Monday 1 September 2014

On Days Of Labor

from 'What the heck are we celebrating on Labor Day?' - Allen West - Sept. 1 (posted at Tea Party C.C. - by Natl Dir. Dee - Sept. 1)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (Sept. 1)

Nice one, Allen. But just to make the point clearer, that it's not just the unions and the Dems who are at fault. A major 'too big to fail' bank is making out like a bandit in administrating the food stamp program - to the point of paying people to go out and beat the bushes to get even more people signed up for it.
There's plenty of blame to go around. A clean sweep of the system is necessary. But that's another subject. Anyway - the whole thing needs to be looked at, with a clear eye; and something done about it. 'The way things are' is ridiculous.


And it reaches all the way to the VERY top.

As, for example, this - from CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)'s Blog, of January 24, 2010:

I Believe The Fix Was In for the 2008 Election and The Cover Up is Still Going Strong! The Perfect Storm for a Constitutional Crisis!
Filed under: Articles/Reports-CFK — cfkerchner @ 1:45 pm 
Originally Written & Posted Online by CDR Kerchner @ Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 1:31 PM
I Believe The Fix Was In for the 2008 Election and The Cover Up is Still Going Strong! The Perfect Storm for a Constitutional Crisis!
by: Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner v Obama & Congress
Posted 24 January 2010 at:
I believe that the RNC and DNC at the highest levels in 2008 were both complicit in shutting down all discussion of Obama’s constitutional eligibility issue in the Congress, Main Stream Media, Print Press, and in the leading conservative Talk Show radio stations. I believe that the RNC and the DNC were complicit in subverting Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of our Constitution as to the eligibility requirements for the Office of the President, i.e., the person eligible for that office must be a “natural born Citizen“, i.e., one born in the country to parents who are both citizens of the country such that the child born has singular and sole allegiance at birth to the USA and no citizenship at birth with any other country via his parents or due to the place or location of birth.
A natural born Citizen needs no law or resolution of Congress to give or clarify citizenship status. Natural born Citizenship status can only be obtained by the facts of nature at the child’s birth. This is natural law. This is what the founders and framers of our Constitution required for the singular and most powerful office of the President and Commander in Chief of the military. John Jay and George Washington put that requirement into the Constitution for exactly the reason that the person serving in that office would have no foreign influences on him/her at birth due to the facts and circumstances of his/her citizenship at birth. Only “natural born Citizenship” in the USA per natural law guarantees no other allegiance or citizenship claims by an another country at birth. If you are born on the U.S. soil of parents who are both citizens, no other country can claim you as a Citizen of their country and you are only governed by the laws of the USA at your birth. This is natural law as was codified by Vattel in 1758 in his legal treatise, “The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law“. The 1775 edition of this legal book was used as a reference by Benjamin Franklin and other founders to set up our new nation in 1776 in the writing of the Declaration of Independence and also in drafting the new form of federal government in 1787 with the writing of our Constitution, the fundamental law of our nation.
Obama was born British. How can a person born a British Subject ever be considered to be a “natural born Citizen” of the USA, to constitutional standards? He cannot. Our founders must be rolling over in their graves witnessing what transpired in the 2008 election cycle.

Both political parties put up questionable candidates in 2008 with issues as to their birth citizenship status.  A 3rd party, the Socialist Party, even put a person name Calero on the ballot for President in 2008 in half dozen states and he only had a “green card” and was not even a Citizen, let alone a “natural born Citizen”.  And the system and media let Calero do it and didn’t challenge him in order to keep the lid on the cover-up of the constitutional eligibility issues of the respective presidential candidates of the two major parties. The fix and cover-up was in. Obama was born as a British Subject of a non-U.S. citizen father and McCain was born on the sovereign soil of Panama, not on the military base in the Canal Zone as was touted to the public.  Both having issues with their candidates they proceeded to cover up for each other and helped shut down the media and talk radio totally via their respective high contacts in the media industry and elected officials within the sitting Bush administration and in Congress as well as within their own respective presidential campaign organizations. No one in either political party wanted a free and open debate in the media as to the true historical, constitutional, and Supreme Court common law cases mentioning Vattel and his words on the meaning of “natural born Citizen”. No one in either political party wanted a full Congressional hearing about the true meaning of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution concerning who is constitutionally eligible to be President and Commander in Chief of the military, especially in the case of Obama whose father was not even an immigrant to this country, let alone not being a citizen of the USA. We are a nation of immigrants. But Obama’s father was never one. The political parties and powers in DC wanted to hide this issue from the American people for the political ambition and power of both political parties to run the candidate of their choice irrespective of Constitutional issues. They did not want to hear from the People about this. So the cover up began to squelch all discussion of it to keep as many people in the dark as possible. “Thou shalt not talk about the presidential constitutional Article II eligibility issues” was the word put out by all the powers to be in Washington DC and the U.S. media. Their favorite modus operandi for the cover up was was either ignore the questioners or ridicule them if not able to ignore them.  Two favorite tools of Saul Alinsky from his book, Rules for Radicals.  And further, it was reported that even outright threats were made to certain conservative talk show radio hosts in the last quarter of 2008 to never broach the subject of constitutional eligibility issues on their shows or to allow on the air people who wish to talk about that issue.
In our two party system the political forces of nature of the RNC and DNC are normally natural enemies of each other and served as a check and balance in our election system. But in 2008 because of the citizenship “issues” of their respective Presidential candidates, both parties were instead complicit in ignoring, undermining, and usurping the Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 eligibility standards for the Office of President of our U.S. Constitution and thus have created “The Perfect Storm for a Constitutional Crisis” of historic proportions. There is now an epic struggle underway pitting the political parties and their party controlled elected and appointed officials with powerful inside the belt way Washington DC opinion shaping forces in the Main Stream Media all combined and aligned against “We the People” and the survival our Constitution, the sovereign and fundamental law of our Republic. George Washington warned us 200+ years ago that a day may come when the political parties put party power and their political goals ahead of the Constitution which is designed to limit the power of government and usurp powers not granted by the Constitution. That day has come. We the People must now stand to defend our Constitution or it will no longer be the fundamental law of our Republic. If simple majority rule can trump the Constitution then there is no more protection left for the political minority and the rule of law. Our government will deteriorate into mob rule. Our nation and the inalienable rights guaranteed in our Constitution will be in great jeopardy and at the whims of the Washington DC power brokers.
And the cover up continues to this day and is most obvious with the stone silence and “cone of silence” and occasional mocking comments made by the talk show hosts about the eligibility issue questions if mentioned briefly by a guest now and then on Fox News. The approach on Fox News is to ban the topic. Other networks such as MSNBC simply mock the movement continually using Saul Alinsky’s tactics from Rules for Radicals rule number 5, ridicule, to stifle all open, serious, and public debate on the issue and to scare off any one in political power from broaching the subject. Anyone even just mentioning this issue is pounced on for the ridicule treatment by the press. This shut down a free and full “on air” debate of the Obama eligibility issue with serious scholars and legal experts representing each side (such as my attorney, Mario Apuzzo) being allowed on the air together with someone from the Obot side to debate this issue openly is being orchestrated at the highest levels of the RNC and DNC and their elected official type contacts in various powerful positions both today and back in Dec 2008 and early Jan 2009. Whispers in the hallways allude to grave consequences if one breaches this subject seriously on the air ways. The RNC silenced opposition in the conservative talk show radio and elsewhere in late 2008 which has enabled Obama to take power virtually unopposed as to addressing his constitutional eligibility in any serious manner in public debate via the national media. The leadership of the RNC at the highest levels, imo, shut down members of their own political party in Congress and via using their contacts in the highest levels of government, they helped shut down conservative talk radio and TV hosts with innuendos and and whispers of the consequences if this subject surfaced for discussion in a major way on their shows. They were told to keep the eligibility issue and the so called “Birthers” banned on their callers list with special instructions to the call screeners to keep them off the air. The RNC powers to be and their political connections used their power to do this to cover up their own subverting of Article II of the Constitution via putting up a candidate of their own with questionable natural born Citizenship status as their candidate for President. The big liberal media anointed Obama (a hard core progressive and Socialist) and then anointed McCain (a progressive light) because they knew McCain had a citizenship issue of his own and thus would keep him silent about Obama’s. And it worked. A “cone of silence” was dropped on the eligibility issue in the DC media and Congress and elsewhere in American to cover up for what both parties were doing, subverting Article II of the U.S. Constitution in the 2008 election. Listen to this radio show interview for more details.
Atty Apuzzo & CDR Kerchner on Andrea Shea King Radio Show hosted by Andrea Shea King – Friday, 22 Jan 2010, 9 p.m. EST:
Imo, when this subversion of our Constitution in the 2008 election cycle and the massive cover up by people in the highest levels of the RNC and DNC and their elected official contacts, and our government is exposed, this will be a far worse scandal than Watergate. It will be the worst scandal & political crisis and constitutional crisis in America since the Civil War. Who will win the Pulitzer Prize for exposing this travesty to the Constitution, liberty, and justice in America.
I believe this is what has happened in America and the reason for the cone of silence about Obama’s citizenship issues since the start of the 2008 election cycle and it continues to this day. It is a national disgrace and a threat to our freedom and liberty and the survival of our Constitution and Republic. We do not know Obama’s true legal identity. He has hidden and sealed all his early life records. What is he hiding? How can we trust this man usurping the Oval Office to protect America from foreign influence at the highest levels. He bows to Saudi Kings! He backs far-left dictators in Central America like Castro and Hugo Chavez in stifling freedom and Constitutional government in Honduras. Maybe he saw what could happen to him in the Constitutional crisis down there. Who is Obama loyal too? We do not know who he really is. The three enablers of this cover up must cease turning a blind eye to this usurpation. The eligibility issue must be fully and openly discussed in the Main Stream Media, the Congress, and in our Courts. Our liberty and freedom is in the balance.
God bless and protect America in the coming test this year of our fundamental core constitutional rights and our very freedom as this cover up is further exposed.
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. , Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff , Kerchner v Obama & Congress
For more information on the lawsuit:
U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, Philadelphia PA, recent filing: Appellant’s Opening Brief
To help the cause, please visit:
In sum.
A "natural born" citizen means that the child so born "has singular and sole allegiance at birth to the USA and no citizenship at birth with any other country via his parents or due to the place or location of birth".  Obama was born a British subject.  He is therefore not constitutionally eligible for the office he now occupies.  Thus, he is there illegally - as long as we live under the rule of law in this country, and not that of the mob.  Thus, his correct title is The Great Pretender; aka The Usurper.  And therefore, he
Or it is mob rule in the country.  Which ultimately means rule by tyrants.  
And I will not have that sort of rule.  Not in my country.
Not in America. 
Take your penchant for hijacking elsewhere, you scoundrels, if you must.  But take it out of my country.
Out of America. 
And may sufficient patriots - of the 
of the United States of America -
rise to this occasion; and make 
that outcome happen.   
So be it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like Woodrow Wilson, whose mother never gave up her British subject status when she married Wilson's father and became a dual citizen of the USA and Britain, Obama was a dual citizen at birth. It has no effect on him, just as it had no effect on Woodrow Wilson either.

The reason is that there are no exceptions for dual citizens at birth (or later, such as Madison, who had been made a full voting citizens of France by the French National Assembly). It has not the slightest effect. EVERY child born on US soil is a Natural Born US Citizen except for the children of foreign diplomats and members of invading enemy armies.

“Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are "natural born citizens" and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are "natural born citizens" eligible to serve as President ..."---- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’s attorney general, and the Heritage Foundation is a well-known Conservative organization.]