Tuesday 12 December 2017

On 'The Way It Is'

from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘Vaccine Court confirms healthy 13 year-old boy was mede tetraplegic by the chicken pox vaccine’ - Mike Adams, naturalnews.com - December 10/11
(A horrible, horrible story, about a vaccine shot that the child wasn’t even ‘required’ to take, at his ‘wellness’ visit.  But with everybody involved making a lot of money out of this scam - hey, the more the merrier…)

Stan S. December 12, 2017 at 12:04 am
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A despicable, long chapter in human history, and particularly of the United States, where profit has ruled so enormously. Along with other aspects of the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.

How far we have come from the recommendations of the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates: ‘Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food,’ and ‘First: Do no harm.’

And another “despicable” chapter, this time in my home state of California:

also from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘California Is the Unluckiest State In the US - Or, Is There Something Else At Work?’ - Dave Hodges - December 10/11
(A recap of various things that have been going on in this state, including the prolonged drought (which weather maps show is weather warfare at work), the dangerous condition of the Oroville Dam (which could wipe out a huge swathe of people and property if it bursts, which there are signs of being on the cards), and the very suspicious fires recently, both in northern CA (complete with blue laser beams from the sky) and in southern CA (moving people out of the land, and forcing them into the cities; where they can be kept an eye on more easily, and can’t have independent access to food and water…) 

Stan S. December 12, 2017 at 12:47 am
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I live in California. Grew up here, lived away – not just out of state but out of the country itself – for over 40 years, came back here to retire in the sun, in my old home town, in the southern part of the state. Went to vote in 2012, found that they didn’t ask for any ID, refused to vote under such shoddy circumstances.  Went to vote again in 2014, asked some questions this time, was told ‘that’s just the way it is here,’ refused again to vote, cursing ‘the way it is’ in this state, and wondering what the hell was going on. Went again in 2016, and this time I asked to submit a formal complaint about ”the way it is,’ and with the intent to ask some deeper questions. Was given the no. of the city Elections Office, was told cheerfully by the young gal on the phone that yes, they clean the reg rolls. How. Oh, by various means: check for a driver’s license being one. When I countered that this state now allows illegal aliens FORMALLY to apply for and receive driver’s licenses – on top of this state having a Motor Voter Law, whereby everyone is automatically registered to vote who receives one, unless they personally choose to decline, her tone changed abruptly, and she said that I would have to talk to the Country Registrar’s Office if I still had any questions.

I give her credit to the point that she gave me that number. Where I was told, by the young fellow who answered – with a supervisor listening in, so it was official – that they don’t clean the voter reg rolls, because – I kid you not; this was the reason given – “People sign up on penalty of perjury”. And so if no one ever checks to see if someone HAS signed up illegally, there is no check that way. When I pointed this out, he replied that if I wanted to change ‘the way it is,’ I would have to talk to my state Assemblyman or Senator. I don’t know how it is in other counties in this state, but in my county – which is L.A. County – there are millions of Illegal aliens living here, along with other ineligible voters. And an untold number of dead voters, and duplicate voters, and…and……

Is there “something else at work” in this state? You bet. But the answer is not to let it continue. The answer is to rein it in. Pres. Trump needs to send in the federal Marshals, to arrest all those responsible for this brazen theft of the state going on – including up to the Governor’s office – and bring in an army of CPA’s to go through the state’s voter reg rolls with a fine-toothed comb, and weed out all the Ineligibles. Before it’s too late.

Which it may be already. 

And Dave Hodges also had an article at the same time about ‘“SMART” Pills That Track the User’.  Pills being given to us - told to take - that are chipped.  (Starting with an anti-depressant.)  A technique having been okayed by the FDA.  The cover reason?  ‘To make sure that people are taking their pills as directed.’

Right.  As directed by Big Brother…*

And, with everything else that is going on - the Smart meters tracking our use of electricity, and thus figuring how many people are possibly hiding in our homes; also by cameras and listening devices in our TV sets and computers (and even in our smoke detectors, I read somewhere recently), etc. etc. - 

if the shit isn’t about to hit the fan - 

- it needs to be made to.

By us.


Who are just mad as hell enough that we aren’t going to take it any longer.

I surely hope.

P.S And at the end of the day…
     I have to keep reminding myself - embedded here in The Play as I am - that this is all part of a, the, Plan.  And as a plan, it has to work its way out to its conclusion.  Which is coming, in the form of the mirror/reverse image of the Dark side’s global dystopia.  That it’s a mathematical thing.  Like a crystal, forming.
     And with more - far more - dimensions that just these three that we move and live and have our being in.  At this time.  As we begin to move beyond Time. 
     Which is, after all,
     an illusion.
     Part of
     The Illusion.  Now beginning to give way to
     The Real Thing.  As we draw closer to the realm of
     And - of course - within that realm, of 
     our true Selves. 
     Which, ultimately, if we but knew it,
     would blow our circuits.
     So, stay with The Plan, folks.  And let it unfold.
     As you play your part.  With your intuition turned on. 
     And don’t mind me, as I occasionally lose the plot.  And get so involved in it, that I actually believe all that is going on. 
     And which pains me to the quick.
     Until I take a breather.
     Back up a bit.
     And trust
     The Process.

* “A drugged-down population is a docile and compliant population,” says Hodges.  Mood-altering going on.  A step further from fluoridation…
   This particular drug (soon to be released too for those with Alzheimer’s.  To track them if they get lost, of course.  Of course.  Can you hear ‘Achtung!  Take your medicine!’ already?…) is conta-indicated for people with addictive behavior of all kinds.  Which means that it makes such behavior worse.
   George Orwell, eat your heart out.  You had the right idea.  But you had no idea.

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