Monday 15 September 2014

On Retreat

Many moons ago, when I was in one of my moods to give up on humanity, and just 'save myself,' as it were, I went on a weekend retreat, up in Northern California, at a Trappist monastery.1  The first night there, when I was provided my meal, I felt so grateful for having such a place to 'retreat' to, from unsatisfying, merely secular life (why the hell weren't we getting it???!),2 that I found myself deciding to compose a blessing over my meals from then on, to reflect an 'attitude of gratitude,' rather than just living my life grousing at the (terribly unsatisfying) way things were.

Let's see, I thought to myself.  What would I like to convey…

And I then came up with an invocation that has 'stood the test of time,' and been with me ever since.  I bless my food - with my hands over it; as well giving it energy from me, and thus completing the circuit - with the following words, that I feel, somehow, drawn to share with my readership at this time, for whatever reason (or whatever all reasons):

'May the strength
That I will derive
From this food
Be used in serving Thee
And may I proceed
In health and happiness and holiness.'

And I give that a moment to 'sink in'; and then add:

'Now let the vibratory rate
Of this food
Be such as to
Draw me closer to Thee;
And in all things,
Let not my will but Thine
Be done
On Earth, as it is
In Heaven.
Even so.

And in later years, I have been drawn to add a codicil to my 'will':

'And if there be any toxicity
In this food,
Let it be transmuted
Back into pure energy
                 and used
For the highest good.
So be it.'

I commend something like this - coming from you - to your attention.3

Especially at this time, of major change, in our consciousness level.

About all sorts of things.



1 I spent another such weekend, around the same time of such depression, at a Cistercian monastery in Big Sur country.  Another, albeit related, matter.
   (And one before those - many years before those - at a Vedanta monastery in the desolate hills of Orange County (a far cry from the TV show).)
     Searching, searching…for - what, exactly.  Peace, of mind??
     Something like that.  Not answers per se.  I already had those.)

2 It was a good many years before all this that I had gone on my walking trip across the country, "to see the president and draw to his attention that the way to rid ourselves of all our aches and evils is to do away with money".  The result of my insight: nothing.  For years and years.
     I now see things changing.  And obviously, everything in its time and season.  But…
     It's as though we are all walking around with dirty assholes - as Jack Kerouac remarked on once - and thinking that this is it; that this is the way it is. the way things are.  That it will never get better than this.  That Man is inherently corrupt and defiled, and we just have to learn to live with it.
     Come on, folks.  Geez.  What silly stuff'n nonsense.  Do you have any idea -    
     Well; no.  Obviously.  You don't…*

3 One day at the a la carte serving table at the place in a spiritual community where I lived for many years (yes, I finally found a place that I could feel at home in.  For a time and season; before being now back on my own, in the twilight of my years on this beloved planet of ours.  To do what we will on and to it.  Such long-suffering patience with us…I could learn a lesson, there……), a young man - with no legs; so deserving of some respect, for getting out of his 'comfort zone' (such as it ever could be, with such a condition) and spending a week at a spiritual community - came up to me and asked - having observed my daily habit of blessing my food for some time - what I said in my blessing.  I was flustered by the question, because it seemed such a personal thing to share with others.  And though I felt 'tempted' - if that's the word, here, in this particular situation - I chose not to 'pass it on.' preferring - for him; disrespectfully of me, to some extent - that he come up with words from inside himself, his own connection with Spirit.      
     For whatever reason, I am releasing this attitude. now, here, and sharing this very personal 'bit of business' with you.
     Treat it with respect; the respect that it deserves.


* 1) We are currently living at the bottom of our potential.  That potential is enormous.  That potential is ultimately to be The All That Is of your creation/embodiment.  You are settling for fool's gold.
        And speaking of:

   2) from 2012:  What's the 'real' truth?: 'Money and Spirituality: a message from Emmanuel Dagher ' - posted Sept. 14 (orig. written Sept. 12)

Julie says:

I tried to understand this viewpoint but it just rubs me the wrong way. Sounds a bit like an eager dinar invester justifying the greed while awaiting the big payoff. We should not need $$$ to experience abundance.

  • kibitzer3 says:
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  • September 15, 2014 at 10:40 pm 

  • Agreed. Emmanuel has a point – but – attitudes towards money, which, as he points out, is basically a means (a medium of exchange, of energy) – not an end in itself – have been perverted by the ‘principle’ of interest, aka usury. Usury attached to money – making money on money – made it an end, desirable in and of itself. The basic principle, of an exchange of energy (in the form of goods or services), was lost sight of, when the Christian world allowed itself to be seduced into buying into the ‘principle’ of usury.

  • You are right, Julie.: We already have all the abundance we could ever hope to want. Because ‘it’ is in us; the key to it is in us.

  • Once we change our attitude towards money, and share goods and services with one another – and give of our best in the process – not out of a hope/wish for a profit in the exchange, but simply out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning – out of, in a word: Love – then we are on our way, into our Golden Age. Just waiting for us to wake up to it. Meaning, that it is already here. We just need to wake up to that fact. Because it – the key to it – is IN US. Not ‘out there,’ somewhere, in the form of bits of paper, or whatever.

What's the difference between this and communism?  

Answer: The difference between Night and Day.

The one inspires creativity, with the sky the limit.  The other stifles creativity, under the heavy-handed weight of the state.  Collectivism over individualism - i.e., the rights of the state (read, 'the collective') over that of the individual?  No way.  Our free will comes from God.  Your 'rights' come from the state, with Its right to lord it over you.  The hell you say, and the hell it will.     

Marx thought 'the old way,' tried to get there by storming the ramparts, thinking that bad means can achieve good ends.   Big mistake.  The difference, as I say, between Night and Day. 

And we're entering into a New Day.  

Join the crowd, 
On our side.  
The view
Is much better
From here.  
And you
Can see You
From here.

…and speaking of all this:

from 'Doublespeak: Is It 2014 Or 1984?' - Joseph Farah - Sept. 15

slypuffers an hour ago

Some of us took notice of the comparison 5 years ago. Since that time, it has been more than confirmed with each passing month. The only people not to notice are Progressives, or un/under educated individuals......products of Liberal Public School Indoctrnation, sweethearts.


  • kibitzer3 slypuffers 2 minutes ago  (Sept. 15)

  • No, the 'Progressives' know, all right. They have been brainwashed by the years of the "Liberal Public School indoctrination" (and 'higher education' in general) that you mention, to want to transform the American system of free enterprise and private property into a socialist, command system. Ignoring the very obvious fact that Power corrupts, and Absolute power corrupts absolutely; if they think that things are corrupt as they are now.

  • They have no answers. Only platitudes. Which will get us deeper into trouble. A wakeup call, about what is REALLY going on under the Obama administration, is long overdue; but not for the Progressives. They know. What they need to know is the bankruptcy of their response [to all that is going on].
(added Sept. 16:)

Trisha Holmeide kibitzer3 5 hours ago (Sept. 16)

And, the Progressives need to know no amount of name calling, use of immoral government force or changing our laws, left-leaning, politically activist judical, no destruction of our businesses, brainwashing in our schools or anything else is going to coerce us into giving up hope to keep our constitution in tact and restore our beloved nation to the land of the free again. In other words, we are not going away and are becoming more resolute by the day to stop what they are doing.


  • kibitzer3 Trisha Holmeide a few seconds ago 

  • That's certainly my hope, Trisha; that this generation of Americans will rise to the occasion, and take their country back, from its 'fundamental transformers' currently in power.

  • The only 'fundamental transformation' that we should be moving towards is a world governed in and by Love. Not Force. The Force of the statists on both sides of the political aisle, i.e., either socialists or fascists, who want a New World Order governed by them, in a totalitarian fashion. A pox on both their houses. They are the precise opposite of the proper way to go. Which is neither Left nor Right. But Up.

I've often noted evil quite often offers itself in the form of the mirror opposite of righteousness. Those who would choose to inflict total government and take away each individual's right to choose obviously have no plans to go to Heaven where no one is "forced" to be good because everyone has chosen (for themselves) to be righteous in the first place.

    • Avatar

      Amen, and well put! :-)
      I have just had occasion to quote John Adams on this general subject, triggered by another blog of Joseph Farah's today, regarding the 'celebration' (not, unfortunately) of Constitution Day:
      "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." As we have found out; and in spades…

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