Wednesday 27 November 2013

On Big Fish And Little Fish

Just the other day I was asked, by a Friend on Facebook to whom I had sent a request to join me in signing a petition against GMO salmon and whose positive response had led to one of her (female) Friends asking her what the problem was - that she knew that wild salmon were healthier for one than farmed salmon, and all, but shouldn't she have the choice? the right to choose?? Was there anything really dangerous about the GMO type??? - if I wanted to weigh in on the matter.1  I replied, on my Friend's 'Wall,' I guess it's called - her Facebook site (I'm not very knowledgable about all this stuff) - addressed to her Friend (will that Friend see what someone has written to her on our mutual Friend's site???), that indeed, there were physical dangers with the GMO variety, in this case and with foodstuffs in general (with the splicing in of other species's genes causing allergic reactions; etc. etc.).  But I didn't address the real danger from them, in that response setting; which I would like to elaborate on a bit, here.

I did mention that the GMO variety of salmon, being larger than the wild, normal/natural variety, when released from their farmed status into the wild - as they inevitably would be; and already have been2 - would tend to take over; and then we would be at the mercy of the patent holders, people like Monsanto.3  And therein lies the rub.  To say: That, then, puts another lock on the food supply.    

More and more; as in 'wild' seeds being replaced by patented ones: our being funneled through the chokepoints of, and put in place by, our (erstwhile) Controllers.  Who, among other agendas (like making money), have the intention - even stated openly, if you know where to look for such info - to 'cull the herd'.  Reduce the world's population. Drastically.  Of such as, quote, 'useless eaters'.  And whoever else gets caught up in their 'people control' measures; like Resistance fighters, for example.

It's also why - the real reason why - a) farmers have been banned from selling food items directly to the public;4 and b) urbanites are increasingly banned from growing vegetables for themselves.5  And the same with our mainstream media; which has been, over the years, consolidated down into fewer and fewer hands, towards the point of monopoly. 

The Internet, in taking off the way it has, has put a kink in their (well-armored) plans.  And thus the moves afoot now to control it 'better'.

Can't have the public looking at child porn, don't you see…

'But why the overkill?'  

Ah.  Well.  That's for us to know; and you to find out.  If you can.   

And if you do, well, we have ways to marginalize you…

Until we simply take you out.  When our plans are out there for all to see...

Let me cut to the chase after the fact of the matter here.  The fact of the matter is that Obama's Stasi is, has been, keeping a close eye/watch on what's going on, and especially now as the American people are beginning to wake up more and more, and in greater and greater numbers,  to the 'slowly slowly' revolution going on.  As long as it was just 'patriots' adding two and two, they could be marginalized - dealt with - by name-calling, right-wing nutters and wackos and 'conspiracy theorists' and the like.6  But the point would be reached when it would begin to break out into the populace at large, i.e., the recognition as to what it really was:  Not just a two-party system at work and play, doing its normal thing.  But a full-blown, totalitarian revolutionary movement at work.  

And almost - almost -  there.  With the likes of ObamaCare: an intended national 'healthcare' system (with all private health insurance extinguished; remember 'the funnel'???), the central government thus gaining access to the last bits of private info on the public, if they have guns at home and if so, how many and what kind, and what drugs they were on, and if their kids had had their vaccinations and if not, why not (what did the parents - potential troublemakers - know) and in any event, under the penalty of either a fine or imprisonment or having their children taken away from them or all of the above, line their kids up for their mandatory shots (with their anti-fertility constituents and such); and so forth and so on and on.7  

Paranoia?  Yes yes: another of the smear words.  I almost forgot that one.  A Senior moment; you know.  One starts losing one's short-term memory, in one's older age.

Oh?  Why is that??

Ah.  That's a good question.

To which there is no 'good' answer. 

For, there is nothing 'natural' about it.

The same as there is nothing 'natural' about, say, autism.

And so forth and so on.

And on.

And on…

Ladies and gentlemen: We are being had.

By experts in the field.

For both money-making purposes.

And other, sinister - political - ones.

It's time to wake up to that fact.  

To those facts.

And almost - almost - past time.

So.  What are YOU going to do about it, all???

The ball is in your court.

The ball being, in actuality

the world.

Our world.

That we are the custodians of.

And doing a damn bad job of it.

Right at the moment.


as the sign says:

'Subject to change 

Without notice.'



1 bit of a pun there; read on

2 Precisely as has happened with GM crops; their seeds carried hither and thither by the wind and insects - as could have been expected to happen.  And undoubtedly was.  With the  patent holders suing nearby farmers for having their plants in the freeloaders's crop.
     Why, how dare they.  And Nature.  To say, the nature of the state of affairs...
     P.S. The 'state of affairs' includes some 30 other species of GM fish waiting in the queue of FDA authorization…
     …What the hell is an Executive branch regulatory department doing being given such power???…Congress: Your name is Mud.   

3 Well, the SCOTUS has ruled that corporations can be considered to be people; so it's a fair way of putting it… 

4 The rationale for the banning is that it is being done for 'public safety' reasons.  (And with some big-headlined scares, about salmonella and E-coli and such, conveniently driving the point home.)  But the real reason is clear to all have eyes to see, and ears to hear, what's going on in our day.  In our last days, as a free people.  If our erstwhile Controllers get their way.
     Which is going their way.  And quite nicely.  
     At the moment…

5 We can still grow fruit trees.
     At the moment…
     (You only thought you were free, in this country; didn't you…)
     P.S. With the failure of Congress to stop all this nonsense - including the ineligibility for the office of the presidency that Barack 'Barry Soetoro' Obama was under in the first place (and thus various judges having been included in the deal as well) - one can only wonder if a) this is a Freemason's secret society club thing (up to their old tricks). or b)  they were made an offer they couldn't refuse. As in: See things our way, and your family is safe.
     When the stakes are as high as they are in this matter…
     …the matter of the taking of the United States of America……
     (And what did actually happen to those former, er, friends of Barry's, mysteriously silenced; and some other figures along the way, to Obama's ascendency on the political scene…including to do with his passport info???…...)  

6 It's all straight out of 'community organizer' Saul Alinsky's little red book 'Rules for Radicals'.  (Which Obama trained with, in Chicago.  Before his fortuitously financed move to Harvard, and the next step in his well-planned-for rise to national prominence; even known about by hardcore middle-level implacable communists in the former Soviet Union.  See, 'The First Time i Heard Of Barack' by American businessman Tom Fife.)  Use ridicule and taunts to disarm and throw off-balance your enemy.  As part of the policy strategy of Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  The end justifies the means.  Any means. 
     These people we sovereigns are up against are not just amoral.
     They are immoral.
     But to move right along….

7 The 'so on's including in particular the 'Common Core' curriculum being surreptitiously inserted in the nation's K-12 education systems, with - besides creating a national, standardized curriculum; the better to eat you with, my dear - its extensive data mining on the nation's children, and their parents/home life; along the same lines as the info to be collected and collated from the ObamaCare co-opted healthcare practitioners.
     These people about to take over the country certainly can't be accused of not being thorough, or clever.
     But, as they say: When the going gets tough……
     (P.S. As I just today said in an email to my nephew, who, knowing my political interests and leanings, keeps me up-to-date on the likes of the Common Core 'progress':

     "Definitely an area to keep tabs on.  It is so stealthy, with its nice-looking standards.  But on the other hand, with all the data-gathering going on via it…

'No no; don't look over there,  Look over here.  Aren't these standards pretty?'

Pretty luring, I'd say.  Deliberately baited.") 

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