Thursday 28 November 2013

Thanksgiving Indeed

Among the many donation-request letters that I got in yesterday's mail - which I am just getting around to today, for having been backed up a little from the previous day's load (and the one before that; and…) - was one from an outfit called the National Tax Limitation Committee, out of - where else - Washington, D.C..1  This was a new one on me; rather than writing on the envelope 'Return to Sender,' which I have been doing increasingly (I can't keep up in more ways than one with all the requests that come my way ), I decided to see what they had to say, what their angle was.  And I  was a bit outraged by the info therein.

It was more than just statements about the government cutting back on 'our' Social Security COLA, or threatening 'our' S.S. altogether, which information I have received from more than one (outraged) source.  ('And could you please send a generous/one-time/emergency contribution of…')   This one had to do with a Petition to Speaker of the House John Boehner 'To Kill The Death Tax Increase!'  It turns out that, quote, "President Obama and his liberal allies used cowardly 'lame duck' sessions in both 2010 and 2012 to send the Death Tax skyrocketing from 0% to now 40%…"  What?  What is this all about?  I was willing to read on…

"You see, in the final hours of 2012, President Obama and his radical allies in Congress used a 'lame duck' session to slam retired Americans with yet another Death Tax Hike - unleashing a devastating 40% rate…

"Remember, in 2010, conservatives had knocked the DeathTax down to 0%.

"But in the last two years, the liberals in Washington have brought this hateful tax roaring back - and both times they resorted to a 'lame duck' session in the dark of night so they could sneak through this massively unpopular tax with as little attention as possible.


"Because the far-left liberals in Washington want the government to get more than half the value of your home, your savings, and your family heirlooms after your death.  

"This much is clear: any time the liberal 'establishment' in Washington think the American people aren't looking, they'll reach for your wallet.    

"And that's so they can force your bereaved family to give the IRS half of all you own - in cash!

"And all assets are taxed - not just money in the bank, stocks, and bonds; but homes, furnishings, vehicles, buildings, land, equipment, small businesses, farms, and ranches as well!    

"They want Uncle Sam, not your loved ones, to be your #1 heir…"  

(Ah.  I'm beginning to get the real picture now.  This isn't just about tax monies…but to continue:)

"No wonder the Death Tax has been called 'The Nightmare of the American Dream!'"   (Right.  I understand that angle…)  "That's why conservatives fought so hard to cut the Death Tax in 2001 and 2003 --- and we fought even harder to make sure it would drop to 0% in 2010."  (But you're up against ideologues here, gang.  Not just political opponents.  So watch for the reaction to such 'selfish' measures…)

"But President Obama and his liberal allies have shown they'll gladly raise the Death Tax any chance they get."  (Indeed.)

"And this spells disaster for families and small businesses across America..."  (Because that's the point.)

"As you know, a massive tax bill wipes out any hope of survival for small businesses and family owned farms."  (Indeed…)

"But that's not the worst of it…

     "** The Death Tax is UNFAIR.

          "It punishes those Americans who work the hardest.  If rewards spending" 
          (on the 'liberal'-created welfare class; according to the dictates of what has
          come to be known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy) "rather than saving."  
          (A practice not to be encouraged.  It creates independence from the state.)  It is truly 
          a tax on virtue."  (Well, that all depends on how you look at it…)

     "** …And the DeathTax is UNNECESSARY.    

          "It raises just over 1% of federal revenue - and complying with it costs
          families as much as it produces in tax revenue…"

But that's really not the point.  The salient point is that it asserts the primacy of the state over that of the individual, and of 'the family' unit.  The latter rapidly being demolished in America, to make way for the high-rise apartment units being designed as we speak.  As part of the intention, under the UN's (and the statists's) Agenda 21, to move people off the land - off of what is still now private property (but not much longer; under the selling excuse of 'environmental damage,' such as using individual cars to go/get to anywhere) - and crowd them into the cities.

Pack'em and stack 'em.  With the overall message to 'The People':    

 'Who are you to stand in the way of the state?  We have the primacy over you.'  

'But but…'

'Don't sputter like an old vehicle. Which is what you are.  You're old-fashioned, now.  Get with The New Order of Things. You're no longer the wheel.  You're a cog in The Wheel.'

'Wait a minute.  Hold on here.  There's something's wrong with this picture…. '

"What's 'wrong with this picture' is that you just don't - '

'Hey.  I've got it.  And who are you to stand in the way of the individual??  Don't you know who I am???'

'Who?' laughs and sneers the Mighty State.  

"I am the Three Hundred,' replies The Individual; adding, quietly but ominously, 'and I will have no more of this nonsense.'  

'And you stop your nonsense,' growls the Mighty State; adding, impatiently, 'That's enough of your insolence.  Go get your weapons and turn them in.  Now.'    

To which The Individual replies, in two simple words, that have echoed down through the ages to our time, too: 

'Molon labe.'

There being nothing new under the sun.

Well. Actually.  Yes, there is.

Which I will get to, now.2


 The U.S. Entitlement - A Leaky Vessel

This word 'entitlement' should be thrown out - should never have been used in the first place.  No one is 'entitled' as a matter of right to the earnings of anyone else.  That is the mentality of theft; or at the very least, encourages such thinking.  

I'm disappointed in how so many of you, my fellow Americans, have misused your free will in this manner and matter.  What you do with your income is your business.  But you should never have listened to the siren song of the robbin' hoods amongst you, in letting your tax money - which is intended, in this country, to be used for the general welfare, of providing and maintaining roads and schools and libraries and police and fire departments and such; not to be put into private pockets - be used to create a (bloc-voting) welfare class.  To be used, by nation wreckers, as a battering ram, to knock down the Republic's edifice, and replace it with a totalitarian state, making all the major decisions for its inmates.  So, alas; some of you incarnate souls have flunked the grade, and will not be advancing with the rest of us.3 

The same with some others of you deliberately not caring about the consequences of your actions - the effects of your actions on others.  On other parts of your Selves.  Seeing as how We Are All One; and what affects the Part affects the Whole.     

A lot of very low-consciousness stuff has been going on for years and years, and, as I have indicated, I'm disappointed in a lot of you students in the school of life.  But, that is life; is part and parcel of what it has been all about: to sort out the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats. 

So, come, my dear fellow flockers; and I will help shepherd you to the uplands, where the grass is much greener, as it were; and where there is not only an abundance of it, but an endless supply of it - as much as you care to manifest.  For you will now be given - have earned - the key, to the kingdom of Heaven.  

Or at least, the first stage thereof.  Where you learn how to manifest all of your needs, and wants, out of the very stuff of the universe.  Which 'trick' is to be at One with it.

To Be, in a word: Love.  

As I embody - try to embody, continuously - the quality of Limitless Love.

But - fair warning - I also embody the quality of Limitless Truth.

And I 'kid' you not, on that score.



1 Many of the (plethora of) letters I receive are from other places in the States, reflecting the locations of their particular worthy causes; but most of the ones that I have gotten myself involved in originate out of either Washington, D.C. or a post office box in Virginia, reflecting the major subject area of my interest, that being the political one.
     As I have noted in these pages before, I never realized there were so many 'worthy causes' out there, until I got on a few mailing lists, and things exploded from there.  There would appear to be more nonprofit organizations in the country than profitable ones.,..  

2 But first, to conclude with the letter:

     "And the DeathTax doesn't just hurt the immediate family.

     "When a farm, ranch or other family business is sold at a government auction to pay the Death Tax, hundreds of workers have to be laid off!

     "No one's son or daughter should have to sell the family home or the family business just to pay the death tax collector."  

…..But they do when the object of the exercise is to eliminate both private property and the family unit, and turn the whole business of living over to 'the state' to control.

     Which is what the Left is up to.

     Having only a piece of the picture, of the future.

     And missing the most important piece.

     P.S.  And it's why the Left is pushing so hard to make Puerto Rico the 58th State (after those seven phantom States that Obama said he had visited during his 2008 election campaign) - and even against the wishes of the majority of its citizens, as indicated in referendum after referendum on the issue over the years.  It's all about 'redistribution of wealth,' and the permanent taking-over of the U.S. by socialists/communists.  Which has already begun.  Or hadn't you noticed.
     As Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton has said (from being particularly knowledgeable about the matter, from his job and its involvement): "Our federal government is off the rails and out of control." (My emphases; their good work uncovering it all.)  
      (N.B. The average income of Puerto Ricans is less than half that of our poorest State.  That makes Puerto Ricans eligible for billions of dollars in new welfare payments and food stamps and such.  Plus, Puerto Rico's infrastructure and environmental quality fall well below America's much tougher standards.  That means we - that is to say, our taxpayers; which means mostly the middle- and lower-middle classes. And going down - will have to spend billions more to bring them up to code…There's not a single upside to making Puerto Rico a State of the Union - unless you're a Lefty.
     Couldn't happen here?  Think again.  We're no longer 'Waiting for Lefty'.  He's already here; with, in this instance, 125 Congresscritters already having signed up to co-sponsor a bill to this effect.  And to effect this.) 

3 As for this deliberately-created welfare class: I am thinking in particular of the seducing, by the revolutionaries behind it, of (all ages of) females in order to accomplish their political ends.  I am saying that females have no business having babies - on the taxpayers's dime - that they can't take care of properly.  The state governments can do what they want to do in this regard; but the federal government should get out of that sorry business.
     Not only does it lead to poverty conditions (and generational ones at that). But it leads to the outrageous mental attitude exampled somewhat recently by some female college student, who was taking that 'entitlement' thinking to its logically potential extent in whining - very publicly, i.e., on TV -  that she wasn't being taken care of properly, by somebody; that at least her college should provide her with condoms and other birth control provisions.  What??!!  Oh yes - after all, it's in the government's best interests that she doesn't get pregnant, isn't it.  Having to take care of her child until it's 'of age,' and all.
     To get out of that meretricious nest; fouled at its core...
     Not to mention how that practice helps males not to have to take responsibility for their actions.  But to move on… 
     …but one last comment (for now): Hasn't anybody else noticed the huge debt hanging over the U.S.'s head?  To say, the U.S. taxpayers's heads??  For generations and generations and generations???  If we were going to continue on down the road we are on????…
     Which, fortunately - by the grace of God; not satanism - we are not going to.  But to continue… 

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