Monday 25 November 2013

Neither Left Nor Right But Up

Being aware that for all my support of the Tea Party 'patriot' movement in the U.S. I might be taken as a mindless, uncritical advocate of capitalism and 'the Right', I herewith append some comments I made today on various sites, for possible clarity on the subject.  And not to say that Tea Party types are necessarily any of these things, either.  Some forces on the Left have done a good job of muddying the waters in this regard.  I have read comments on blog sites where obvious 'liberals' seem to think that all Tea Partyers are acolytes of the Koch Bros. et al.; i.e., are in service to the Big Money crowd.  Whereas true Tea Party types are just as unhappy with the Big Banking & Business crowd as the Left is.  For different reasons; wanting, as they do, the nation to return to the small government roots (and the concomitant 'state' of individual responsibility) of the constitutional republic, rather than the big government phenomenon - with all manner of subsidies and 'payoffs' and such - that it has gotten itself involved in, over the years, and away from its founding principles.  Anyway: some setting of things 'right' here.

First, the comments; and then a comment originating on this blog.

1a) from 'Rangel Wants Dictator Obama' - Nov. 24 (as carried on, under the title 'Charlie Rangel Wants Obama To Act More Like A Dictator And Rule By Decree "For Everything"…'; and as originally carried at - under the title 'Rangel Wants Presidential Executive Orders for 'Everything'' - Jill Colvin - Nov. 23) 

(Congressman Charlie Rangel, who represents Harlem in the House, announced his solution for bypassing gridlock in Washington, D.C.: executive orders for "everything".  Lamenting that the work-around rule just pushed through the Senate by Majority Leader Harry Reid, to end filibusters on most presidential nominees, couldn't be used for legislation as well, Rangel said: "You know, the DREAM Act for the kids that came over here and didn't know their home town, the president did that by executive order.  What I did is I've taken out the language that he used and I'm gonnna see why we can't use executive orders for everything.  What's he gonna do?  Make the Republicans angry?  They're gonna get annoyed?  They're not gonna cooperate?..."
You make a good point, Charlie.  But the bottom line is that you are highlighting the utter illegality of what Obama did in issuing that executive order, which directly countermanded the vote of Congress on the DREAM Act issue - which, shall we not forget, was a legislative issue.  Not an executive department mere housekeeping issue OF legislation.  And thus, not something that Obama had any business issuing-stroke-declaring.  Like a dictator.  Like the dictator that he wants to be.  
     Like the dictator that he is being.)

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  • Nash Montana 3 hours ago

  • All these little wanna be dictators everywhere on both sides of the aisle, it's making my head spin.
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    • chamuiel Nash Montana 2 hours ago

    • apparently it does not take much.

    • how long you been on the funny weed?
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      • kibitzer3 chamuiel a few seconds ago  [Nov. 24]

      • Um…actually, Nash Montana has a point, chamuiel.

      • Shall we recall who said of the Constitution, "It's just a damn piece of paper"?? and who pushed through the so-called PATRIOT Act???

      • The Neocons under Bush Jr. opened this door (for THEIR purposes). Obama just took advantage of the opportunity (upping the ante in the process; as the power hungry will). And the constitutional republic suffers under both totalitarian schools of thought, socialist and fascist.

      • It's time for a clean sweep. The answer is to go neither to the far Left nor to the far Right. But Up. To the next stage of human development.

      • Another subject. Just wanted to set the record straight on this one.
    •         Reply


1b) (posted at

Thomas Balentine · Top Commenter · Temple, Texas

"Tax Evader" Rangel better keep his pie hole shut or face removal procedures. The same goes for "Benito" Obama. If we're going to have a race war, let's get started. Remove Obama, Rangel, Reid, Pelosi, Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Biden, Kerry, etc.

Reply · 5 · Like · Unfollow Post · 4 hours ago  [Nov. 24]

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  • Stan Stanfield
    · Top Commenter · Stanford University
  • Don't forget Holder. Especially Holder. Who should have been booted out of his (extremely powerful) position long ago, for abusing it so. 
  • Justice deferred is justice denied.

  • Reply · Like · 3 minutes ago


2) Sign the petition: Deadline to stop the FDA from approving GMO salmon

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    Catherine Brislee As always, I am totally confused by the GMO debate. What actually is in the salmon that's bad for us? I completely agree it should be labelled, but otherwise I don't understand why we can't have the choice between "tame" salmon and the more expensive wild salmon. Which, yes, is better quality, but the other isn't poison is it?
    20 hours ago · Like
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  • Elisa Shields-Rapior I think the difference between farmed salmon and GMO is the debate here. Wild is another story and increasingly hard to source. Stan, care to weigh in, here? 
  • What's happening in Alaska now (different issue; I posted recently) is a major turning point - these are waters which literally bubble with wild salmon - or, they did when I last saw it. (I have some experience salmon fishing and working with a wild salmon hatchery on Vancouver Island. ) The salmon actually take a two-year run from Alaska to near here (Scotland) and back again to where they spawned - same here as source waters, in reverse. Farmed salmon are kept in pens and fed usually inferior food and then pink dye to boost the color due to lack of plankton etc, and, they have a much lower resistance to health issues such as sea lice. When they break free as they occasionally do, they infect wild salmon - it's all a big tangle of issues, in fact.
    19 hours ago · Like

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    Stan Stanfield Catherine, check the petition site out for their take on the matter. Briefly: GMO of anything has never been found to be safe. It not only puts genes in from other species, with all the dangers inherent in that practice, it is doing it while flying in the face of considerable lab evidence of actual damage done by the practice. And the GMO salmon, being bigger than wild salmon, will take over, and we will be in the pocket of the likes of Monsanto. What's behind all this sort of thing is not just profit/money-making (although that's huge). But people control. If it's not stopped, we will have to go through the patent-holding multi-nationals - in bed with the government - for our foodstuffs. Already in the U.S. the government is making it not only difficult but illegal for the public to be able to buy direct from the farm. Control the food supply, and you control the people. And if you didn't know that there are dark forces that want to control the people in our day and age, you have been out of the loop too long. Said, and meant, gently.  :-)
    2 minutes ago · Like  [Nov. 24]


So.  Where do I stand, in further detail.

I'll keep this brief. (Will try to, anyway; not sure where & what this will lead to, haven't thought it through.  Winging it.  As it were.  :-) )  

I am against totalitarianism from either the Left OR the Right.  As my response to chamuiel indicates.  In my blogs I have talked before about my take on the way the world is unfolding in relation to 'the Hegelian dialectic'.  But for those new to all this, a recap:

Friedrich Hegel posited a process of political unfolding involving a thesis - a given position - which generates a reaction to it - the antithesis - the interaction between them then generating a synthesis - i.e., features of both positions, which then - because the process is not complete, has not unfolded all of the 'internal contradictions' still present in the process - becomes the thesis of another go-'round of the process.  Until the process is, finally, complete; all the 'contradictions' resolved, for a state of a true Synthesis. Which Hegel seemed to think was the all-powerful State; without taking into consideration another factor in the 'equation'; an extra-dimensional factor: that of the religion-atheism dichotomy.  Which is now unfolding, alongside the internal pressures for a - the - global 'total' state (not necessarily totalitarian, in its given sense).

Bush Jr. raised the energetic ante of the state of things before him with his administration's attempts to set up the U.S. for a major piece of the action in a move for global hegemony,1 which required a degree of people control that had not existed before.  TPTB - international bankers and industrialists, political movers and shakers; the backers of Hitler- and Lenin - writ larger - may have thought of it as the Synthesis stage of political development on the planet, in relation to Hitler's - and the Illuminati's - vision of a New World Order.  But they may well not have counted on a further unfolding of the process, which included the 'meaning of life' factor.  But first: the reaction of the Left to Bush Jr.'s (and Cheney's; he of the Big Oil crowd) setting of the stage for major control of society.  Which was to insert a megalomaniac (and his groomers) into the picture from the Left.  To lead the U.S. into a version of a New World Order from the Left's perspective - and having upped the ante further in the process, to make it an even more global process.  Wherein and whereby the U.S. - brought to its knees, economically and socially - would become just part of a region of the NWO; not a major player in itself.2 

And now the 'meaning of life' factor.  What needed still to be unfolded, from its incomplete stage of development, in the socio-political process.

The Left is fundamentally atheistic.  Leftists look to the state to provide all their needs, meet all their wants.  To them, religion is the opiate of the masses.  'Religion' also puts hated 'values' on them; family values, and so forth. (How bourgeois.)  It keeps them from 'letting it all hang out,' in reaction to the strictures of 'religion', and its overly moralistic, judgmental attitudes.  Plus, America's founding was too encumbered with 'God', including the very 'rights' that Americans considered themselves as having.3  Had to go, for the state to take over, and for people to perceive that they get their rights from it.  Hence, the major need for the Constitution - that secured these rights - to have to be undercut, and ultimately demolished.  Hence, the Left's demonization of the Founding Fathers, and all that historical rot.  Including the incontestably deep associations between the U.S.'s founding and Christianity.  

I am saying two things.  I am saying that there is tactical significance to all the moves going on from the Left to wipe out the American heritage in the minds of the populace.  And two, it's all part of the larger picture, anyway.

To move humanity away from blind obedience to religions of our past.  And open us to the findings of science in our time, of our presence in a larger reality, that speaks more of spirituality and Truth than of religions and blind faith.

And I'll leave this blog at that.  Except just to 'crown' it with an observation.

As Obama was being groomed for (and as payment for services rendered) the position of King of the World - that is, of the New World Order of The Powers That Be, and their control over humanity via their control of the monetary system of the world - so did that process create a reactive, new level of the unfolding process going on.  The crowning stage, of true Synthesis - at long, long last.  And set up the appearance of the real King of the World.  And the establishment of the real New Order of the Ages.  Which includes the doing way of money.  At least, of money as debt. 

For it is that time.

And I will say no more about all this at this point in time.  I will just ask you:

Please consider.



1 Which was what was behind 9/11 (and the Neocon's vision of 'a new Pearl Harbor' to advance their agenda).  It was basically an inside job; as some - many - analyzers of it have concluded.  Not to go into all those details here.  But they will be gone into - the whole story coming out -  when we have a Truth & Reconciliation process.  
     Which we will have. 

2 And thus the Left's push for more illegal aliens, and a polyglot society; ultimately for a breakdown of national identity, a borderless society, and the U.S., Mexico and Canada to be united in a 'North American Union' Region of the Left's version of a NWO.  
     It was announced.  Remember?: "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."  Little did most Americans know what Barry Soetoro meant when he made that announcement.
     But the hard Left knew.  They had been planning for this for a long, long time.
     And P.S. It doesn't really matter to those on the top of the pyramid of power whether their NWO comes about from the nominal 'Left' or the nominal 'Right'.  They control the process either way.  Remember the old adage: Follow the money.

3 "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…" - Thomas Jefferson, in The Declaration of Independence

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