Thursday 25 September 2014

Let Me Be Perfectly Clear

Today I received in the mail a follow-up request to renew my annual subscription of support to the National Republican Senatorial Committee, from Jerry Moran, Chairman.  I sent back to him in reply - similar to my reply some days ago to John Boehner, soliciting support for the National Republican Congressional Committee, but with some more meat on this one - the following response:

"Dear Jerry,

"Because you Republicans sold out the Constitution and the American people by not honoring the constitutional requirement for presidential candidates to be a 'natural born' citizen - which I assure you does NOT include a person born a dual-citizen British subject - I 'spew thee out of my mouth,' want nothing more to do with you.

"Look what you have done to the country by not calling Obama on his ineligibility for the office.

"Did you Republicans think you could get away with your subterfuge simply by not drawing attention to it and therefore the American people would not notice your sleight of hand?  If so, think again, you mangy scoundrels."


As I said somewhere else to somebody else, this is the sort of thing that one would, and could, expect from the Democrats, with their basically atheistic outlook on life, and therefore attitude that right and wrong are relative, 'right' simply being whatever advances their agenda; the concept that there is no right or wrong but that thinking makes it so'.  (The Saul Alinsky rulebook, anyone??)  But the Republicans, with their basically 'Christian' orientation, as in 'traditional principles' of 'God and country'??  Their material success in life obviously went to their heads, and they are as susceptible to corruption as the Left; being 'religious' in word and name only.

As I say, I spew thee folks out of my mouth.  The taste is abominable.

Which is why I refuse to vote - to engage in a charade.  Since coming back to the States from my years overseas (living, to some extent 'naively,' I accept, in a spiritual community), I have found, for example, that my state does not require any sort of voter ID; all one has to do when arriving at the voting precinct is to sign a name against a name on their registration rolls.  What arrant nonsense.  No wonder we have gotten the sorts of politicians that we have had for yonks - corruption is endemic in the electoral system.  It's how you 'go along to get along,' in life...  

Some would call me naive for not voting, saying that 'It has always been this way'.  Well, I am here to tell you that that sort of thing is OVER.

'But if you don't vote, the other side will always win.'  What nonsense.  The answer was for EVERYBODY to boycott the vote, until the system was cleaned up.  And if 'the other side' refused to do so, and simply played their game of charades, then it would have become glaringly obvious that it was, and is, a corrupt system, and the results of the vote not being worth supporting.

Get real, folks.    

And I'm not just talking about the corruption of the Left in this matter.  Even over in the UK I was reading online about the scams being perpetrated by the electronic voting machines in this country, many of them originating from the Right; and with the apparent stealing of the presidential vote in 2004 by the Republicans,* you have just gotten deeper and deeper into the don't-don't.

Anyway.  You have had your chances, to prove your worth.  Or not.  It's time to

Move on.


* Over in the UK, when we went to bed that night, the exit-poll vote in Ohio was looking to be 3% for Kerry; when we got up the next day, the Ohio 'actual' result was a 3% swing for Bush.  Something didn't add up.  And instead of asking for an investigation - which would have been the logical, and 'healthy,' thing to do - the Democrats apparently decided not to get mad but to get even; that 'two can play at that game'.  And so we have been immersed, deeper and deeper, in corruption ever since.
     I wish they had come up with a different response, to that Opportunity then, to turn things around in America, and proceed on a higher road, that we could have been proud of, in the pantheon of democracies in the world.  Alas, they chose the wrong road.
     And look at us now, for that decision.


P.S. And interestingly enough, further down in today's mail I find a request, from one of the outfits that I have given financial support to in the past, for us citizens to put pressure on Congress to "pass commonsense VOTER ID LEGISLATION that stops aliens from registering and voting in the crucial 2014 Mid-term Congressional elections".  So far, so well-intended.  But, two things:
     1) Its a little late in the day for this sort of action, to have time to percolate down to the action level; and
     2) There's a danger here, in the push for "ID Legislation" to emanate from Congress.  As with gun registration, the American people should be very cautious about initiatives to create federal/national ID registration cards or gun registration.  All of this sort of thing should be kept on the state level, in a federal constitutional republic.  And especially since Obama has proven himself to be an incipient Hitler.  We either learn from history, or we die from our mistake in not doing so.
     But there is nothing wrong in principle with the federal Congress requiring the states to have secure voter ID regulations in place - preferably a card with a photo of the (properly vetted) recipient - in order to vote in federal elections.*  Just keep the 'nationalizing' of these sorts of things out of it.
     For example, if I were in charge, and getting the nation back in shape after a breakdown of law and order and declaration of martial law on the part of the Usurper in the Oval Office, I would require the states to initiate such a level of voter ID integrity in order for their citizens to engage in federal elections - and would keep a national ID registration card out of the picture.  That has ominous implications; and I wouldn't go there.
     The Cabal's New World Order, of a top-down world-wide totalitarian system of governance and surveillance, is still lurking in the shadows, hasn't been fully put out to pasture yet.  We still have a little work to do, in this regard.
     'We' being us.  Your average Joe and Jill.  Beginning to feel the pull of

* Not to cut too fine an edge on this sot of thing here, but just to remark that there is also a case to be made for the federal government to require such 'voter integrity' measures for all elections, federal or state; because otherwise, American citizens are being disenfranchised if their vote is being cancelled out, diluted, rendered meaningless even on their state level of governance.  It's a matter of the national government looking out for the interests of American citizens, period.  But I  grant that there is a legal issue here, in a federal system of government.  Just acknowledging the legal niceties of the subject.


P.P.S. And on this very note; this, from this week's Judicial Watch Weekly Update (publ. on Sept. 26):

Judicial Watch Leads Effort to Save Clean Elections

"Just over a year ago, voter fraud became a much tougher proposition in North Carolina, where state lawmakers passed HB 589. This well-crafted piece of legislation requires voters to show a photo ID before they cast a ballot. The bill also eliminates 
same day registration, reduces the number of days of early voting, and calls for provisional ballots to be cast in the precinct where the voter is registered. Americans who care about ballot integrity have every reason to be pleased with HB 589.

But not so with the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ). In fact, in September 2013, it asked a U.S. District Court to enjoin several key provisions of HB 589 under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. It argued that the bill would disfranchise up to 2 million North Carolina minority voters. But, of course, it offered no substance to back up its claims.

Judicial Watch responded in June 2014 by filing an amicus curiae brief with the District Court.  And as you might expect, we did provide substance. That included a definitive study debunking DOJ arguments. The study showed that black turnout actually increased in the one major election that was held in North Carolina since the bill became law. And, as we noted in our brief, the numbers were "devastating to the plaintiff's case because they contradict all of their experts' bias for asserting harm":

The results of this analysis ... show that black turnout increased in 2014 by every meaningful measure. Black share of the total electorate increased. The percentage of black registered voters voting increased. Using Census Bureau estimates, Dr. Camarota [the Director of Research for the Center for Immigration Studies] found an increase in turnout among blacks of voting age. Finally, while turnout increased across the board in May 2014, and while white turnout increased by 13.7%, black turnout increased much faster - by an astonishing 29.5%. 

I am pleased to report that now out-going Attorney General Eric Holder and his government attorneys suffered a significant setback when the District Court ruled against the DOJ request to enjoin HB 589 this past August. The District Court allowed us to present our arguments in opposition to the DOJ at a key hearing. And those arguments clearly prevailed. Yet, while there is cause for encouragement, the well-funded lobby of voter fraud apologists continues to work through the court system in an effort to eviscerate HB 589.

By the way, our partners in that legal effort were 
Allied Educational Foundation (AEF) and Christina Kelley Gallegos-Merrill (a North Carolina resident and former political candidate).  AEF and Ms. Gallegos-Merrill both have an interest in upholding the rule of law and constitutional values. (Ms. Gallegos-Merrill's interest is based on experience, as she ran for County Commissioner of Buncombe County in 2012 and lost a very close election. She believes that this loss was due to same-day registration during early voting and to improperly cast ballots.)

So, this is where we are now.

The American Civil Liberties Union has appealed the lower court ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit and we have promptly responded.  On Sept. 17, we joined with our partners again to file an amicus curiae brief with the Fourth Circuit asking it to deny the ACLU's motion for a preliminary injunction to prevent enforcement of HB 589.  You'll be pleased to know that respected civil rights lawyer Chris Coates, who served as Chief of the Voting Rights Section of the Justice Department under President Obama, has been serving as lead counsel for Judicial Watch and its amicus partners.

In our new filing, we argue that if the ACLU were to succeed, it "would have a chilling effect on voter confidence in the integrity of elections, both in North Carolina and nationwide." We added:

If North Carolina is compelled to reinstate same-day registration, to extend the early voting period by a week, and to permit out-of-precinct provisional ballots, many North Carolina citizens could have their votes diluted by unlawful ballots cast in the names of false or duplicate registrations. Furthermore, Plaintiffs-Appellants' requested relief will undermine the confidence in the integrity of elections among citizens.

I have to say that the Obama DOJ assault on North Carolina's attempt to protect the integrity of the ballot box was not altogether unexpected. On the very day that HB 589 passed, Holder delivered a speech to the National Urban League concerning the Supreme Court's decision in 
Shelby Co. v. Holder declaring that a voting rights lawsuit the DOJ had recently filed against Texas, "is the Department's first action to protect voting rights following the Shelby County decision, but it will not be our last." This statement was widely seen as a reference to a potential lawsuit against North Carolina over its new election integrity law. So, your JW was more than prepared for the Holder assault.

We believe the Fourth Circuit should affirm the lower court ruling on behalf of ballot box integrity and stave off yet another attempt by the Obama administration (or, in this case, its front group - the ACLU) to turn fair and open elections into nothing more than free for alls. But, as Jefferson said, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." And that is why we continue to fight.

Election Integrity Project is heating up - expect more litigation and other significant steps to ensure clean elections not only in November but beyond.  As always, your support is welcome.

I urge you to learn more about the threat to election integrity.  If the Left and other corrupt politicians of both parties are able to steal elections...well, I don't need to describe the awful consequences to our nation."


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