before you sink out of the picture


In annihilation.  For having denied our potential so.

Our higher potential.

As apprentice gods.

Learning the ropes.  And abiding by


Of the higher -

highest - 


Not this debased ‘currency’ that we have been playing with

for long enough.

Needing, now, to reverse course.

And full steam ahead.  That way.



The Royal Highway.  Not the Way of

the Adversary.  That Way leads


That is to say:

The direction that we are largely going on at this moment in time.

Time for

a Course Correction.

Both sides of the geopolitical equation - the Thesis and the Antithesis - 





Where We Go One

We Go All.

Who are reedy to.


1 And actually I am abridging the whole story a little here.  I was also drawn back, to my home country, because of the ineligibility for the presidential office of the man who had taken to calling himself Barack Hussein Obama in his adult years, and who was now running even for a second term for that thus-purloined position, and I wanted to see what my fellow countrymen were doing about this assault on the rule of law in the country - its Constitution. 

2 To note: Photo ID cards are easily obtainable in this state, as an identity card for those who don’t drive, and thus have photo ID that way.

3 Although one wonders how they identified themselves in order to receive welfare, or cash a check, or obtain a discounted travel card, or engage in a myriad of other social interactions.

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