Tuesday 26 December 2017

Rendering Unto Caesar

1) from paulstramer.net: ‘Causes for Peace’ - Anna Von Reitz - December 25
(Anna likening the “Middle East situation’ to an incident between her older sister and herself, where her sister claimed some things upon the death of their father that ‘rightfully’ belonged to Anna, and which state of affairs the sister is now recognizing, by wanting to make peace about it all (and which Anna 'let go of' a long time ago).  Anna quotes the Old Testament to say that the Arabs/Muslims should leave ‘Israel’ and let their own peoples - the both of them being branches of the same patriarchal tree - take them in, and make their portion of ‘the desert’ bloom, with the modern technology regarding irrigation filling their needs; thus letting ‘the Jews/Israelis’ have what is ‘theirs’ by right of God’s command…which response to the situation, though well-meaning on her part, made my hackles rise.  Hence my comment:)


First of all: This is a just universe. The universe operates by laws, and Law; and in our human domain, we should operate by law that is just, and which thereby reflects the larger reality of which this life is a part. As referenced in the spiritual observation: As Above, So Below. [Having said that:] It does not seem fair to me that Jews can simply come into a land that they - i.e., bloodline Jews, and not just converted Jews, like the Khazarian/European Jews - have not inhabited for thousands of years and just take over, rudely dispossessing what are called Palestinians in our day, i.e., peoples who HAVE lived on that land for thousands of years. 

And especially not when said interlopers have acted in a criminal manner whilst claiming that land (and wishing to extend their boundaries to a 'Greater israel,' wanting to take more of the surrounding land, now belonging to, and occupied by, other countries). And besides their local criminality against the occupied people, their criminality extending to acts of war against the U.S., and other countries. I refer to such atrocities as: the Lavon Affair. The attempted sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty. Their acts of omission regarding the bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut. Their acts of both omission and commission regarding the particularly heinous atrocity that has come to be known as 9/11. And there are other such actions, of a rogue nation.

Let the modern state of Israel own up to its various crimes. And then let's talk about what is right. And honorable. And just.


2) from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘The Number One Enemy of Most Christians Is Their Church’ - Dave Hodges  - December 25
(“As this Sunday comes and goes, I will not be attending my former church. With a scant few exceptions the church has been invaded in the same manner that our Constitution has been obliterated. Why won’t I be attending my church? Because I want to save my soul for eternity…”)
Dave haranguing 501-C3 churches for ’making a deal with the devil’ in buying into Romans 13 in order to keep their tax-exempt status, and thus not calling the government on various immoral activities going on in the country.  Bible-wise and common sense-wise.)

Stan S. December 26, 2017 at 1:38 am
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Dave, with all due respect for your extremely sincere desire to live a ‘godly’ life: Romans 13 says what it says because the New Testament was a creation of members of the Flaviam imperial family, principally of Josephus Flavius, a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian adopted into that imperial household for services rendered to emperor Vespasian, considered a god (whom Josephus, something of a prophet, and of the priestly line of his family of origin, predicted would become Caesar), his elder son, Titus, made out to be the Son of Man to ‘fulfill’ Jewish biblical lore (who sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple, for the Jews being so stiff-necked as not to call the Roman caesar Lord), and later in the emperor line, the younger son Domitian. The amazing story is told in the remarkable, and extremely well-researched, book ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill. In short: Humanity has been conned, by some people who were simply out for power and riches.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it. In any event: We need to continue our search for Truth. It’s out there. (Like the X-Files said.)* Those who stay the course will reap the just rewards.

Stan S. December 26, 2017 at 1:45 am
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P.S That should be spelled ‘Flavian’. I couldn’t read it on your Comment site; the print there is far too faint for my poor old eyes to pick up clearly.

Incidentally, another book highly recommended along this line: ‘The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia’ by Flavio Barbiero.

We live in interesting times…


(* This parenthetical throw-in was a play on the fact that in a previous posting just above this one, Hodges talked about how he used to really enjoy listening to the X-Files, as lead-in to a true story just out about how a young UFO researcher in Brazil, who was just about to post s huge volume on his findings, has gone missing, and likened the matter to that oldie but goodie TV series.)

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