Monday 11 November 2013

Signs Of The Times

I couldn't help but enter further back into The Drama when I came across an article just today that referenced things that the man currently occupying the Oval Office said in August regarding the then highly-touted possibility of war with Syria.  (Until The People of America came to the rescue, in their very vocal 'vote' against another war.  With the very timely aid of some real international friends of the U.S.; all of whom kept The Deed from happening.  Much to the chagrin of the NeoCons in this country, and the Ashkenazi Jews running the (sorry) state of Israel today; and The Cabal behind the whole scenario.  Who feed off the juices of war - such as fear and outright terror, and lust and anger and such.  And who now are facing their demise - and not liking it,  Not liking it at all.  And bound and determined to do something about it.  Having lost total contact with the Light, that gave them their existence in the first place.  And hating It for that.)

First, an email I have just sent to my Congressman.  (A very liberal Democrat; wouldn't you know…)

'Nov. 11 2013

Dear Congressman Lowenthal,

I have just come across some specific information about the U.S.'s potential war with Syria that disturbs me greatly.  It has to do with the attitude of the man currently in the presidential office.

Apparently that man made it crystal clear, in a speech in the Rose Garden at the 'hot' time in August regarding this matter, that he does not consider himself bound by any constitutional restraints in that matter, or, by extension, any such a matter; having asserted a 'presidential prerogative' to go to war with Syria without a formal declaration of war from Congress.

In his August 31 Rose Garden address on Syria, he stated (as I have just discovered): "I believe that I have the authority to carry out this military action without specific congressional authorization."   He went on to say at that time that he was delaying military action so that Congress could debate the issue and vote on it because "I know that the country will be stronger if we take this course…"     

No. 1: Well, thank you, Massah.  Or is that Messiah???

No. 2: What on Earth is he talking about?  What is the nature of the matter of the nation going to war these days, regarding Congress's authorization of - and responsibility for - a declaration of war??

And make no mistake: calling something a "military action" is WAR simply by another, softer name.  If a nation engages in a military action against another nation, it has engaged in an act of war - period.

So - what is this nonsense all about???

Please enlighten this simple-souled citizen.  There is undoubtedly a good explanation for this alarming bit of - what seems to be on its surface - highhanded political business, that simply escapes me.  

I admit that I don't understand a LOT of what Congress is allowing to go on these days, emanating from both the Oval Office - in Executive Actions and Presidential Directives and Signing Statements and 'presidential prerogative' actions and so on and on - and the executive branch's regulatory agencies - taking it upon themselves effectively to pass legislation - to ORDER the effect of legislation.  So I'm open to a short lesson in modern-day political behavior [in America]. 

And an indication of where in the Constitution - to say, the law of the land - I can find legitimacy for it.    

Somewhat confusedly yours,

'Stan' Stanfield'  

And while I'm at posting updates on my (periodic) re-entry back into The Drama; consider:

1) from tea 'DMV Official Pleads Guilty to Giving Driver's Licenses to Hundreds of Illegals' - (from Breitbart - Nov. 8 - posted here Nov. 9)

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University

I've said it before, I'll say it again: The answer is [essentially] two-fold. 1) A major push to clean up the electoral process, including a) strongly vetted State voter ID laws, b) a major clean of the voter rolls, of dead people's names, multiple voters (stick voters' index fingers in purple dye if we have to, to root them out), and other illegals, and c) no more machine voting, only voting with a transparent paper trail; and 2) No more 'honey pot' - including a) freebies for illegals - health care (including having babies here), education for their children, food stamps, and other elements of welfare/the taxpayers' money, and b) no more jobs for illegals (instead, putting our own unemployed to work). The latter plank of the cleanup of this problem including stiff fines and/or jail time for any employer caught employing illegals.

Which is a major part of the problem, involving 'Republicans' too, i.e., employers who do nicely financially with paying illegals to undercut homegrown wage levels. Which is also part of the reason that the Republican Party hasn't done more to push for a clean-up of the voter rolls and other aspects of the honey pot: they benefit handsomely with low-wage workers being in the country, and some big banks make big money on the food-stamp scam. Time to put an end to the whole sorry mess; which includes both major political parties. 

I am saying that the Tea Party-type voters/conservatives in general need to take this country back from those who are trashing it, from both sides of the political aisle. Or it's goodbye federal constitutional republic, and hello collectivist nightmare; with no more rule of law - to say, no more Constitution, but being ruled merely by majority whim. To say: by populist tyranny, with no more individual rights. Only collectivist diktat, via a class of demagogues on the top of the ant heap. 

It's time to choose. And I don't mean between Democrats and Republicans. I mean between those who don't believe that Man is the be-all and end-all of 'the process,' with free will being the operating principle for our human life on this earth, and thus a need for a rule of law to rein him in; and those who think He is the sum total of evolution, and people must be forced to do the will of the all-powerful state, given no choice to be a human. Merely a piece of chattel, to its owner, the almighty State. With a Despot on top.

Take your pick. It has come down to being that simple, now.

Reply · Like · Follow Post · 3 seconds ago  (just gone Nov. 10)


(Which is all subject to the real Change coming through; like a fundamental change in the weather.  When we leave all this lower-consciousness stuff behind, and move into the initial plains of the 5th Dimension.  But until then, we still have some lessons to learn.)


2) from 'Obama Negotiating Secret Treaty' - Nov. 10

  • mthammer 3 hours ago

  • Obama cant engage in any treaty negotiation with any countries , without the approval of Congress , however if he does than that is Tyranny , which is impeachable under the US Constitution. What really matters which really upsets me , there are people in the Obama Administration who knowingly are helping this traitor. That is what is upsetting to me , that this conspiracy is continuing in the WH , they know what he is doing , they are helping him to destroy this country , what kind of people would betray their own country & the American Citizens. When the downfall of Obama happens everyone in this administration should be fired , not allowed to resign , especially Lois Lerner , no pensions or govt Health Insurance , complete dismissal from Govt Employment . Some should also go to jail , for helping out this felon and fraudulent administration.
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  • Independent Voter 3 hours ago

  • Impeach. The only answer, other than criminal charges.
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    • kibitzer3 Independent Voter a few seconds ago  [late Nov. 10]

    • No impeachment, IV. That's only for legitimate, to say eligible, presidents. 

    • Now, criminal charges…Yes, they could be applied. And, like, now. To this fraud. This charlatan. This liar and deceiver. 

    • No need for the 'politics' of an impeachment process. Just arrest him, on suspicion of various charges (as they are being drawn up, and investigated thoroughly; NOT by Holder's DoJ). And read him his Miranda rights, as he is led away, to the cells. Where he belongs. For a good, long while.

    • While America is fundamentally transformed, the RIGHT way. To say: the way of the HIGH Way.

(Which I - dearly - hope for us to be able to get to, just as soon as possible.

But, first things first: Clearing the space for its arrival.  

'It': The New.)


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