Sunday 24 December 2017

The New Paradigm

A fellow who runs a 'spiritual' site online and who believes, with many others, in 'the Reval' -  a re-valuation of the world's currencies, in line with their country's resources potential, and the currencies to be backed by gold and other precious metals, and/or a 'basket of commodities' (i.e.: resource-based/asset-backed); the process also being called the GCR, for 'Global Currency Reset' (thus also the term GCR/RV) - has queried one of his sources of spiritual advice that he gets through various channelers about the argument that, if everybody who has ventured into the foreign currency 'business' - for either personal gain or out of honorable intentions to help lift the world out of poverty and into a state of Abundance - is suddenly flooded with huge amounts of money, won't sellers of goods and services just increase their prices, and thereby simply start a process of inflation all over again???

I forget what this particular source 'told' him in response to his credulity in this form of advice.  I think it was something along the lines of 'Don't worry; there will be a new spirit afoot, of the Tsunami of Love that our Divine Mother has triggered for us' or some such response.  This sort of response needs a little more elaboration.

Taken just by itself, it sounds as though the idea is that people will somehow simply enter into the spirit of the thing, and just 'go with the flow,' in the same system as abides today.  I beg to differ.

For such a thing to happen, the system itself would need to change.  Not just the spirit activating it.

I am talking about this business of interest-bearing money, and its partner in crime, fractional-reserve banking.

A system based on personal aggrandizement.  And on debt.

Where we are headed, as we also gain the benefit of new technology, is a system of exchange wherein people will share their goods and services with one another - and give of their best in the process - out of a higher motive than the old-age one of seeking a 'profit'.1  Out of the highest motive that there could ever be:

Out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.

Out of, in a word:


And there you have your operative motivating factor for the future on this planet.2

Which itself is going Up.

With us.

Or without us.

Your choice.

More to come.

In The New Dispensation of Time.

That the 'draining of the swamp' being engaged in by the U.S.'s president, Donald J. Trump, is preparing us for.

God moving in mysterious ways.  Etc.



1 For what does it profit a man to seek the whole world, and lose his own soul in the process??  Or words, and sentiment, to that effect.
   Understanding that As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally.  For, We Are All One.  And All Is One.

2 We certainly don't need 'a hair of the hound' that got us into this mess in the first place.  Putting off cures for cancer as long as possible, because the condition is so profitable for the medical-pharmaceutical-hospital complex, etc. etc. etc. in that profitable vein??  And that makes sense to you???
   Get thee behind me, if so.

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