Sunday 27 July 2014

Of Layers Like Veneer - Part II

Taking a break from reading about the appalling extent of the malevolent plotting that went into the satanic ritual that was 9/11, and reading instead various e-newsletters that keep me informed of current events in that general vein - that is to say, of the 'reality' that we are presented with, given to believe, Dr. Goebbels-like, is the real thing - I am moved, on this day of rest, to utter a warning to my fellow souls incarnate on this planet at this particularly critical time; to wit:

The only people who could consider American patriots to be 'potential terrorists' are those who would seek to overthrow the American federal constitutional republic.  Like Obama and his fellow hijackers; who would see American patriots as the ideologically-expected reactionaries, or counter-revolutionaries, to their statist cause, of fastening a satanic police state, first on America, and then, from that high ground, on the rest of the world, for there being no viable opposition left, then, to their dastardly enterprise.1  And since that is, indeed and obviously, what they think, and intend, to do, that is, indeed, how they view American patriots.

Choose your side, Citizen.  Soon, you are going to be forced to, anyway.  And a word of caution: Choose well.  For, on your decision rests the outcome of whether you are going to go up in consciousness, on the stairway to the heavens.  Or down into the bottomless pit of despair, for having sold your birthright for a mess of pottage.  And bottomless, if you keep heading in that satanic direction.  

Oh yes.  There are, indeed, Dark forces at work in the world.  Who would attempt to keep it held in thrall to their cause, of an esoteric elite treating the mass of humanity, not just like their servants.  But like their slaves.  

Mindless, and obedient.  Like cattle.  To be used; and then tossed aside, when no longer needed.

As opposed to what we all are, in the true reality: sons and daughters of a loving God.  Of our loving Parents: the masculine and feminine Principles - of Rest (Be-ing)  and Motion (Do-ing) - and the energetic glue - i.e., Love - that holds them together.  Not the playthings of pirates, of these inferior agents of the Dark forces wishing to enslave us, and keep you from your rightful inheritance.

As I say: Choose well.  But choose, you will have to.  It will not be done for you.  Except automatically, in the absence of your exercising of your free-will decision.  

What this whole thing has been all about.2

And that's all that I'm going to say, at this time.  A word to the wise usually being sufficient.

And you are wise.  You just may not know it.  Yet. 

From the reverse veneer that you have been coated with, in your passages through Life on Earth.  With all of its opportunities for growth.

And its opposite.  



1 Which I characterize as 'statist,' rather than the more obvious description, given Obama's background, and that of his acolytes, of 'socialist,' because it is, really, a combination of both socialism and fascism.  Being the base of the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power being erected on the planet as we speak. 
     Before it comes tumbling down. 

2 And which is what we need to 'get back to': the principle of self-governance, as championed in and by the American form of government.  The principle of the fair exercise of our free will.  Which is our God-given gift. 
     The rest - the Constitution, and all that - can now be left behind, as we enter into the Synthesis stage of Operation Life on Earth.  
     As S.K. Bain says of that principle; as mirrored by the Dark forces, in their belief that they will rule the roost now, at this End of the Age: "{A - the - magic number] mathematically represents the synthesis of all things, the reconciliation of opposites. It speaks of Unification.  Of Union."
     Indeed.  Just not with the god that they serve.  

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