Monday 21 July 2014

Arise & Shake Off Your Various Shackles

1) from 'The Coming Christian Revolt' - J. Matt Barber - July 21 

fleurons-de-lys an hour ago

'If the ancient church, through the power of the Holy Spirit, was able to face the lions in hopeful anticipation of joining Jesus, then we, too, under the same Spirit, will face anything today’s pagan left can threaten."......WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU PEOPLE TALKING religious ideologues threw this Country under the bus in the last national election. YOU ALL have no one to blame but yourselves for the dismal state of affairs this Country is in. The LGBT community and potheads are laughing all the way to the bank while you all go ON AND ON about the fear of GOD. The direction this Country is going in is based on ONE FACT.........THE VOTE. The leftists finally got what they where after for decades......A MAJORITY ELECTORATE. The ancient church is just that ANCIENT and the MAJORITY ELECTORATE PREVAILS IN THIS DAY AND AGE; until that FACT is impressed into the minds of the religious ideologues, WELL GUESS WHAT............the Senate will stay a leftist entity and after that you all will have something to REALLY complain about when the SUPREME COURT SWINGS LEFT.


kibitzer3 fleurons-de-lys a few seconds ago (July 21)

Actually, fleurons-de-lys, something trumps "a majority electorate" in this country: the Constitution. And yes, there is a worry that a majority electorate will result in the Supreme Court 'swinging left'. But if conservatives and constitutionalists and honorable legalists continue to hold the SCOTUS true to the rule of law in this country, it - to say as well, the Constitution - will prevail, though moral and political relativists huff and puff and try to blow this house down.
It has been well anchored in fundamental bedrock. It just needs being well looked after, is all.


(I sensed that this wasn't sufficient enough of a response, wanted to say a little more to the general subject. Herewith:)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago  (July 21)

No disrespect intended. But the time for man-made religions is past. And all religions are man-made. Even those of the people of what is called The Book; which many very respectable scholars have perceived to be fundamentally flawed in its claims, in both the Old and the New Testaments.
It's time for the unalloyed Truth to take over in human affairs, anyway. And raise them a level, closer to where James Madison referred to, when he said (I paraphrase) 'If men were angels, there would be no need for the likes of constitutions'. It's time to head in that direction with the equivalent of a quantum leap. A grand and glorious future awaits us. If only we acknowledge the truism, that 'we are spiritual beings having a human experience'. Without that understanding, we are about to fall flat on our faces. And not in awe of the awesome Creator of the universe.


2) from Judge Jeanine: Obama Planned Immigration Crisis 2 Years Ago'  - Tom Hinchey - July 21

July 22, 2014 at 12:14 am — 

Well spotted and told, Judge Jeanine. And thanks for the posting of this, Tom.
Keep on the firing line, Judge. You’re doing a great job.
When we look back on these days, you can both stand tall, for your efforts to alert the American public to what has been going down, on their watch.
That’s what ‘a free press’ is supposed to be all about, anyway.


3) (A reply to my follow-on post at conservative

Debbie G kibitzer3 4 hours ago (July 22)

And what is Truth, Kibitzer? There can only be one.
And by which Truth do you set your moral compass?


kibitzer3 Debbie G a few seconds ago (July 22)

The Truth that the universe has Purpose, and that purpose is Good.  More specifically: that there is Plan in and Purpose to 'the universe' - to life. The Plan is signified by the fact - for which there is overwhelming evidence in our time (which needs now to be looked at seriously, to help us take our next steps) - of the mechanism of reincarnation, whereby we souls are but playing, and exchanging, parts in a Drama - now a prince, now a pauper; now a male, now a female; now of one race or religion or nationality, now of another - in order to grow in consciousness and awareness, in this school of 'hard knocks' - this realm of (seeming) separation, of duality and polarity. Learning, first, that We Are One Another. And then 'getting,' from that place of awareness, that We Are All One. Are facets, fractals, aspects, points of view of One Holy Being; experiencing Itself through Its constituent parts - Us.
We are in/parts of a great hologram. Whereby it can be said - in an upgrade, for our crowning time IN Time, of The Golden Rule - that, As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally. For, We Are All One. And All IS One.
There is, then, in truth - in Truth - no Other. We are all in this experience - this school - together. And it's time to graduate. For the purpose of a school, obviously, is not to get stuck in its lower grades. But to graduate.
And to keep going. Ultimately back to Unity. The richer for the experience, of the equivalent of The Prodigal Son. Having used our gift of free will ultimately to enter back into the House of our loving Father/Mother Creator.


I should have added, 'Thanks for asking, Debbie.'  (Maybe she will respond, and I can get the acknowledgment in.  She seems to be genuinely interested.)

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