Tuesday 12 June 2018

While I'm At It

In my last blog, in the wee hours of this morning, I touched on a particularly important point: how the U.S. judicial branch of government is supposed to rule based on interpretation of the Constitution - not interpretation based roughly on the Constitution, with a healthy dose of imagination - legalistic legerdemain - thrown in.

As took place with a majority of The Supremes at a particular point in its checkered history when ruling that the whole of the Bill of Rights was ‘incorporated’ into the 14th Amendment’s ceding of some power to the federal government over the several States.   Which decision was a bridge too far, into the realm of fantasy.  The 14th Amendment does not say, in effect, that ‘the powers formerly reserved to and residing in the States or the people shall now reside in the federal government’.  If that was what was meant and intended by that Amendment, it would have said so.  That is, rather, a fraud of a concept called, as I say, ‘incorporation,’ as if giving chicanery and deceit a fancy, legalistic-sounding name is supposed to make it swallowable, is to give it a veneer of respectability.  It is a charade, and it does not stand up to clear-eyed scrutiny.  

And there are other charades regarding the Constitution, particularly as regards improper, or outright nonexistent, ratifications of a number of the Amendments thereto.  And so, if I am given the power, I will now throw out the whole rickety edifice that Fraud built.  And establish

The Real Thing. 

I may have to do so piece by piece, step by step, in order to bring The People along with me, in re-establishing Truth as our guiding star in and for this country (and ultimately, the planet as a whole).  And so, under the terms of a state of national emergency, some of the steps that I will take are:

* Curtailing the plans already in place to use a man-made (‘Weather Warfare’) ’natural disaster’ to round up The People into holding pens (including shippable prison cells, by rail and by sea), and vaccinating them with phony vaccines laced with people-control ‘contaminants,’ including outright deadly substances.

* Getting all foreign troops out of our country.  And keeping them out.  (You got that, UN??)

* Rounding up the leaders and the lackeys of the New World Order crowd who have planned a major move against The People of this country, to bring it under their totalitarian control, as the crowning stage of a Dark-side plan that has been in the works for many generations.  FEMA camps that were going to be used for the likes of ‘conservatives, constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters, Second Amendment advocates, Christians, & other assorted potential domestic terrorists’ to be ‘flipped’ and used for this purpose.

* Outlawing the use of fluoridated water in products traveling interstate.  (Also aluminum and lithium in said water; and any other toxins.)  Also, beginning the withdrawal of GMOs and pesticides; the latter to be replaced with natural approaches to the problem.

* Dissolving Congress, for having failed to do its constitutional duty as a check and balance against an illegal occupant of the Oval Office; and dissolving the judicial branch of said government as well, until it can also be cleaned out of its Dark-side players.  

* In general, cleaning up the mess, environmental, governmental and financial, that has been allowed to be generated, to further the cause of our erstwhile masters.  
   Who have now run out of time to perpetrate their dastardly deeds.
   As this planet returns to the control of
   The Light.
   As we begin the return leg


Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

from rickwells.us: ‘Jordan, Meadows Declare War On Sessions, Rosenstein For Threats Against House Staffers’ - Rick Wells - June 12/13
(“Laura Ingraham invited Reps Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) onto her program to discuss, among other things, the revelations that Rod Rosenstein had threatened Intelligence Committee staffers with deep state Gestapo tactics if they continued to insist that the corrupt Sessions DOJ provide documents necessary to their efforts to unearth evidence of their rampant criminality and abuse of power…”)

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Meadows is right. This stonewalling has gone on long enough. The House Intel Committee needs to subpoena Rosenstein et al to put up the info or go to jail. The DOJ has proven itself to be corrupt through and through. Why Pres. Trump hasn’t cleaned house there yet, I don’t know. But this is, obviously, war on the side of the NWO crowd. So it needs to be taken to them. Tempus fugit.

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