Wednesday 16 May 2018

A Close Call

Now let me get this straight.  'You' - either by commission or by omission - turned over the printing presses of your - and my - nation's currency to a private consortium of bankers, and to add insult to that injury, you failed to set up any Congressional-oversight administration of an audit of the workings of that - this - private consortium.

And so, it could have been printing up suitcases and suitcases, and suitcases, of currency, and slipping it out into the 'economy,' through its chosen sources, gently enough to keep inflation from growing at too noticeable a pace.  And those chosen people and institutions could have been using that largesse to do such things as quietly buy up property and businesses, and political offices, down even to the local level, of the likes of mayors and sheriffs, and boards of 'education' (read, more precisely: indoctrination).  All, in preparation for the takeover of this country - and ultimately, the world - by these Insiders.  In effect: mobsters...

If it weren't for my love for this country, I would let you lot stew in the pot of the consequences of your actions, and inactions.  But this country is more important than the fine details of your lessons, and education in general.  So I will take over now, and set things to rights.

But a close call, then.

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