Sunday 17 December 2017

The U.S. Must Apologize To The World

No wonder the Illegal Aliens (IAs) have come and keep coming here: The U.S. is a honey pot, with an open lid, enticing them here.

Case in point: the article in the current/December issue of the bipartisan-but-mostly-conservative government watchdog non-profit Judicial Watch's monthly newsletter 'Verdict' headed 'Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. Taxpayers A Stunning $134.9 Billion A Year'.  It details, from a recent report developed by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), all the goodies that IAs get from the U.S. taxpayers on the local, state and federal levels (with the taxes that they pay "in no way significant enough to offset the growing financial burdens imposed on U.S. taxpayers by massive numbers of uninvited guests").

Ah, but that latter reference is not quite a correct statement.  Many of them have been 'invited' here - by employers looking to cut their costs by hiring er, 'undocumented workers'.  So, this is not just a scam, of terrible proportions, inflicted on this country by the far Left, in its attempts to overthrow this country - by flooding it with voters (the initiative helped along strategically by states not cleaning their voter registration rolls the way they should, by federal law; see also the article 'JW's Robert Popper Testifies Before Trump's Advisory Commission On Election Integrity' in the same issue) who will help along the elimination of our borders, and also help bankrupt the nation (see the Cloward-Piven Strategy), on the way to the establishing of a mere region of the long-planned-for totalitarian New World Order of our erstwhile masters.  So, this is part of a long-standing Plan that has involved a pincer movement, from both the far Left of politics and the far Right; in a scissors strategy designed to sever humanity from its natural roots in Individuality (the essence of the U.S.A. governmental structure, and the resultant 'American Dream') and make us all - excepting, of course, them - merely parts of their Collective.

Natural.  From being, in our essence, 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.

And so, this business is a part of that long-term Strategy.

And that is why we should, indeed, apologize to the world.

We have, albeit mostly unwittingly, been party to its downfall.

Like a ripe fruit.

Into the hands of satanists.

A strategy that they almost got away with.


For, fortunately,  there have been enough U.S. citizens awake enough to suss out what has been going on.

And have set about doing something about it.

In the great old American tradition of the 7th Cavalry, riding to the rescue, just in the nick of time.

But in the meantime; for all the lives that this strategy has unsettled:

Apologies are in order.


And P.S. I see that former AG Eric Holder has warned Trump that if he tries to fire Mueller (in his nothing burger of an investigation into Trump's purported alliance with Russia in the latter's purported meddling in the last elections; all a smokescreen behind which to hide/attempt to hide the real crimes going on behind the scenes, with the Hillary Uranium One (very lucrative) deal and the DNC & the Hillary camp collusion; which ended up with the murder of Seth Rich), he, Eric I-hold-the-cards-in-this-game Holder, will call out the attack dogs of the far Left and have them riot in the streets.

What supreme arrogance.

If I were President Trump,  -

but there are a lot of things that I would do if I were in President Trump's position.

No sense in going into all that here.

It's all moot, anyway.

...but if it isn't:

I am of a mind to say to Mssr. Holder:

Bring it on, friend.

Bring it on.


have I got news for you.

Which would be the next 'header' that I would like to read about.

Being sick and tired of these headlines that I have had to read.

For long enough, now.

About the state of the world.

My world.

About to change.

But, contrary to the best-laid plans of these vermin in charge of things at this time:

for the better.

And in actual, precise fact:

for the very best.

And so I say:

Bring it on.

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