Wednesday 16 July 2014

A Time For Truth-Questioning & -Telling

Let me let Obama off the hook for a 'moment,' and look for other fish to fry, in this prime time for truth-questioning and -telling going on in our time, 'on our watch'.

Let me take 9/11.

It would pay, first of all, in looking for answers to some issue, to ask:

Cui bono?

Who benefits?

The military-industrial complex in America certainly did, in this case.  They needed a war, to keep alive; to say, to keep the federal money rolling in to their coffers.1 

Anybody else benefit from that atrocity? 

Well, the 'boys with toys' behind PNAC - Project for a New American Century - certainly did; who were well aware - so much so that it specifically featured in their manifesto -  that, for America to keep involved in a hegemonic reach into the Middle East, it would require, quote, "a new Pearl Harbor".

Who are these characters?  .

It turns out that many of them are dual citizens.  Israelis and Americans.  The so-called NeoCons.2

So: the state of Israel certainly benefited from 9/11.  

So let's look at that feature further.


What were those Israeli so-called 'art students' doing in the Twin Towers ahead of the second "day of infamy" in America's history?  

In relation to Larry Silverstein taking over the insurance for the TT (and doubling his insurance coverage immediately before 9/11):

Q: What was the construction work going on in the TT on a couple of weekends leading up to 9/11, that had the surveillance cameras down during the time, and left dust on window sills, as noticed by some employees returning to work on the Mondays?  

Q: What were the middle-of-the-night visits - after the building cleaning crews had left - by some black and tinted-window vehicles all about, leading up to 9/11?

And on the questions roll...

Q: What was going on that Michael Chertoff, then head of the DOJ, and one of those dual citizens with the state of israel who feature so prominently in this appalling and atrocious story, 3 arranged for the five 'Dancing Israeli Masters' (on the top of their Mossad cover-business vans) to be released from temporary custody and sent quietly back to Israel, beyond further questioning?  And how did they know in advance to position themselves so well - and safely, from across the river - to film the attacks on (in??) the TT??
     And as for the - presumed - airliners involved:4

Q: How come 9/11 blasted totally from the pages of the MSM the report from the day before, by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, about $2.3 trillion - that's TRILLION - missing/untrackable from the Pentagon budget?  under the Comptroller oversight of one Dov Zakheim - another dual citizen; and a rabbi to boot - who also was involved, in a financial way, in the development of technology for remote controlled planes??5

The allied questions go on…

Q: What was an Israeli 'private' company doing in a position to monitor communications in America, as reported on (as part of a 4-part series in December 2001) by anchorman Brit Hume and news correspondent Carl Cameron of Fox News??6

And to wrap up this series of questions:  

Q: What precisely did the Israeli 'citizens' in a white van with explosives on board, caught on one of the bridges leading to lower Manhattan on that infamous day, mean when they said to the arresting officers: "We're not your problem.  The Arabs are your problem"??

All of this, in relation to Mossad's well-demonstrated example over the years, of living up to its motto:

'By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War'…

Let me call a spade a spade.  Zionist Jews - at least Khazarian Jews; whether they are racial Jews or not7 - were involved up to their eyeballs in 9/11.  Why?  In part, because they needed to keep America 'on their side' in the politics of the Middle East, to help defend the state of Israel from its enemies.  But there is another, more sinister, and deadly, reason. 

They want to take over the world, in their announced New World Order, to make it safe for totalitarianism, with them ruling the roost.  

Free men - to say, sovereigns in their own right - need not apply.  And while you're at it: turn in your weapons.  Now.  

Or we will take them away from you.  

No holds barred.

And drones a'circling……

I rest my case.

For now.



1 One is reminded here of Gen. Smedley Butler's book, and claim: 'War Is A Racket'.

2 Meaning, conservatives in terms of a strong military defense - and offense; but rather liberal, even socialistic otherwise. To say:advocates of a big state.
     A big state, then, carrying a big stick.
     Prime ground for an attitude of, and reality of, totalitarianism to grow up in.

3 and who subsequent to 9/11 was co-author of the extremely controversial and constitutional rights-destroying so-called PATRIOT Act.

4There is evidence that it was a missile-like object that hit the Pentagon, and little evidence that it was an airliner, loaded with passengers.  Demand that video from all the known and potential surveillance cameras in the area be released.  Also, investigators have found evidence that a plane was flying parallel to the 'plane' that hit the second tower, which could have been but a projection.
     Which sliced neatly into the steel-frame building - like a Roadrunner cartoon - rather than splatting on it, and dropping parts of it in the street below.
     And as for the airliner that 'crashed' into the field in Pennsylvania - with no passenger seats, no major parts, no bodies, no blood; "nothing," as one early arriver at the scene described it...
     It's well past wakeup time.

5 I was living in Australia at the time that such a plane was flown via that technology all the way Down Under, with a short article and a picture of it - in the MSM - landing beautifully.
     This was - needless to say - before 9/11.
     (For more on tis subject, google dov zakheim 911.)

6 The series has since been removed from the Fox News web site.  Why?
     Because it was about Israeli espionage going on in the U.S.??
     Do I even need to ask???

7 Khazaria was a nation in Middle Europe, of a people apparently mostly of 'Turkic' stock, where their king forcibly had most of his subjects converted to Judaism.  This was back in the early Middle Ages.  They could possibly have been descended from The Lost TenTribes of Israel, heading in that direction as part of their Diaspora.  But there is no evidence of that, of which I am aware.

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