Sunday 27 May 2018

How Times Have Changed

  …Or Have They

I have had occasion very recently to reacquaint myself with the eminent Roman statesman Cicero and his times, through the novel about him by that marvelous painter with words, Taylor Caldwell; said work of art entitled ‘A Pillar of Iron’.  And such was that man, indeed; so dedicated as he was to the Law, even at his pre-Christian time aligned beyond Roman Law - as enshrined in its Constitution - to God’s Law, or at least, as close to the latter as they could fathom in their time, of a welter of gods, but above all, the Unknown God.

‘In their time.’  And how similar it was to ours.  In so many ways.  The same sorts of socio-political questions, and intrigues, and deceits; accomplishments and failures…

“I am weary” of it all, he says at one low point for him; a fighter for the Republic and its Law, and against its betrayal…

I was moved at one point today from my engrossment in the book’s pages - including its ample examples of what Caldwell characterizes as man’s “bestial enormities” - with the thought: 

Man, with his little plans
Is a bore.  No.  More.


In Cicero’s day there were assassinations galore as Rome turned from hardy Republic into venal Empire.  And what do we have going on?  The same sort of thing.  Not only the trail of bodies left in the wake of ‘the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics,’ Bill and Hill, as they seek after ultimate power (in league with their NWO compatriots).  But all the ‘mysterious deaths’ of holistic types of medical practitioners and researchers who have dared to challenge Big Pharma (read, more fully: the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex), in alerting the public to a) the dangers of the pharmaceutical approach to the matter of ‘health,’ and b) the existence and superiority of natural approaches to said subject (the deaths relating in particular to the multi-billion-dollar ‘treatment’ of cancer).

Which brings to mind the advice even of the Father of (at least Western) Medicine, Hippocrates, who famously counseled: ‘Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.’   

And likewise forgotten - consciously betrayed - has been his advice to practitioners of the ’healing’ arts:   

‘First: Do No Harm.’

My, how times have changed…

In certain aspects.

And not at all in others.

P.S. My dally load of snail-mail requests for donations to various worthy causes has today turned up one that says in part:

“’Duane, you can save and transform lives with your gift…”

It is a request for a donation to ”help [X no. depending on donation amount] refugees get seeds and faming tools so they can feed their family and earn an income…”

I’ve got a better idea, and ’gift’ to offer.  And it will do away with all the ‘best-laid plans of mice and men’ as well:

Release the current monetary and financial systems, and turn to God’s Law, called, in essence, the Golden Rule.  

There.  Now, that’s what I would call making a difference.

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