Saturday 12 May 2018

On Summation

It’s time for a graduation.  Ready individually or not.


‘Money’ - i.e., money as we have come to know it: interest-beatring money; the monetary system that the bulk of the world is operating under - is keeping humanity from further, ‘proper’ progress.  (As exemplified by the bald statement recently, and admission, by a money-manufacturing outfit, regarding a cure for cancer, that “There is no money in it”.)  It therefore has to go.  At least in the form that it has been in; and graduate to a form - of keeping track of simple credits and debits - that is more in keeping with the level of technology that we have attained. 

In any event: If the bankers can create money out of thin air - as they do - so can The People, through their government; and thereby, cut out the middleman; who may well have other interests than those of The People, anyway.1 

These little pieces of paper, that humanity has become so enamored of, are just that, in their essence - little pieces of paper.  It is what they represent - stand in for - that is what counts.  They represent purchasing power.  But anything can represent that.  Blips on a screen can represent that.  Pluses and minuses.  You provide a good or service, and you get blips on the plus side; you avail yourself of a good or service, and you ‘get’ blips on the minus side.2  And ‘money’ - i.e., the making of money - thereby no longer becomes the object of the exercise; rather, the provision of goods and/or services to The Body of society does.  

As it could have been before this.  If humanity hadn’t succumbed to the lure, and scam, of usury. 

Which is all that the concept of interest-bearing money is in its fundamental reality:

a scam.

People, please grasp this:

‘Wealth’ under the system of usury is all in your heads.  Is but a concept, in its essence; a mental construct.  Not a reality.  And it’s time - for many reasons, now; not the least of which is the continuation of ‘higher’ life on Earth - for humanity to leave that concept behind.  And enter a New Era.

The New Era.

The ‘Era’ of

The Real Thing.

Why will people provide goods and services to each other if there is ‘no money’ in it for them??  For the same reason that they provide goods and services to each other under the Islamic way of being:

because it creates community. In a community setting.  Under God.   (And now, under the One TRUE God.)  Wherein, As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself.  Literally.  For, we are all One.  And All IS


When you graduate from elementary school.  And enter the higher grades of your education.  As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

So, thanks to the Muslim world for showing us what can be accomplished without usury as a carrot.  And thanks to the capitalist world for showing us what we, with our inbuilt individual ingenuity, are capable of.  And, to both of these examplars for showing us what we are capable of if perversion creeps in to the equation, of human existence.

It’s time to graduate, folks.  And as I say:

Ready, individually.

Or not.

This ship is going Up.  With you.  Or without you.

Your choice.   


In conclusion.

Making money is not the point of life.  Growing up to be the best reflection of your Creator Source that you can be is the point of life.  And we are going to concentrate on that part of the experience now, as we enter the realm of The Real Thing.  And leave the elementary part of our schooling behind.  Its job done.

That is to say: for most of us.

As for the rest, who are still a little wet behind the ears:

Better luck next time.  But your lack of readiness is not going to hamper the advancement of the rest.  Who are going


A notch.  Or two.  Or three.  On their way back Up to


The richer for the experience.  Speaking of


True wealth.

And me?

After a short break (perhaps perfecting my desire to design and create a flower, complete with its particular scent, for its particular web-of-life purpose.  And how about the ability to create a hummingbird.  Now, that’s accomplishment for you), I will probably be sent out on another such mission, to help free and bring in sheep caught in the brambles of their lives.

Now, that’s Love for you.


1 The bankers - via their creation called the Federal Reserve (which was/is neither Federal nor does it have any Reserves; but it sounds good) - were supposed to do the job better than the government, because they would be - so it was sold - more responsible, not profligate, and would stop the incessant booms and busts that had plagued the workings of the economy over the years.  But in tact, it - well dubbed The Creature of Jekyll Island, after the location where it was hatched - ended up, through its control of the money supply, creating the very things that it was supposed to eliminate - booms and busts; which the Insiders then capitalized on, and literally as well.
   This way is holding humanity back from the likes of ‘a cure for cancer’.  God’s Way is to bring that sort of thing out.
   But not to get ahead of myself, in this statement on Summation…   

2 Yes yes: ‘They’ would love to lure us into such a ‘moneyless’ society, have all our monetary dealings electronic, as a form of people control - so that ‘they’ could cut us off at the first sign of our resistance to, and rebellion against, The System.  But there is nothing wrong with the idea in principle.  It all depends on whose hands it is in.
   This concern is about such a system being in the hands of those running the reverse image of
   the Real thing.  
   For more on which, read on.

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