Tuesday 19 December 2017

The Whole Truth And Nothing But

The latest issue of The New American magazine - normally an extremely well-researched publication of the John Birch Society (they have to be very careful of their facts, or the Left will hang them out to dry) - although giving due credit to Western Civilization for its enormous contributions to the world, also featured (in that same context) an article about a timely subject that needed more care in that regard.  My response:  

December 19, 2017

Dear Sirs:

In his article in the December 18th issue of your excellent magazine entitled ‘Jesus, A Man of History,’ Steve Byas tried to make a case for just that.  Unfortunately for Christians, evidence has been brought to light in our day that indicates that ‘Jesus’ was the concoction principally of a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian, who was also of the priestly lineage of his people of origin, who feathered his own nest by moving, cuckoo-like, into that of the imperial household of the Roman emperors of the time, and thereby, along with a hefty band of his priestly brethren whom he was able to bring along with him (and their families), ‘lived to fight another day’ in the form of many of the early bishops of a new religion - Christianity - and even some of the emperors of Rome.

Needing to be noted: Christianity did not originate among the lower classes in Judea.  It was a creation of a Roman imperial family, the Flavians.

The key is in the name: Flavius Josephus.  Josephus, that updated story goes, seeing the writing on the wall with the siege and sacking of Jerusalem by Titus and his subsequent destruction of the Temple there, saw as well an opportunity by it all: to entice his way into the household of the imperial family of the Flavians - of Vespasian and his sons, Titus and Domitian (the sons to become caesars in their turn).  The plan: to capitalize on the Jews’ belief in a militant Messiah - the main cause of their incessant rebelling against the might of imperial Rome - by making Titus - Vespasian’s eldest son - out to be that very figure; sent by God to chastise the Jews for being so stiff-necked and failing to ‘render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,’ as he put it in the fable that he was about to concoct.  Which was to portray Titus as having been ‘foretold’ by a pacifistic messianic figure back at the beginning of that very generation (a generation being 40 years in the reckoning of the day); and as foretold, in the form of a conveniently labeled Son of Man, by Jewish prophetic literature.  Josephus - and perhaps others of the Flavian household - making up the figure of Jesus out of the whole cloth of some of the stories of god-men extant at the time, and going all the way back in time to the Egyptian Osiris-Isis-Horus myth of some 1500 years previously; the people enjoying a good story about such characters, which peppered the Hellenistic culture of the time.  The tipoff to the deception: The public ministry of the character Jesus precisely paralleled, in typological form, the ‘later’ military campaign of Titus in Judea.  And to top it all off, Josephus wrote himself into his story, in the form of his alter ego, Saul become Paul (the play of a man becoming known by another name a satire on his own deceit).  

The true story of all this is contained in the works about that time period by a meticulous researcher by the name of Ralph Ellis; in the remarkable job of sleuthing entitled ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill; and in the eye-opening book ’The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia’ by Flavio Barbiero.  The myth being uncovered in our time.  And just in time, to keep the Christians of our day from creating a nuclear holocaust, in self-fulfilling prophecy of an Armageddon-like ending of human history.  

Our history, as it has been, may well end, in our time.  But it doesn’t have to be in the form of an atrocity.  It can be in the form of Truth coming out.  About a lot of things.   

Surely that is the commitment to hold, for a Child of God.

(P.S. I really should have given credit as well to the extremely well-researched (to the point of her learning Greek) works of D.M. Murdock, aka Acharya S, and to the insightful book titled ‘Man Made God’ by Barbara G. Walker. 
     The ladies have really come through in this regard.  All due credit to the distaff side.

(PP.S. And I could be wrong in all this.  But I don't think I am.  Too much - far more than I outlined in my letter - points to its being true.
     And so the need for us to deal with it.  As we also need to deal with the terrible, and embarrassing, corruption going on in the U.S., in our time.  
     And responsibility for cleaning it up.)

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