Sunday 3 November 2013

The Time Has Come, And Is Now

To the people of and in America - to say, to U.S. citizens and non-citizens alike - may I say, and announce, that a new day has arrived; is in the process of dawning, for the people of and in America in particular, and for the people of the whole world in general.  A 'day' of Justice.  And Liberation.

But first things first.  A further announcement, to set the stage, as it were:

If you have been engaged in any manner of nefarious activity, you have one week to set things right, in legal matters, for the sake of your soul's development, and by which action things will also be more lenient for you on this physical plane in the process of transmuting into a higher realm; after which time, the new government will be coming after you, and things will be more severe for you, than if you had helped set things right from the beginning.  Also know, that the new government will appreciate whistleblowers coming forward to report illegal activity in their areas of awareness (to clear their consciousnesses as well).  The new government will protect you.

I have spoken of a, the, new government.  To what do I refer.  I refer to the New Dispensation.  The New Era, for humanity.  What has been called the New Order of the Ages.

Which is decidedly NOT the 'New World Order' as envisioned for humanity by the Dark Forces that have ruled this planet for long enough, now.  It is the Day of the Light, now.  To all Dark Forces, I say, and announce: 

Creep back into your shadows, now.  The New World has begun, on Earth.  For Gaia to take Her rightful place in the heavens of the Creator of this universe, and all the universes, of all the densities.  Our Prime Creator; our One Source, from which All has come.  

Yes, even the Dark Forces.  The latter, in order to test us facets, fractals, aspects of The All That Is; to temper us, into the spiritual equivalent of steel.  As warriors for, and of, The Light, everlasting. 

It is our time, now.  May we proceed into this new, divine kingdom, with honor, and glory, intact.  In honor, and glory, to the One from which we have All come.

Take your places, fellow pilgrims on The Path.  The hour of your redemption has arrived.

And as you do take your places; as the poet said (or if he didn't precisely: consider it done): Come, sing a song of Joy, of Love and Understanding; Sing, sing a song of Joy, of Love and Understanding.

Ar least, all those souls ready to ascend.  For those who are not quite seasoned enough yet, or who, too heavily identifying with their roles, consciously refuse to prepare themselves for the upward journey of their souls, only to consider the onward journey, I say, and declare: Justice will be served.  For, although I aspire to embody Limitless Love, I also embody Limitless Truth; and I will see that Justice is served.  And in this incarnation; not just karmically; so that it can be seen to be done, as we wrap up the karma-creating and -resolving Drama in this third-dimensional matrix, the stage that we have been playing out our lessons on for long enough, now.  And in which the Bad Guys don't always seem to get their comeuppance.  But the gap between Justice and seeming Injustice has always been part of the illusion of this realm.  For, in reality - and the larger Reality of which this stage-play Illusion has been taking place - God will not be mocked.  

And especially not on my watch.  For I am the Captain of this particular ship, and will see it safely, and fairly, to its anchorage in the New World; our transmuted ship - transforming, as we sail, into the (vibratory) elements of this New World we are inheriting - standing proudly in the Light of the New Day for humanity.  Which includes - is made of - a new, higher level of consciousness. The Day of such as hate and retribution being over.  For, the kingdom that the majority of the souls incarnated on this planet at this time of Harvesting are in the process of entering is not one of disharmony, nor of anything which causes disharmony, such as the lower range of emotions.  But still, Justice will be served; albeit in a loving way.  But if it comes to mean a degree of separation for some, in a consequent flunking of the grade - those souls to be held over, for another turn of the intended consciousness-raising Wheel of Rebirth, in a third-dimensional Illusion, for further lesson-learning: so be it.  

Each soul is responsible for its own journey.  Many now will continue moving up, in consciousness and its synonymous vibratory rate.  If you do or not is up to you, and no one, or nothing, else.  That is The Law.

As I say: Limitless Love.  But also Limitless Truth.  

If there is a name for this Process - other than The Hero's Journey; aka the Return to Our Source - this is it.        

Welcome aboard.

Or not.

Your choice. 


Lyrics in English for "Ode to Joy"
("Ode An Die Freude")
Beethoven's 9th Symphony
O friends, no more these sounds!
Let us sing more cheerful songs,
more full of joy!

Joy, bright spark of divinity,
Daughter of Elysium,
Fire-inspired we tread
Thy sanctuary.

Thy magic power re-unites
All that custom has divided,
All men become brothers
Under the sway of thy gentle wings.

Whoever has created 
An abiding friendship,
Or has won
A true and loving wife,
All who can call at least one soul theirs,
Join in our song of praise;
But any who cannot must creep tearfully
Away from our circle.

All creatures drink of joy
At nature's breast.
Just and unjust
Alike taste of her gift;

She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine,
A tried friend to the end.
Even the worm can feel contentment,
And the cherub stands before God!

Gladly, like the heavenly bodies
Which He set on their courses
Through the splendor of the firmament;
Thus, brothers, you should run your race,
As a hero going to conquest.

You millions, I embrace you.
This kiss is for all the world!

Brothers, above the starry canopy
There must dwell a loving Father.

Do you fall in worship, you millions?
World, do you know your creator?

Seek him in the heavens;
Above the stars must He dwell.


P.S. To all souls at this station:
     1) As indicated, I am ready to take over now.
     2) All of those souls who have begun to realize their current incarnation's psychic abilities: I call on you to come to the aid of your spiritual government.  Now is The Time.

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