Saturday 2 November 2013

A Confession

Since last I posted on my own blog site, I have posted a considerable number of comments on other sites; mostly to do with the 'same old' theme, of Obama's ineligibility for the office of the presidency, according to the Constitution, and warning about the consequent destruction of the rule of law - i.e., the Constitution - and the taking over of 'the rule of men' - specifically, of Obama becoming a law unto himself; sealing it with "a false flag op and declaring Martial Law, thus disposing of the Constitution in one fell swoop, rather than the piecemeal job that he has been doing of it, step by incremental step," as I said in one such post earlier this evening (yesterday, now).  Which I ended with the admonition: "No more talk.  It's time for action.  For if not now, when???"  I realize that I should be more specific, about what kind of action I would call for.

Up 'til now, I have called for a return to the Constitution, and the founding principles of the United States, such as limited government, personal responsibility, a free market economic system - the usual conservative principles, that I do believe in; but which it is time to supersede, to a certain extent.  Mostly in the 'economic' realm.

I will explain.

I have called for a March on Washington of The People, Assembled, to a) dissolve the sitting Congress - for not doing their constitutional duty to rein in a rogue executive - and b) call on the Usurper to resign from the office that he has dishonored by his illegal presence and subsequent dictatorial behavior, and c) appoint an Officer of The People, who will call for elections 'within a time certain,' and in the meantime, will conduct a cleaning-out of the Augean stables of the executive branch of government, of all those appointees and 'civil servants' who have been engaging in nefarious activities.  I have even, at some site or other, in such comments, clearly put myself forward to serve in that capacity.  But I realize that I need to be more clear, about what I see best happening.  Which, as I said above, is a supercession of the current 'lay of the land,' of the forms that we have been living by, in our American citizen experience, and in the global monetary system.  I base that attitude on my reading of history.

I see history as having unfolded very much like Friedrich Hegel analyzed its movement, in his famous 'dialectical' model; viz.: a position is taken, which is a 'thesis,' which generates reaction to it, which is the 'antithesis,' and out of which tension grows a 'synthesis' of elements of both positions, which then becomes the thesis of and for a further unfoldment of the process; and so on.  So, to simplify: Bush Jr. and his team of nascent totalitarians (of mostly NeoCons; a sub-generator in the process) set up a potential takeover of the nation from the Right, or, more accurately, from a fascist perspective (= a nexus between industry/banking and the government, a la Mussolini's Italy); which vision encompassed the whole globe, in a potential New World Order of fascistic totalitarian proportions, for a further thesis stage of the dialectical process; which then generated a reaction from the Left, sealed with Obama's taking of the presidency, and his subsequent 'upping of the ante' from Bush's level of tyrannical involvement and ambition to a more 'profound' level, verging now on an end-game total takeover of the nation.  I'm sure some leftist academics will see the Obama 'scene' as the ultimate Synthesis stage for the planet, whereas in reality it is just an antithetical stage of the unfolding process.  For that process is not complete, still has 'internal contradictions' to be worked out.

Such as the unfolding process that has been going on between 'religion' and 'atheism'.  The strong rejection of 'religion' by the Left in their position of power, to be replaced by pure 'reason-based' materialism1 (after a period of Muslim ascendency; anything to rid the liberals of the hated Christianity and its labeling of things they themselves find legitimate as 'sinful'),2 has generated a stage of development where the 'old' - merely religious beliefs on the one hand, and merely 'reason'/atheism on the other - is to go by the boards now; out of which dialectical confrontation will come Truth.  In the crowning, Synthesis stage of the whole historical process, unfolding as we speak.

And which will necessitate the leaving behind of the old forms of governance themselves as well.  Neither by human Royalty, nor by Religion, nor by Oligarchy, or sole Despot - or The People.  But by spiritual lineage.

A priest-king.  To take over the process, now.  Now that a true Synthesis stage, and state, has been reached.  Wherein the world's 'economic' systems will transmute into a state, and stage, of Abundance; with the advent of humanity's move up and out of its 3D classroom matrix into the beginning of the upper reaches, where Ascension Man - i.e., those humans who make the energetic grade of graduation out of 3D faux reality - will have access both to free energy devices, and to their own innate ability to manifest whatever they want out of 'thin air' - knowing, now, how to operate The (very) Process of Creation.

In inhabiting their Light bodies.  And inheriting their concomitant abilities, of manifestation/dematerialization, and telepathy, and teleportation, and time travel, and so on, and on.  Because

It's time.

The world - Gaia - is going Up.

Has, gone Up.

And those Humans who are in spiritual sync with Her will accompany Her in that unfolding process.

And those who don't make the grade this time, will make it the next time - cycle - Opportunity - around.

Or not.  Because 'it' - the spiritual evolutionary process - is based on free will.

Which means, your progress is up to


Not the current incarnate meatsuited 'you'.  But the Higher Self 'You' that is experiencing this process, of being immersed in seeming separation from your essential You on the one hand, and the One of which we are all a Part on the other

Your call.

And that's why I say, I'll see you at the finish line.

However long that takes.  Because





And will realize that state


Or later.

But how much nicer it would be, if it were


So, in sum: The old forms are to pass away.

All of them.


For the New World to come into being.

At long, long last.

Which in reality - in Reality - was just

an instant.  For there is no Time in the higher realms.  There is just - just! - the eternal


To inherit.

As we speak.



1 highlighted by the antithetical reaction to a 'born-again' American president's willingness - egged on by his NeoCon henchmen, involved in all this for their own satanic purposes - to involve the U.S. in even a potential thermonuclear war, on the basis merely of a belief; not hard evidence.  Chilling stuff.  But at least, the religion-atheism dichotomy was brought to a head by it, and by this whole process - and needed to be; for the crowning stage of Synthesis to be reached, and the classic dichotomy between science and mysticism/'unreason' to be rendered moot, in their coming together, in our time. The Time of, or at least verging on, Now.
     But to continue, for now...

2 Because, to them - the most rabid of them; the most materialistic/'anti-religion' of them - there are no absolutes, everything is relative.  'There is no right or wrong but thinking makes it so.'
     Guess what, gang.
     You're wrong.
     Christianity - any religion - has human fingerprints all over it.
     But you are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
     Not wise.  Not wise at all.
     Oh - and P.S.: But we need to understand that they are doing God's work by bringing the historical process to a head.  Having agreed to play the parts of 'the bad guys' this time around.  (And/or for whatever karmic reasons.)
     Furthermore, let it be understood that they are, in very fact, not 'other', but other-selves.  (There is no 'Other'.  We Are All One.)  And: forgiveness is a virtue.
     So is refraining from judgment.  Still, it's valid to Hate the sin, love the sinner.
     Oops.  Perhaps using the wrong word, there, to cultivate greater understanding.  Perhaps I - we? - should say: Hate the sin, love the performer.
     (I refuse to eliminate the word 'sin' altogether.  There may indeed be some things that are (culturally) relative in that context; but 'sin' is a good way to describe low-conscious activity, and I will not buy the relativists' position, of absolute elimination of the word, in this context.  So: no judgment ('lest ye be judged"); but that doesn't mean not to use discernment.)


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