Saturday 16 December 2017

The Guilty And The Not-So Innocent

A friend has sent me a comment on their uneasiness with all the ‘sexual harassment’ stuff going on, as to how it a) undercuts the basic principle of being innocent until proven guilty, and b) could lead to witch hunts.  My response:

“Indeed.  You need to understand, though, that this is all part of a plan.  The New World Order crowd are out to take down their arch nemesis, Trump - who came out of nowhere to rain on their parade into their final, total control over humanity, just within striking distance now - with all stops out.  Any way they can.  The technique was neatly laid out by Chicago-area 'community organizer' Saul Alinsky in his classic manual 'Rules for Radicals,' wherein he outlines the strategy of the cultural and political overthrowers: 'Whatever It Takes.'   'By Any Means Necessary.'  (There is even a 'gang' out now in the U.S. that calls itself BAMN.)  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill.  No morals involved, because there are no 'morals'.  There is only 'Whatever It Takes' to rule, in a relative universe.  (His book was dedicated to 'Lucifer - the first Radical.')  And this is the guy whom Hillary wrote her graduation-degree thesis about, and found so 'winning' that she has emulated his 'morals' ever since.  Hence the trail of bodies in the wake of 'the Bonnie And Clyde of American Politics,' as Bill and Hill have been called.

“Not to say that the far Left (really, the statists at the far end of both sides of the political aisle; being the same nest of vipers at the top of what is, rather, a pyramid, of power; not a linear political grouping) has a monopoly on this particular technique, of smearing people with sexual accusations; both sides are in on it now (although those on the Right side of the aisle are actually outing more of the real thing).  Because we are no longer living in a climate of the rule of law.  We are living in a climate of the rule of men.  A/k/a arbitrary law.  A/k/a tyranny.  Where Anything Goes.

“Yes, we need to get back to 'fairness,' as in the understanding that you are innocent until proven guilty.  But the Dark side has to bring things to a head, in this very clear battle - war - between the Way of the Dark and the Way of the Light.  For the latter Way ultimately to win the 'day,' and take over the ruling of this planet.  Because it's that time.  And Time.

“And the Light wins, because it Is.  Whereas the Dark has to 'rely' on the Light for its very being.  

“Which is part of why it is so angry about those on the Light side.  And wants to do them in.  By

“Whatever It Takes.


“Any Means Necessary.

“And needs, now, to be stopped in its tracks.  So, good on you for having the idea, and gumption, even to think of writing a Letter to the Editor on the subject.  For being so offended by the outrageousness of that way of being.  Because there are, indeed, some innocent people being caught up in this witch hunt.  Or could be, the way it is being pursued. 

“I have been disturbed by how it has gotten so out of hand, myself.  Yes, a lot of this sort of thing has needed to come out.  People - especially people involved in power situations - have been living without basic morals for a long time, and have needed to be caught up in 'the error of their ways'.  All such things - everything - coming out, now.  To be looked at.  In the light - and Light - of the New Day dawning; for all humanity.”

A relative universe…

This is a significant factor in the attempted takedown, by this specific tool, of the arch Christian, Roy Moore.

I don’t share in his belief system, but I detest the mentality behind his attempted takedown on this ‘religious’ aspect of the matter in particular.  These are not just atheists that we are up against, which would be bad enough in its own right, but outright satanists.  This is total war.

And a bit further on this idea of a ‘relative universe’.  

This idea is also what is behind a pet peeve of mine: the terrible state of the ability of many people in this country to spell correctly.  Time after time after time I come across people’s comments on email articles where misspelled words leave me appalled, and even outraged at the execrable level of teaching in this country.  Some people call those who periodically point out someone’s spelling mistakes as ’spelling Nazis’;’ but that is neither fair nor comprehending of the true ramifications of the problem.  For one thing:

Not to spell correctly means that the person’s brain has not been trained sufficiently to note the details of things; and that can affect not only their own lives, but the life of the country that they are responsible for helping to keep functioning on a healthy level.  It cultivates the idea of ‘good enough’.  If something is close to ‘right,’ but not actually ‘right,’ - ‘oh well - close enough’.  Taken to its extreme in this country, there is the phenomenon of the nation having allowed an ineligible person not only to occupy the highest office in the land for one day, or one week, or one month, or one year, but to rub our noses in this phenomenon of sloppy thinking by even re-electing the ineligible person for another four years.*  Outrageous. What the hell are you people thinking about???

I’ll tell you what you are not thinking about.  You are not thinking about getting things right.  Because you have been allowed to get away with sloppy thinking ever since you were in your lower grades of school.  And were let down by your teachers, in this particular regard.  (As in many others; but that’s for another day.)

As further fallout from this phenomenon - of our having been trained not to notice the detail of things - consider:

Many teachers (or actually: indoctrinators) are ‘teaching’ that 2 + 2 can = 5, or whatever one wants it to, since, in a relative universe, it all depends on the context.  And similarly, black can be white.  For, there is no right or wrong but thinking makes it so.    

And thus the reason that our erstwhile masters are so antagonistic to, and attempting to take down, Christianity.  Because there are no morals per se; let alone ‘Christian morals’.  One way of life is just as ‘good’.as another.  

And thus the reason that our erstwhile masters are encouraging the LGBTQ+ business.  Which conditions are abnormal.  Off the norm.

Except in a relative universe.

Where, once your erstwhile masters have succeeded in taking down the ’old,’ they will establish their own brand of ‘morality’.  Which, roughly stated, is that

What is right is whatever advances our cause.  And what is wrong is whatever impedes that outcome.

Paying attention now to the ‘little details,’ Citizen???

* This is NOT rocket science, or arcane legal mumbo-jumbo.  Read my  lips, since you may not be able to read my writing: 
   As I have explained in these pages before, bur will again, for those of you who are latecomers:  A ‘natural born’ citizen is a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof.  (That’s what makes it ‘natural,’ for heaven’s sake, as opposed to any other kind of citizen.  So that the person has NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Has SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the country in which he or she is born.  The quote being from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’. For which there is considerable historical evidence that the constitutional Framers were fully aware of, and informed about; too detailed to go into here.
   The main problem in this whole atrocious affair is undoubtedly that the citizenry figured that if were some problem with the Usurper, Obama, being eligible for that job, that the Republicans would have said something about it.  But that assumption would, and did, not take into consideration that they might have wanted the ’little detail’ of his ineligibility not to be broached; that they might want to run their own ineligible candidate(s) through that breach in the wall of the Constitution.  Which they in very fact did, subsequently, in the 2016 elections, when they allowed a whole paste of ineligible candidates to runoff that office (Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio, and Bobby Jindal, and Rick Santorum).    
   Anybody playing real attention to this sort of thing would have noted that both major political parties tried a total of 8 times between them, between 2003 and ’08 alone. to get constitutional amendments starting through Congress on this issue - proposals all of which had this particular ‘detail’ as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this issue.  So, what did they do, in the light of subsequent facts??  It’s obvious what they did: they colluded, in an attempt to do an end around on the Constitution and the American people on the matter; obviously figuring that, between them, they had sufficient control over both the media and the judicial branch of government to get away with their ‘little bit’ of subterfuge.  And besides, there has been so much fudging by the government with the Constitution over the past while that they must have figured that The People had gone asleep sufficiently not to care about a ‘little detail’ like whether something was strictly ‘constitutional’ or not.  How old-fashioned.  And anyway, the Constitution was “just a damn piece of paper,” according to Bush Jr. while in the top office in the land, and nobody said anything about that.  So - what’s the problem???  
   The problem is that it is wrong.
   In this universe.
   And needs to be corrected.
   And, like,


P.S. And further on Having Had Enough, before hanging 'em up for the night:

this, from ‘Obama Plant Judge Overrules President Trump - We Must All Pay Abortion Extortion’ - Rick Wells - December 17 
(U.S. District ’Judge’ Wendy Beetlestone doing her duty as an Obama appointee to the federal bench, overruling Pres. Trump on the mandatory birth control/abortion aspects of Obamacare, whereby employees like the Little Sisters of the Poor have to cover their employees for their abortions…
the lawsuit forcing them to do so having been pushed by the Pennsylvania AG guy name of Josh Shapiro.   A lover of rule by dictatorial mandates.  Like a good globalist.
The site - which I have had trouble with before - won’t let me post there; it keeps saying “Forbidden: Sender blacklisted.  You posted too quickly; you may try again in a few seconds.”  I know darn well that Rick Wells himself wouldn’t have blocked me, would have had no good reason to; he’s more outspoken than I have ever been here.  Something’s wrong here.  In any event, this is what I would have said:)  

Stan - December 17

Marry in haste, repent at leisure.  Let an ineligible person into the Oval Office, who is a Marxist to boot, and see what you get: Judges that he appoints ruling, not by the rule of law as codified in the Constitution, but by their own personal socio-political proclivities - the so-called 'activist judges' phenomenon, but writ large, under the 'fundamental transformation of the U.S.A.' that the Usurper promised.  It is a terrible, terrible disgrace, and needs to be righted just as soon as possible: 

Obama arrested and brought to trial, on a whole host of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason; and, contingent upon the outcome of a fair trial - under American Common Law; not the Admiralty Law that has infested our judicial court system for far too long - all of the legislation that the Usurper signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts - go with him. Into the trash bin.  Where they all belong.  And this, along with a wholesale setting of things to rights in this country's governance.

Which is long overdue.

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