Saturday 26 May 2018

All's Aglow On The Western Front

1) A relative, living here in my home state of California, sent me an email that included comment on one of the candidates for the Republican nomination for governor.  My response:

“As for Travis Allen: Yes, that's the name.  I take his email postings, so I keep up with the nominating business that way.  I'm not sure why Trump came out in support of the other Repub in the race, Cox.  He seems to be more of a moderate, go-along-to-get-along, Establishment figure.  Maybe Trump did that as a favor to the Repub Establishment.  Bad move.  He is unsettling his base.  CA needs a Real Deal, hard-hitter.  The voters need a clear choice: More of the same old same old, or a breakaway from the crap.  [And then, once started, I got into it, a bit more:]

“I hadn't realized how bad things had gotten in this state until I came back to live here.  I refuse to vote, because - as I put it, if anybody asks - I don't want to commit a crime.  More specifically: I don't want to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  It is basically a crime to vote in this state, because it is a stacked deck: The voter reg rolls are chockfull of the names of illegal aliens and other non-citizens and ineligible voters, or duplicate voters.  Why??  Because CA is breaking the law, and not cleaning their voter reg rolls, the way they are supposed to, by federal law.  My position: Clean Elections Or No Elections.  But then, I'm a purist.  But something has to get the attention of the people, to demand that the electoral process be cleaned up.

“If it were up to me, I would send a team of Federal Marshals into this state, and have them secure all the county voter reg rolls in a lightning move, and have them gone through by a team of Certified Public Accountants, and be cleaned out of the trash on them; thus to show the state and country voters how bad it has gotten in CA.*  But then, that's just me.

“Sign me

“Disgusted with the current state - and State - of affairs

  • And also under the Motor Voter Law here, whereby illegal aliens have been signaled to get out and vote - and now, with the addition of making it even legal for illegal aliens to apply for and obtain a driver's license in this state.  All of it a signal to the Democrats' base, including the illegals, to get out there and vote, and nobody will check up on them.  Disgusting stuff.”

2) from ‘How Justice Kennedy Helped Tear Our Moral Fabric’ - Gary DeMar - May 25/6 (orig. at - May 23) 
(A discussion about the same-sex SCOTUS decision - where swingman Kennedy sided with the liberals on the Court - and related subjects.)

(N.B. I posted a response to this article, which appeared briefly and then suddenly disappeared, not subsequently to reappear.  I used the word ‘tyranny’ in it; I fear that I may have been a victim of an algorithmic censorship; things being what they are these days, in cyberland.  Here’s the gist of what I posted:)

"We are experiencing the consequences of our actions in muddled applications of our Constitution in our form of government.

"In our form of a federal government, as opposed to a centralized form of government, the federal government is a government of limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man considered the Father of the Constitution, James Madison.  Those powers have mostly to do with this nation’s relationships with other nations, and with our borders - our national sovereignty and safety.  The Bill of Rights is a set of examples of limitations on the powers of the federal government - as codified in the 9th and 10th Amendments therein.  Our individual rights and powers are secured for us in our state constitutions (with the constitutions of the original 13 Colonies fairly similar in certain conditions; such as “the right to keep and bear arms”).  

"The 14th Amendment has been construed far beyond its ‘original intent’ - the proper reading of the terms of a contract.  Said contract - this nation’s Constitution - being capable of being amended, in a proper, to say allowed-for, way.  By, that is to say, the rule of law.  Not by the rule of men.  Aka arbitrary law.  Aka tyranny."     

(N.B. i tried again, posting this version, and lo - it has stayed up.  Under the poster name of BlueSword.  
I accept the title - awarded by algorithm, presumably - graciously.  It almost - almost - makes up for the original censoring that seemed to be going on.
     A terrible subject in its own right.)

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