Saturday 12 July 2014

On Reading More & Enjoying It Less

Back from my holiday and starting to wade through my back mail, hard and electronic, I also of course have the constantly incoming mail to contend with.  Leafing through today's snail variety, I saw that Alan Keyes was communicating with me again, this time with his Honorary Chairman of the Secure Borders Coalition hat on.  And it was quite a pitch, signaled by the message on the envelope: 'Obama unilaterally suspending duly passed law in order to force his Marxist agenda on YOU…'  What are the scurrilous details this time, I wondered; and decided to put that mailing on the top of my 'list', to get my disgust over with.

But it won't go away.

I have an image of The Great Pretender, with his feet up on his desk in the Oval Office, talking to his Attorney General, Eric 'Fast & Furious' Holder, thusly:   

"Can we do nothing to incite some rebellion, so that we can declare a state of national emergency, and get our overthrow job done with? - Excuse me; our 'fundamental transformation,' over with."  (Chuckles heard emanating from both men.  Heard, by whomsoever at the NSA monitors these things.)

"Obama is" - Dr. Keyes informs/reminds us - "instituting a policy of unilaterally ignoring duly passed laws that call for the deportation of illegal aliens from the United States. 

"Plus, he's releasing dangerous criminals from custody . . . freeing them instead of deporting them back to their home countries as U.S. federal statutes require.

"Not only that, Obama has granted de facto amnesty to whole classes of illegal aliens despite the American people's overwhelming opposition."

So far, so true to disgusting form.  But wait!  There's a new wrinkle in the works.  Some Republican senators have grown a pair.  Or at least, one: 

"But now, for the first time since Obama assumed office more than five years ago, a coalition of Senators who span the ideological divide -- from liberal Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to stalwart conservative Jeff Sessions -- are directly challenging him, saying . . . 

"'Your actions demonstrate an astonishing disregard for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the rights of American citizens and legal residents.  Our entire constitutional system is threatened when the Executive branch suspends the law at its whim and our nation's sovereignty is imperiled when the commander-in-chief refuses to defend the integrity of its borders.""  (emphasis in original)

Yes!  (emphasis mine)

But will anything come of it??

That remains to be seen.  But these are crucial points.  As Dr. Keyes goes on:

"You see, article 2, section 3 of the United States Constitution clearly states that the President 'shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed . . .'

"Yet Obama has amassed an illicit history of picking and choosing which laws he personally agrees with and will execute…"

And the others?  It is, to The Great Pretender, as though Congress never passed them - and, adding insult to injury: without benefit of a veto, Congress is deprived of the opportunity to override the Usurper's veto.  The legislative ball, then - having fallen in the executive's court - simply taken out of play.

Neat.  And dastardly.

It is arrogance personified.  

This man is a disgrace to the office, and the whole form of American government.  This is no longer a federal constitutional republic, with checks and balances galore.  It is a tyranny.

And must not be allowed to stand.

We have - this nation has - a higher destiny to fulfill, and experience, than this lowly estate.

If the congressional Republicans won't do the job, The People must rise to the occasion. 

Engage in a march on Washington.

Dissolve the sitting Congress.

Surround the White House - with Love, for the lessons learned from the Usurper, playing a key part in the Drama of Life.  Not go home (rotating their presence) until The Usurper (who may have identified too strongly with his part) resigns.  Or is arrested by Oathkeepers, active and retired.  And is held for trial.

The charges mounting by the day.

And the Play ends; and a New Day come into being, from this End of History.  

As we have known it.

In this school, for lesson learning.

Not a School for Scoundrels to get away with their shenanigans.

For long.

For there is Justice in this universe.

And God will not be mocked.

For long.

Enduring all the shit thrown at Him/Her/It, and each other.  (Like children in an unsupervised kindergarten class.)

For a purpose.

For a Purpose. 

Which it is our job to find out.

And align with.

Or not.

Your choice.

That being the salient 'name of the game'.

Certainly not Tyranny.

Which is not the note that the Process - of Completion - will end on.

Is simply part of that Process.

For - as I say - lesson learning.

And hopefully, we will have learned this last, crowning lesson well.

Without having to descend into it too far.

After all, we are adults.

Aren't we???

Another 'remains to be seen'...


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